• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Stranger Things D&D Starter Set For Free

    Hasbro is offering the Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set rulebook for free download as a PDF. It's the 23-page book which came in the Stranger Things boxed set a few years ago and contains the basic rules of the game. The boxed set also came with other materials which aren't...
  2. Plaguescarred

    D&D General Goblin Campaign Ideas

    I will soon start a campaign where the characters are all goblins and look for ideas for it to stand out from more traditional campaign. So far their homebase will be a goblin lair where they launch raids on nearby roads and settlements, explore nearby notable features of the land such as...
  3. Plaguescarred

    D&D General What if D&D 5E Was Released in 1974?

    Following the News Piece 1981 thread, it got me thinking, taken the huge success that D&D had when it was released, in the shape or form it was published back then, what do you think its success would have been if 5E had been instead, with all the differences both mechanically and esthetically...
  4. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Cryptex

    I want to drop a cryptex in my campaign, for those who ignore what it is, it's a portable vault used to hide secret messages, scroll etc. I'm not too sure on the method to open it. A Skill challenge seems like a natural fit, a serie of Intelligence (Investigation) checks where success unlock it...
  5. Plaguescarred


    Hello i don't know if i can post here. I'm starting a long campaign in the WORLD of GREYHAWK. It will be a tailored game a bit more gritty and classic feel played every other Monday 10 AM to 2 PM EST using Roll20/Discord. See listing for more info. Campaign rules found in the thread titled POST...
  6. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Lycanthrope Cursed PC

    As a DM, how do you handle a PC that miss a saving throw and become lycanthrope? Do you give the additional features and let it immediatly master them? Do you make it transform uncontrollably during full moons and control their PC in were form, slowly mastering it over time? Do you retire the PC...
  7. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Basic D&D Campaign

    Have you ever played or run a campaign using D&D Basic rules only? If not would you?
  8. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Green Dragon Lair

    Not long ago in my GREYHAWK campaign the party was tempted to go in the Gnarley Forest to find the lair of Chaustichlorinus, the green dragon that terrorize Verbobonc's region. They're south but heading soon there. Apart from the typical cavern, i am looking for interesting suggestion for a...
  9. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Risk of Suffocating

    The Rug of Smothering has the ability to smother targets, who become at risk of suffocating. What do you think it means rule-wise? They can't breath and must hold their breath? They run out of breath and will suffocate at the start of their next turn? If i compare it to the Whelm's attack of a...
  10. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Invisibility and positioning

    How do you guys handle positioning when unseen, wether invisible, heavily obscured or blinded? Do you make such creature's location still known (as well as miniature if playing with them) or you don't? It's a subject of contention in our group with people coming off various edition, AD&D folks...
  11. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Hangout with D&D Sundering Authors

    On Tuesday, October 7th from 8-9 pm EST R.A. Salvatore led a live, riveting conversation with his fellow Sundering authors: The Sundering Wrap-up: A conversation between the authors to discuss The Sundering books, now that the last book in the series has been released. Fantasy’s Greatest...
  12. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E D&D Podcast: Author and The Modelmaker

    Author and The Modelmaker D&D Podcast By D&D Team Author David Ewalt discusses his book, Of Dice and Men, now in paperback. Then, Mat Smith covers the stunning models he created for the PAX Prime D&D Live Games. ​
  13. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E D&D Podcast: Artisis and Authors

    Artists and Authors D&D Podcast By D&D Team Tyler Jacobson discusses cover art for the core rulebooks. R.A. Salvatore and Troy Denning join the conversation about the end of The Sundering and start of the Tyranny of Dragons! ​
  14. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Follow The Sage Advices

    FYI https://thesageadvice.wordpress.com compile devs rulings and sends notifications upon recoding them. A must follow for any good Sage Advices fan! Thanks Zoltar!
  15. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E PAX Prime D&D Live Game With Acquisitions Incorporated

    If you missed the Pax Prime D&D Live Game with Acquisitions Incorporated here's the replay link: http://www.twitch.tv/pax/c/5035924
  16. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E One Thousand Pre-Generated Basic Characters

    RogerC rolled up a few Basic characters. A thousand, actually. And posted on the D&D forums. You can take a look here. Might be useful to someone out there. Thanks Roger!
  17. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E Converting Older Editions Modules

    Converting Older Editions Modules I am sure WoTC will eventually publish guidelines to convert older edition materials. In the meantime, if some of you look for guidelines to convert older edition modules, i did a few in the past and can help if you want. When i convert older edition modules to...
  18. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E D&D Spellbook Cards Preview

    D&D Spellbook Cards Preview By Gale Force 9 These decks of spell cards are an invaluable resource for any magic-user. Consult the entire deck when selecting new spells to learn, and after a long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. Each deck is made from thick...
  19. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E The Impenetrable Darkness

    5E's Impenetrable Darkness syndrome all over again! This happened during 4E early days during first PHB release for those who remember and still happen here. As written, when you are in darkness, you are blinded and cannot see any remove lit area and people within, which is a problem RAW. Any...
  20. Plaguescarred

    D&D 5E D&D Starter Set Up to a Good Start! [SPOILER]

    Just ran my daughters (9 & 10) though ‪#‎DnD‬ Starter Ser adventure intro after some RP in Neverwinter. On the road, they immediatly suspected an ambush upon seeing dead arrowed horses Surprise almost TPKed them due to luck DM rolls! : ) They dispatched them, found and followed a trail up to...