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  1. P

    Looking for 4-pocket card mini albums

    Hey guys, I bought a bunch of 4-pocket TCG card pages from UltraPro but I can't find any albums that use them. All the 4-pocket portfolios I can find use sewn pages. Anyone know of any 2-ring binders for mini pages? Preferrably with 1/2 inch rings. Thanks in advance.
  2. P

    Can one player do an entire Skill Challenge?

    I am designing a skill challenge for my first 4e campaign, and reading through the rules I don't see what would prevent the party from having the same character with the highest skill applicable to the challenge roll over and over until all successes are achieved. Did I miss something?
  3. P

    Combat Challenge questions

    There are a couple of things about Combat Challenge that I'm not sure how they work. I'm hoping some of you might be able to enlighten me. 1. When a marked enemy shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include you, you get to make an attack as an immediate interrupt. Are these attacks limited to...
  4. P

    Looking for an ability

    I seem to recall an ability (could have been due to a feat, a spell, a magical item, etc) that if the user was a follower of Cyric he would not show up as evil to detection spells but would still take damage from spells that did damage to evil creatures. Been going through my books but I can't...
  5. P

    Druid animal companion advancement

    Can a druid's animal companion increase in size because of the bonus HD? Specifically, a typical 2HD wolf that is an animal companion gets 2 bonus HD when the druid hits level 3, and the Monster Manual lists the advancement for a wolf as 3 HD (Medium); 4-6 HD (Large). Does the wolf become Large?
  6. P

    healing with a charge

    Suppose a party member is fighting an ogre (10ft reach), and the cleric, 30 ft away, wants to heal the party member. Cleric decides to cast Cure Light Wounds, move to party member - entering the ogre's threatened area - and finally touch party member to deliver the heal. 1. Is this doable in 1...
  7. P

    Wounding weapon ability

    What's the general consensus regarding the Wounding weapon ability, balanced or not? I've been comparing it with Weakening from Shining South and it seems a bit too good: Wounding : -1 Con on hit, +2 cost, no effect on creatures immune to crits Weakening : -1 Str on hit, +3 cost, lasts 10 mins...
  8. P

    movement pushing/pulling weight

    Is there a penalty to movement while pushing or pulling weight? The only thing I can see is that conditions modify the maximum load. Assuming normal conditions, Joe Citizen with Strength 10 and movement 30 can do 3 miles/hour pulling 500 lbs. That doesn't seem right to me.
  9. P

    Exotic Armor Proficiency (Underdark)

    I am a bit confused about this feat. The description implies the feat applies to all the armors in the book, but the armor listing uses the superscript 1 to denote which for which armors this feat is required. Furthermore, the superscript is only used on one armor and it's not even the armor...
  10. P

    doable in 1 round?

    Had an interesting situation come up in a game last week. Two PCs wanted to get over a wall while being chased by guards. The wall was 5ft tall. The two PCs were 10 ft from the wall and in adjacent squares. Here's what they did: PC1 grabbed PC2 [move-eq action], moved the 10 ft to the wall [move...
  11. P

    Need help finding a human template

    I'm running an adventure based on the movie The Warrior. In the movie a teenage slave is set free by his dying master and turns out to be quite the, um, warrior. So, I need a way to make a good combat-oriented human without giving him more than a couple of class levels. But level adjustments are...
  12. P

    Shadow Walk

    How dangerous is it to use this spell? When 3.0 came out it was safe, then Manual of the Planes came out and made it so you can die in various painful ways on the Plane of Shadow. And that's not too enticing for a weak teleport spell a level higher.
  13. P

    Ray of Enfeeblement

    If a character is hit by two Ray of Enfeeblement, do the enhancement penalties stack? The section in the DMG that talks about stacking bonuses does not mention penalties.
  14. P

    Weapon Finesse and armor

    Will wearing heavy armor that reduces your maximum Dex bonus affect your attack roll when using Weapon Finesse?
  15. P

    D&D 3E/3.5 3e and Neverwinter Nights

    In the NWN game, to cast a spell you need a base relevant ability score of to 10 + the spell level. By base I mean that if you have Wis 14 and you put on an amulet of Wis +2, the highest level of clerical spells you can cast is still 4 and not 6. AFAIK, in 3e there is no such thing as base...