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Search results

  1. V

    Potential for games and systems for solo roleplaying?

    Anyone else think that solo roleplaying could one day be popular? We could see more games and systems that specialize in solo gaming sometime down the road. What would make it great that it would be like a film with a single protagonist, but you get to create the story! What kinds of genres...
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    Now that Paizo is on the verge of releasing Starfinder, should WotC bring back Star Frontiers?

    Since Paizo is going to create a space opera equivalent to Pathfinder, would it be a good idea for Wizards to create a new version of Star Frontiers to compete with Starfinder? They would have both a high fantasy game and a space opera game to compliment each other.
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    D&D 5E Settings for D&D Next?

    What settings do you wanna see for D&D Next? I wanna see FR, Eberron, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Planescape, Spelljammer, Oriental Adventures, expanded Nentir Vale, and a completely new different setting.
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    Fantasy, sci-fi, and horror movie ideas

    As far as I'm concerned, fantasy, sci-fi, and horror are the most creative genres in filmmaking. There are so many ideas for them. For fantasy movies, I could make something like a sword and sorcery movie that would be pretty brutal and violent. Another movie could be a dark fantasy movie that...
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    Dungeons and Dames

    Has anyone read this webcomic? It's a bonus comic of the Las Lindas comic. It's pretty funny though there aren't many pages cause it's seldom updated. Dungeons and Dames – Comic 1
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    Heavy Gear 4th edition

    I heard that it was supposed to come out late this year, but I heard nothing about it. I wonder if DP9 is still working on it.
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    Hollow Earth Expedition: The D&D of pulp adventure?

    While there are many books for systems based around pulp adventure, HEX is probably the biggest individual game for that genre. Do you think this game fully represents the pulp genre just like D&D represents fantasy?
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    The biggest RPGs

    There may be tons of popular RPGs, but what do you think are the biggest? I think the biggest ones would be D&D, CoC, Traveller, Shadowrun, Rifts, WoD, and Deadlands. I consider GURPS to be the D&D of generic systems, and seems like a game of its own. Do you consider any other RPGs that are huge?
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    BESM anyone?

    Do you think there should be another edition of BESM? I'm surprised that support for it has stopped and I think a new edition would be great so more players could have a chance to play it.
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    Macho Women with Guns

    Not sure if many of you have heard of this game, but it's just like any other RPG, but with only female PC's. Over here is a good source. Those who have heard of or played it, imagine if there was a third edition for this game. The artwork would look less comic-y than the other editions, it...
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    What do you think the 2012 setting is gonna be?

    Since we have a year till the next campaign setting comes out, what do you think it's going to be? I'd like to to be a Lovecraftian horror setting, since Ravenloft was gothic horror. I'd also like it to be a new version of Al Qadim, or have it set in Anchrome.
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    Call of Cthulhu vs World of Darkness

    CoC and WoD, as far as I'm concerned, are the two biggest horror games in the market. They both have their very own unique sorta appeal. What is it that you like in the two games? Which one do you prefer? Do you think that they're both the best in the horror genre?
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    D&D 4E Do you really want Greyhawk and Dragonlance for 4e

    I certainly know both those settings have very big fanbases, especially GH, but in the end, they're both traditional settings like Forgotten Realms. Like many other people say, GH fans nowadays mainly just play the setting for the nostalgia. In my opinion, the two settings are a bit to similar...
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    Unofficial literary LOTR sequel

    I just found out that there was actually a sequel to LOTR written by a Russian author named Nick Perumov. Here's some information from a forum regarding the novel. What do you think? How do you like the idea of a LOTR sequel?
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    Will Torg have a 2nd edition? I heard it was supposed to be released in 2006, but nothing on it.
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    Fantasy vs Sci-fi

    What is it that you like seeing in the usual fantasy and sci-fi settings? I like the usual pseudo-medieval stuff, as well as lots of magic, elves, dragons in fantasy, like D&D and Warcraft. In sci-fi, I like seeing space as an ocean, with all kinds of planets, spaceships, races, energy weapons...
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    Pathfinder 1E Could Pathfinder take D&D's place...

    ...of being the number one RPG game in the world? It seems to me that Pathfinder's community is growing real fast. There's even a CMG adaptation by Wizkids (Heroclix, Mage Knight). I'm sure there's still some competition between the two games, but do you think Pathfinder will soon become the...
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    Pathfinder 1E D&D or Pathfinder?

    Which game do you feel has a better looking universe? While Pathfinder just has Golarion, D&D has other worlds like Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dark Sun, etc.
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    Homebrew world idea I just had

    I just saw a map on the WoTC forum that had a huge map with all kinds of D&D settings, like continents from Eberron, FR, DL, GH, Mystara, Birthright, Dark Sun, and more. If you would would make your own world, how would you like to put continents from settings like Realms, Eberron, Nentir Vale...
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    D&D 4E Which 4e setting do you prefer?

    Which do you like the best?