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Search results

  1. BluWolf

    Social/Background templates

    It has been a few years since I have posted. I am dusting off my homebrew to start a new campaign. I was wondering if anyone has seen any good write-ups or resources for using templates for background or social statuses? for example; a Noble template vs. a peasant?? Any help would be appreciated.
  2. BluWolf

    Stupid crafting item question

    So thisis going to sound like the noob quesiton of the century.... How much does it cost the caster to create a 1st lvl sleep scorll? 25GP or 12.5 GP?
  3. BluWolf

    Idyllis of the Noob King

    I am running my brand new group of players through Goodman games Idylli of the Rat King next weekend. 5 players all old time 2e players that have been away from the table for 10+ years, plus 1 player who is also a GM and is very seasoned on 3.X. I have read through the module and it seems...
  4. BluWolf

    Belt (Baldric) of Many Axes

    I wanted to create a magic item for a primary recurring NPC in my campaign. He is the Captain Marshall of the main city in the campaign and he will be a recurring (ally) of the PCs. His name is Rhect the Ax because of his trademark belt (Baldric) that allows him to magically summon throwing...
  5. BluWolf

    Class Def Bonus

    I am incorporating the Class Def Bonus from Unearther Arcana into my game. It does not specify in the brief description whether or not you lose def bonus if you lose dex (i.e. flatfooted). It would stand to reason but does anyone know for sure??
  6. BluWolf

    Elfquest racial write up

    Anyone ever seen a good write up of the Elfquest elves? In particular how you treat the bond animals?
  7. BluWolf

    2-3 Pitched battle scenarios

    We are getting our new group together this weekend for our first meet-up/game session. The majority of the players are folks that left the game prior to 3e and are now returning. (4 old 2e players, 2 3.5 players). So besides the social pleasantries and getting to know ya stuff, we will do a...
  8. BluWolf

    Stylish backgrounds for a Players Guide

    I am looking for the know how and possible source for a stylish page background I can use on my players guide for my campaign world. I want to use a background similar to the Pathfinder game or like the page design on the FRCS book from Wizards. Raise the production quality a little. Any...
  9. BluWolf

    Stylish backgrounds for a Players Guide

    I am looking for the know how and possible source for a stylish page background I can use on my players guide for my campaign world. I want to use a background similar to the Pathfinder game or like the page design on the FRCS book from Wizards. Raise the production quality a little. Any...
  10. BluWolf

    House rules ofr Magic Item creation

    Can anyone point me in the direction of some threads and/or websites that do a good job (in your opinion) of re-doing magic item creation in 3E??
  11. BluWolf

    Point Buy and ECL in 3.5

    ECL vs lower starting points -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I allow players in my game to use either the 4d6 methodolgy or a point buy system to generate stats, their choice. I have seen some folks suggest that they will allow a player to...
  12. BluWolf

    ECL vs lower starting points

    I allow players in my game to use either the 4d6 methodolgy or a point buy system to generate stats, their choice. I have seen some folks suggest that they will allow a player to take a +1ECL (or higher I suppose) race as a +0 race but they have fewer points to generate ability scores...
  13. BluWolf

    Craft Item House rules

    I like how Monte Cook does item creation rules in the Arcana Unearthed and I want to adopt it for my E10 game. Can anyone point me in the direction of some discussion or modified house rules for Monte's take on the process?
  14. BluWolf

    Arcane Bolt (err something)

    I use a spell point system for my spell casters in my homebrew. One of the things I am contemplating changing is giving Wizards a "swap" out spell similar to the Cleric's ability to prepared spells for healing or a Druid's ability to spontaneously cast summon Nature's Ally. I was thinking of...
  15. BluWolf

    Racial Paragon Classes

    I want to introduce racial paragon classes to my game but ws hoping to use a base 5 level progression instead of 3. I gotta imagine someone has already done this. Anyone know a good reference they can point me too??
  16. BluWolf

    Mage Armor and DR

    Our group is considering going to a Class based DEF Bonus plus Armor as DR model (all from Unearthed Arcana). Normally, Mage Armor is +4 to AC. Under this model I would rule that the +4 would go to Armor Bonus but should it be split between Armor Bonus and DR?? +3/1/-??
  17. BluWolf

    E6 Question (well really E10)

    For those of you have run or played in an E6 format game I need some input. In standard E6, once players reach 6th level they receive a new feat for every 5,000 xp they gain. This is about 30% of the xp to attain 6th level. I am going to run E10. So should I set the new feat "price tag" at...
  18. BluWolf

    D&D in Leesburg VA

    D&D 3.X Home brew group forming in Leesburg, VA (Potomac Station). ~Marc Langlois & Ken Patton We are a group of old fashion role players looking to form a once-a-month game of 5-6 players based in a 3.X Homebrew campaign. Games will be held once a month at Ken's house on Saturday nights from...
  19. BluWolf

    M&M Noob

    I am thinking of running a M&M sidebar for our regular D&D group. Sort of a sorbet to clean the palet between sessions. Would appreaciate recommendations for the minimum/best books you need to run an intermittant game. Core Book? Plus what else?? Will probably base the game in the Marvel...
  20. BluWolf

    Help in pricing a magic item

    I need some assistance from the learned group here. I need to market price an item crafted under the standard 3.5 edition craft rules. Item: Raider's Sword +2 Scimitar (8,315) with the following abilities; Glitterdust 3/day Mirror Image 2/day Whirlwind 1/week