• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Erekose

    D&D 3E/3.5 N3: Destiny of Kings Conversion

    Did anyone ever post a conversion of this classic adventure to 3E or 3.5E? I've done some searching for one but Google has sadly let me down this time! Many thanks in advance :)
  2. Erekose

    D&D 5E 5E Ptolus vs 3E Ptolus?

    With people starting to receive their 5E/Cypher Ptolus books from the Kickstarter campaign (mine arrived today), it made me wonder how much content is different between the 5E book and the original 3E book? By content, I don't mean the mechanics update, but new information about the city itself...
  3. Erekose

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2nd Edition not listed on Amazon UK

    Is it weird that Amazon UK isn't listing the initial wave of Pathfinder second edition books or am I just really poor at searching their website? They've been listed on the USA website for some time . . .
  4. Erekose

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E or Pathfinder 1E?

    I'm sure this must have been talked about before but I can't find a relevant thread . . . it just occurs to me that given that Pathfinder became a haven for people that didn't want to move from 3.xE D&D to 4E, what will happen if "most" buyers of Pathfinder products stay with 1E rather than...
  5. Erekose

    Glass [SPOILERS]

    Went to see Glass last night. I’m a fan of most but not quite all of M Night Shyamalan‘s films. Of the ones leading up to this one, Unbreakable is IMHO a true classic and Split (if you ignore the issues it has depicting real life mental health conditions) is a good film with a strong performance...
  6. Erekose

    Aquaman (Spoilers!)

    Saw Aquaman today and my expectation were low based on the Empire review (https://www.empireonline.com/movies/aquaman/review/). Generally I tend to agree with Empire but, while the film wasn’t perfect, it was a fun ride. My biggest worry going in was the criticism about the plot but I didn’t...
  7. Erekose

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E vs Pathfinder 1E vs D&D 3.5E vs D&D 3.0

    I’ve read some of the details about Pathfinder 2E and it made me wonder whether there’ll be a split between 2E and 1E? While Pathfinder has always been consider a way to keep the D&D 3E ruleset “alive”, it’ll be interesting to see if the new edition is seen as a further outgrowth of 3E or “new”...
  8. Erekose

    Anyone know what's happened to Infinity Games UK?

    I used to mail order from them quite a bit but from their website it looks like they've gone out of business??? http://www.iguk.co.uk/ Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask this!
  9. Erekose

    D&D 3E/3.5 Book of the Righteous - 3.5 Edition Update?

    Just bought the Book of the Righteous off eBay for £4 (a bargain!) and was wondering if there's a 3.5 Edition update available?
  10. Erekose

    Wonder Woman being able to fly?

    Not really been keeping in touch with any changes in comics and comic characters since I used to read them regularly about 30 years ago! But have been playing Lego Batman with my 7 year old son and discovered that the Wonder Woman character can fly which led me to find out that the comic...
  11. Erekose

    Gaming Shops in Montreal (and other places of interest!)

    I'm off to a conference in Montreal for the next week. I doubt I'll have much free time for sightseeing but just in case I do I thought I'd ask the question here: If you had a day in Montreal where would you go and what would you see? Anything gaming related would be a plus ;)
  12. Erekose

    What are people taking from 13th Age to use in 3.xE D&D or Pathfinder?

    I've now read the 13th Age core rule book and it is exactly what it purports to be - that is a blend of 3E and 4E D&D. For me it's a little too heavy on the 4E blend for my tastes. So I've been thinking about porting into my 3.5E campaign the rules for icons (for the gods of the campaign) and...
  13. Erekose

    Anyone received their hard copy yet?

    I know there was an unexpected delay in despatch so curious if anyone has their's yet? Particularly anyone in the UK!
  14. Erekose

    How do you organise playing different RPGs?

    A comment on one of the D&D Next threads about how playing Numenera would mean giving up another RPG to fit it in got me wondering how other people game. For our group, we have two of us who referee - one of us has a preference for fantasy and the other for Sci-Fi (although this isn't always...
  15. Erekose

    Musing on Bioshock Infinite

    As I really enjoyed Bioshock and Bioshock 2, I've started playing Bioshock Infinite. Only a little way into the game but my sense is that, despite plasmids being renamed vigors, it's very similar in tone but oddly while ammunition and salts appear to be expended much more quickly than in the...
  16. Erekose

    The necessity of an introductory adventure with a new RPG

    Just started wondering if I would be supporting the Kickstarter project for Monte Cook's Numenera and upon reading the funding options saw the option of an introductory adventure. This made me wonder about how necessary an introductory adventure is. I remember when I first started roleplaying...
  17. Erekose

    Iconic D&D Campaign Adventures

    I'm considering running an adventure in Dark Sun. As I've no experience of Dark Sun, I was going to post a request that people let me know which of the published adventures makes best use of the setting (and by definition is least similar to a generic D&D adventure). I'd still welcome that...
  18. Erekose

    Issues with the Monk class

    In the thread, "which is the worst class", the Monk appears to be coming out as a strong contender! I've always worried about the class because it has such strong flavour (particulalrly if you liked Kung Fu/Kwai Chang Caine) but with "mechanical" issues; e.g. low damage output for a...
  19. Erekose

    Dragon Compendium Vol. 1: new base classes?

    Hi! I've just received the Dragon Compendium Vol. 1 and wondered what people's experiences are with the new base classes in actual play compared to the core 3.xE classes? Just to refresh people's memory the DC1 classes include: Battle Dancer Death Master Jester Mountebank Savant Sha'ir Urban...
  20. Erekose

    What would be a simple fix for crossbows?

    At work and really tired so forgive me if this is a "little stream of consciousness". General consensus would appear to be that crossbows are the poorer option compared to short/longbows. While in reality it takes more skill to be an expert with short/longbows in game terms it's just as easy to...