• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    [13th Age] Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets is out: 6 new classes for your 13th Age game

    Gents, ladies, it's out, it's available, it's for sale! You can now buy the PDF of my book and awaken the monster in you. Or the true powers of your mind. Or the dark soul you've sold to the Diabolist 😈 The print version is in preparation. Proofs are shipped but haven't arrived at my door yet...
  2. M

    [13th Age] Playtesters wanted for six new classes: Abomination, Fateweaver, Psion, Savage, Swordmage, Warlock

    I am currently writing an expansion book for 13th Age, with six new classes. The writeups are fairly close to final, but I am looking for more playtesters to make sure they are perfect. Here is the playtest file...
  3. M

    [13th Age] The Big Pile of Everything I've Written for 13th Age so far!

    EDIT: The original post was 2 years old, so I updated it. Check 13thage.org for the latest versions. ----- I have a long-running 13th Age campaign that started very soon after the first playtest went public. (EDIT: That campaign is over, but it lasted a good two years...) Meanwhile, I've grown...
  4. M

    D&D 5E What 5E needs is a hundred classes

    Now, before everyone screams WTF?, remember that both 3E and 4E had close to 50 classes towards the end of their edition run. Having an RPG with a hundred classes isn't unrealistic at all. In fact, Prestige Classes / Paragon Paths easily go into the hundreds. So why do you want so many classes...
  5. M

    D&D 5E My hat of 5E knows no bounds

    It's unavoidable that 5E will be at the center of a new edition war. There simply is nothing that can put an entire RPG fan community up in arms like a new edition of the game. So what will the 5E edition war look like? Open the floodgates! The main purpose of this thread is to have a nice list...
  6. M

    Everything I learned in business school I already knew from gaming

    I'm only semi-joking. Being a long-term gamer does give you skills that are very similar to things they try to teach you at business school. Take presentation skills. If you can sit down with a DM screen and some notes and create a shared world in people's mind, you can hold a team...
  7. M

    D&DN - Monte's Lejendary Adventures... (?)

    Think about it... An accomplished game designer, who played an important role in D&D history. He hates the current incarnation of the game (although he is too polite to say so openly). He now has the chance to make it right, to create a game that will surely show everyone the error of their...
  8. M

    Unique Monster Trait Tables

    Here is an idea for 5E. I tried to bounce this off in rpg.net, but this forum has failed me (yet again...) I should have listened to common sense and come to enworld in the first place. Here is the idea: When the DM introduces a group of monsters, say, a bunch of orc minions, good DMs will...
  9. M

    Help me design this potion!

    Ok, so here is an item that I thought about dropping in a campaign. It's called the "Flask of Words". After some experimentation, the PCs find out that it works by filling it with water and writing a word on it. For example, write "love" on it to create a love potion. If your PC had this...
  10. M

    Floating City - In Character Part 1

    Winter has fallen. Even here, in the South of the Jade Empire, the lands are covered in snow. Liandurel, Obsidian, you are still at castle Stormoak. The land has been eerily quiet in the last weeks. The Orcs have retreated South after their retreat, but reports are that there is a new army...
  11. M

    The Floating City - OOC

    (Note to forumgoers: This game is invitation only) Dear members of the Book Club, It is time to bring the band back together. If this is your first time to play online, don't despair. We're in the same boat, and we'll figure it out as we go along. As a first step, please create an account on...
  12. M

    D&D 5E How should 5E handle healing?

    Healing is one of those areas where previous editions differ a lot. Originally, it was the domain of the cleric, but then things slowly evolved into the model we have in 4E. Which route should 5E go? It's hard to create a single answer, so I chose a few corner stones and made a poll that allows...
  13. M

    Making each ability score count (Ideas)

    It's a stated goal of 5E that ability score should matter and be useful. So how to make each stat matter in 5E? - Requirement The basic idea is that you still have one main stat that your attacks and damage key off. For your other stats, you can put them as you like. Depending on where you...
  14. M

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5E Player's Handbook II - the book that invented combat roles

    The 3.5 Players Handbook II was published in May 2006, 2 years before 4th edition. A quick comparison between this book and 4E PHB I shows the following names in common (designers only): David Noonan, Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert, Christopher Perkins. Robert J...
  15. M

    Detect Evil => Detect Corruption

    While I agree that detecting evil is an iconic and flavorful ability for Paladins, the way it worked was destructive. It's just way too precise and way too broad. It destroys classic plots like "find the murderer" and "demonic infestation in the church". Rather than the very broad "evil"...
  16. M

    D&D 5E One little thing and I'm sold on 5E...

    ... d6 death saves. DM says you're gonna die, roll a d6 Roll a D6 - YouTube
  17. M

    Separate rules for PCs, monsters and NPCs

    Quote from D&D XP Seminar: Skills and Ability Scores: Yes yes yes. Thank you. This removed a big worry for me.
  18. M

    D&D 5E Wild mass guess: Slower numerical increase by level in 5E

    I haven't seen the playtest rules, this is just a guess from designer comments etc. They talk about making the same monster viable over a longer level span. They also talk about reducing the necessity of magic items. And they talk about Fighters who increase in options, not numbers. What is...
  19. M

    Your D&D edition is not a football team

    I get it - we geeks don't watch sports, so we don't get to root for "our team" every Sunday. We're sitting around a dinner table pretending to be elves and wizards. Still, there seems to be a deep-rooted human need to identify with one side and show support for it. In RPG, this tends to be...
  20. M

    D&D 5E The three 5th editions - D&D Core, D&D Legends, D&D Tactics

    Reading the forums in the last week, I came to the conclusion that it won't be possible to please everyone with one single game. But maybe this is not necessary. Why not publish 5th edition as three separate, complete and self-contained games? D&D Core, D&D Legends, and D&D Tactics. Each is...