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  1. D

    Updated Modern

    d20 modern was what I started playing after my college lapse (everybody says college is a great time to game, I found I really didn't have the time). It never got a new version, though, and is somewhat wonky. Wizards never even ported the 3.5 changes into it. At least two pathfinder modern...
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    Twenty plus one

    I was curious about the 4e default pantheon mentioned in the two preview books, so I went looking through them and these are the gods I found. There are supposed to be twenty gods plus one. The Elder Elemental Eye, the Chained God- created the abyss, now imprisoned. I suppose this is the...
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    Rpgnow creditcard information stolen

    Reported on rpg.net, and confirmed by Steve Wieck. I wonder why they store creditcard numbers at all.
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    Graham Hancock- Fingerprints of the Gods

    I've been reading Graham Hancock's 1996 book, Fingerprints of the Gods. I'm about halfway through. The argument he apparently builds up over his entire body of work is that there was a highly advanced civilization 17 or 20 thousand years ago (I'm unclear on this so far) which knew quite a bit...
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    D&D 4E Reported post: UPDATE on 4e(2705175)

    Original post: in Thread UPDATE on 4e Reason: Trolling. Assigned Moderators: (mods who got the Email) April O'Neil, Creideiki, d6, Darkness, Dinkeldog, Dinkeldog2, el-remmen, Eridanis, Henry, Hypersmurf, Pielorinho, Plane Sailing
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    Smallville- Exposed (11/3/2005)

    Was tonight's episode a rerun? Seems like there's usually a thread by this time. Minor spoilers follow. I stopped watching smallville a while ago. The early seasons were great, but then there was too much melodrama and it bugged me, so I haven't seen a complete episode in a while...
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    MnM Ranked Feat Caps

    Maybe I missed this in the book. Some ranked feats are limited by what they improve, and note so in their text- attack focus is limited by your PL attack maximum, for example. Those are easy to figure out. Another feat, like Improved Disarm, gives +2 to disarm attacks per rank. Is the number...
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    Unmodified Skill Points

    Why not just give classes a static number of skill points per level, rather than X + Int Modifier? Perhaps all classes get X+2/level, where X is whatever their static number is now. Maybe give wizards 6 or 8 instead of 4, since they normally are the class that gets the most, skillwise, from a...
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    Refreshing Attacks of Opportunity

    Without the combat reflexes feat, you get one AoO per round. Does this refresh at the beginning of your turn or the end? IE, before my initiative, I take an attack of opportunity. On my turn, I move through a threatened square; they (for whatever reason) try to disarm me and don't have...
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    Actions and Reactions

    I'm trying to revise the way free, swift, reactions, and immediate actions work to make them fit well in my head, basically. Free actions are from the core, swift and immediate actions are from the expanded psionic handbook, among others, and reactions are what MnM calls free actions that can...
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    Reach, charge, and AoO

    You know, I thought I knew the answer to this one, but I was re-skimming the rules and managed to confuse myself. Googling produced no answer, but I'm sure you guys will know this right off. Charge is marked as:AoO:No. This bears the additional note, "1. Regardless of the action, if you move...
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    Multiple Swift Actions

    Suppose my sorceror knows a spell with a casting time of 1 swift action. He wants to cast it twice in one round. He can only perform 1 swift action that round. The first casting is swift. What about the second casting? Is it: A) Impossible. B) A move action. C) A standard action. Strictly...
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    Shadow Conjuration

    "Shadow conjuration can mimic any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (creation) spell of 3rd level or lower." "Shadow objects or substances have normal effects except against those who disbelieve them. Against disbelievers, they are 20% likely to work." Phantom Steed...
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    Marvel Ultimate Series

    So, I mainly read Ultimate X-Men and The Ultimates. I typically wait until they're out in paperback form, because single issues of comics are so short that they bore me. So I'm not into Ultimates 2 yet, for instance, because it hasn't been collected. I keep hearing recommendations for...
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    MnM Damage Save Fiddling

    The damage save in mutants and masterminds is wonky. There's four categories of result on a single d20 roll; this gives wildly varying results on your roll, and very narrow ranges for those results. You typically have a 25% chance of taking a hit, a 25% chance of being stunned, and the rest...
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    Review Excerpt Linking

    On the page for the ENArsenal Two-Bladed Sword, the first review is by Bradford Ferguson. The product review page uses an excerpt from the first line of the review as a link to the review. Unfortunately, the first several words of BF's review are a link to the product at rpgnow, which gets...
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    Unusual Weapon Size: Cost and Weight

    The PHB specifies that a large weapon costs double the medium version, and weighs twice as much. A small weapon costs the same as the medium, but weighs half. It doesn't go any further than that, though there are rules for extrapolating damage for huge, gargantuan, colossal, tiny, diminutive...
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    Parrying as a bonus to AC

    I'm not a big fan of parrying as yet another roll in the round. Particularly at high levels, this tends to bog things down. I'd like to try it as a bonus to AC, based on the skill of the parry-er. What do you (all) think of this feat? Parry: Prereq: BAB +5, Combat Expertise If you are...
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    Superior Expertise

    Anybody know the source for this feat? It's not in the standard SRD, or any book I can think to check in, but googling finds it in a couple of online htmlized SRDs.
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    [MnM] Gadgets and Variable Effects

    Gadgets: 1 pt/rank, allows you to duplicate any power of up to 2 pts/rank by spending a half-action and a hero point. Would you allow an extra for Gadgets like "Expanded Powers" for Transfer, that increases the allowable cost of the duplicated power? ***** In one of the supplements I can't...