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Search results

  1. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Guild Adepts: Ruins of Mezro

    Hey all, with Tomb of Annihilation on the shelves, I'd like to draw your attention to Ruins of Mezro: a tie-in product that I've just submitted to the DMs Guild as part of the "Guild Adepts" program http://www.dmsguild.com/product/220852/Ruins-of-Mezro It's a 40-page guide to running sandbox...
  2. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Emirikol the Chaotic

    Has Emirikol the Chaotic ever been officially tied to a campaign setting? (The wizard on the horse rampaging through that town in the 1E DMG) I'm guessing Greyhawk, if anything? Apparently he featured in "A Paladin in Hell" but I've not read that adventure. Is it setting-neutral?
  3. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E The Classic Dungeon

    I'm going to draw a one-page dungeon. I want it to channel all the classic D&D dungeon elements into a single site, however old-hat they may seem now. The sort of thing you'd run for your children on their Very First Adventure. So far I have the dungeon situated under a tavern, with a tavern...
  4. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Which monsters have the most exciting powers?

    Which monsters have the most exciting attack powers? From any edition really. I'd like to compile a list of cool monsters powers that I can draw from when customising 5th edition monsters on the fly. For example, I recently ran a 4e adventure with a drow priestess who could transfer damage...
  5. Will Doyle

    Hawk the Slayer sequel

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/723609774/hawk-the-hunter Fundraiser for an official Hawk the Slayer sequel!
  6. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E What ability check for piloting a ship?

    What ability check should I use for piloting a ship? For example, steering the ship through treacherous reefs, steering through a storm, or avoiding a collision between vessels. I was thinking Intelligence, with proficiency bonus added if I'm proficient in Vehicles (Water). However, I could see...
  7. Will Doyle

    I defended the walls

    But I missed the boat for my badge :( Posting here as per the latest update!
  8. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Last chance to win an awesome signed PHB!

    Hey folks, it's your last chance to enter my raffle for a 5th Edition Player's Handbook signed by the whole D&D team! I'm going to do the draw tomorrow (28th) at 6 pm GMT. It's only the price of a cup of coffee to enter, and all proceeds go to Games Aid, an excellent charity that helps disabled...
  9. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Familiars: what happens when the summoner dies?

    What happens to a familiar when its summoner dies? I don't have the books in front of me, but I can't remember this being mentioned in the spell description. Is it? If not, has this topic ever been discussed? Is the world full of familiars summoned by long-dead wizards? Or do they return to...
  10. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E One Campaign To Rule Them All

    5th edition has been variously described as the "edition to rule them all". Now it's out, wouldn't it be cool if Wizards released not one but *all* of their most iconic campaign settings in a single, worlds-spanning adventure path: "one campaign to rule them all"? Each chapter would take our...
  11. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Losing Hit Dice

    Does anything from the official sources cause characters to temporarily lose hit dice? A number of monsters from 4e cause healing surge drain, and I was just wondering if there was any equivalent in 5th? I haven't seen any yet, but I've not been through everything.
  12. Will Doyle

    5th Edition Pixie Party (3rd Level)

    I have just uploaded 5th Edition Pixie Party (3rd Level) to the downloads area. A home-brewed party of six pixie adventurers for my conversion of "Glitterdust" (Dungeon 211). All 3rd level: 2 fighters (Champion & Battlemaster), 2 rangers (Hunter & Beastmaster), a warlock (archfey, pact of the...
  13. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Pixies

    In a couple of weeks, I'm running my "Glitterdust" adventure from Dungeon 211 at the Dragonmeet con in London. The adventure is designed for a party of pixie adventurers. I'd like to convert it for 5th Edition, so I'm going to make a bunch of pregens. How would you build a pixie race? It's for...
  14. Will Doyle

    New Background: Haunted

    I made a new background for 5e: "Haunted". It lets you play a character who is being hounded by a ghost, fey spirit or demon. I fancied trying something a little different! I write about it here on my blog. Or you can just view the file from here.
  15. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Rule of Three 4/4

    D&D Next Q&A is up with some clarification about fighter maneuvers: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/Article.aspx?x=dnd/dndqa/20140404 1) Some fighter maneuvers allow you to combine actions that are available to other characters with your attack (e.g. a push combined with an attack). Others maneuvers...
  16. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E 5e Pregen party for 4th level

    I made a party of four pregen characters for my submission into the D&D Next adventure contest. They're not tied into the adventure in any way, so I'm sharing them here and on my blog in case anyone is looking for ready made characters! They're all 4th level. Glaive Ironcastle, Human Cleric...
  17. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Swarms in 5E

    Swarms don't seem to be included in the latest playtest package. Do any of the recent published adventures feature them? If not, how would you create a swarm in 5E? (apologies if this has been covered already)
  18. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E Tyranny of Dragons D&D minis

    Wizkids and Wizards of the Coast announce a new line of prepainted d&d minis for Tyranny of Dragons: http://wizkidsgames.com/blog/2014/02/07/wizkids-partners-with-wizards-of-the-coast-for-dungeons-dragons-miniatures/ Just when I thought my wallet had recovered from the last lot! :)
  19. Will Doyle

    Name that Mindflayer

    Can anyone find any examples of Mindflayer names from official modules / articles / novels? I'm guessing Cthulhuoid names like "Ach'tkjar'thk" or "Gyr'hzzuk", but I'd like to know for sure.
  20. Will Doyle

    D&D 5E 5th edition character sheet

    Here's my first attempt at a 5th edition character sheet, up to date with the last playtest package. Hope you like it! I've put the full file up in the downloads section: http://www.enworld.org/forum/rpgdownloads.php?do=download&downloadid=993