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Search results

  1. DnDChick

    [True20, Reality Blurs] MECHAGENESIS

    MECHAGENESIS The Earth has been invaded by the Legion, an army of extraterrestrial shape-changing robots bent on galactic domination. They are opposed by the Global Defense Corps, brave humans who sacrifice themselves each and every day to preserve humanity, but they are not alone. You are a...
  2. DnDChick

    [True20] Living Filmstrip

    Living Filmstrip (Recorded Live, 1975) A living filmstrip is a tangled mass of video tape animated through unknown means. Unlike most constructs, living filmstrip are intelligent, able to think and reason on par with an adult human. Living filmstrip are carnivorous, rapidly consuming all living...
  3. DnDChick

    Anyone playing Mechamorphosis?

    Ok, a friend of mine wants me to try to run a Mechamorphosis one-shot, so I am trying to learn the rules. It all seems pretty straightforward, but I'd like some input from others who might be more experienced with the system. Here's my first attempt at a character to get a feel for the rules...
  4. DnDChick

    Free RPG Day at Green Ronin

    From the Green Ronin main page: http://greenronin.com/2007/06/free_rpg_day_promotion.php
  5. DnDChick

    [True20] Anthropomorphic mammal backgrounds

    I promised this a long time ago, so... These are the Backgrounds for my Fauna campaign setting, which is a medieval fantasy world of anthropomorphic animals. I created these using the guidelines set down on page 16 of the True20 core book. *Yes... I know there are no birds or reptiles. That's...
  6. DnDChick

    [True20] The Pink Oozekitty

    Pink Oozekitty Size and Type: Tiny 0-level Aberration Speed: 30 ft. Abilities: Str -4, Dex +2, Con +0, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha -2 Skills: Acrobatics 1 (+11), Climb 0 (+2), Escape Artist 0 (+10), Notice 0 (+1), Stealth 0 (+6) Feats: Improved Grab(b), Night Vision(b) Traits: Extra huggable, smother...
  7. DnDChick

    [True20] Ad Monsters: Creatures from the Commercials

    We've all seen them: strange commercials that have even stranger creatures in them designed to capture the imagination. Inspired by the creatures in those commercials, I give to you the Ad Monsters! Although taken from sometimes silly creatures created for memorable advertising, these...
  8. DnDChick

    [True20] Starfall Jungle for True20 now available

    The first licensed 3rd-party adventure for True20 has been released. Starfall Jungle is an introductory adventure for the Agents of Oblivion setting, a True20 action/adventure/horror setting from Worlds of Adventure. http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=7536
  9. DnDChick

    Skull Child as a template

    Someone requested my Skull Child (from Mongoose's Necromancy: Beyond the Grave) as a template. Here it is! Note: I can't reference the Monster Manual page number in the OGC portion of the stat block, but the size change rules are on pg. 291. Skull Child (Template) “Skull child” is an acquired...
  10. DnDChick

    True20 House Rules doc

    I am very taken with True20, so much so that I am considering converting my Lord of the Rings game to that system. That is neither here nor there, though. The point of this post is to get some critiques of some house rules that I whipped up. It is so much easier for a DM ... er ... excuse me, a...
  11. DnDChick

    My Victorian Horror campaign notes (For Fruthaka, kinda long)

    I've wanted to run a Victorian-era horror campaign for some time, and I will finally have the opportunity to do so. (I am drawing to a close my 2- year long Lord of the Rings campaign.) I wanted to run a game using Masque of the Red Death, but at this point I am unable to afford it. Instead of...
  12. DnDChick

    D20 Strategies and Tactics from the Movies

    This is an interesting exercise in d20 combat strategies inspired by the Star Wars d20 website's Jedi Counselling articles. Here is the original article: So, here is the challenge: Pick a scene from one of your favorite movies or books, and reduce it to d20 mechanics as best you can. Use...
  13. DnDChick

    Masque of the Red Death comments?

    I have a fascination with running a game best described as "if HG Welles and Jules Verne collaborated to write the X-Files." Think Sherlock Holmes meets VanHelsing ... wonky Victorian inventions, grand adventure, exploration, ghosts and monsters, the works. Sadly for me, most recent "steam punk"...
  14. DnDChick

    [SWd20] To those who want Episode III goodies

    The Star Wars D20 page has delivered: Stats for Palpatine, General Grievous, Anakin Skywalker, and Greivous' bodyguard droids, plus new weapons, full-cybernetic conversion, and other goodies! Revenge of the Sith Villains Note that this is the "first in a series of articles about Revenge of the...
  15. DnDChick

    [SWd20] Star Wars Cheat Sheets

    Hey all! I've made up several documents for ease of reference for myself and my players that help speed play and locate things like feats and prestige classes that are scattered througout several books. I've attached them all as RTF files to share with everyone. :) The documents are...
  16. DnDChick

    [SWd20] My Move Object house rules

    I worked up this document, which is a combination of official and semi-official rulings from the Jedi Counseling articles at the WotC site as well as my own house rules for the Move Object Force skill. I wanted to share it with my fellow SWd20 gamers. :) Feel free to use, not use, or critique...
  17. DnDChick

    [SWd20] Jump skill cheat sheet

    Since I don't like having to do math in the middle of combat, I've worked up a cheat sheet for the Jump skill in Star Wars d20. The sheet provides the distance jumped for a Medium-size character for Jump check results of 10 to 50. The minimum distance is already factored in, so once you know...
  18. DnDChick

    [SWd20] Read that Jedi Counseling :)

    I've been reading thru the archives of the Jedi Counseling articles at the Wizards SWd20 site, it I have found a lot of nice tidbits, suggestions, and even a few official rules changes there. If you have the time, definately check it out ... here is an official rules update I found for Force...
  19. DnDChick

    Star Wars Story Hours/GM Journals

    I like to keep a GM journal of each session of the games that I run, so that I can keep all of my subplots straight and go back over past stories to see if I can get ideas in which to take future plots. Also, my players like it because their characters' deeds are memorialized forever. Below is...
  20. DnDChick

    [SWd20] New GM house rule critique

    Yeah ... *ANOTHER* Star Wars thread. ;) Anyway, I will soon be running my first d20 Star Wars game this Saturday night, and although I generally like to run a game a few times before tinkering with house rules, I have a few I'd like to toss out there for the more experienced D20SW GMs to mull...