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  1. T

    I saw this cool SF RPG on Kickstarter and now can't find it....

    I saw a cool RPG on one of Egg's kickstarter round-ups a while ago, but now I can't find it or remember the name. Here's what I remember: It was a science-fiction RPG. It used a 1d20+add stuff core resolution mechanic, but wasn't d20 system (D&D-derived) It was a dark, post-collapse setting...
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    D&D 5E Character Build - World's Greatest Detective

    Any suggestions on how to do a detective build in 5E? Rogue optimised for Perception? Bard with Sage background? I'm just after some thoughts before I tinker around with my next build.
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    N.E.W. Playtest Feedback - Prison Planet - System Notes - Sessions 2 and 3

    Here is some feedback from sessions 2 (Block Wars) and 3 (Outbreak) of Prison Planet. See links for story notes. Playtest comments from Session 2 and 3 of Prison Planet: System System feels very swingy to players, especially as dicepools increase. One player said it was fun building a...
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    New N.E.W. Career Tree

    Hi Morrus, One of my players got creative and let me know how he'd design N.E.W's career system! He's designed his own systems before and enjoys tinkering with systems and builds. I don't know how useful you'll find it as you're only supposed to point what isn't working during playtesting, as...
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    N.E.W. Playtest Feedback - Prison Planet - System Notes - Session 1

    We've started our 'Prison Planet' mini-campaign to test N.E.W, and to give us a mental break before we finish up our high level 4E D&D campaign. A short session write-up is here. Below is the feedback I have from the character creation and short first session. GM comments: It was hard to...
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    N.E.W. Playtest - Prison Planet

    These short, brusque notes are related our mini-campaign of N.E.W. set in the most infamous prison in the Empire! I held a movie marathon to get the players in the mood, which included Chronicles of Riddick, Alien 3 and Cube. System notes are here. In the first session, the players made up...
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    EN World Publishing Update?

    Is it possible to get regular updates or more information about the status of ENWorld's publishing projects? While the communication around OLD/NEW has been very good, I'm not sure what's happening with the 4E version of To Slay a Dragon. I'm also not sure what the publishing schedules are for...
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    N.E.W Playtest

    We're planning a short playtest of N.E.W. in September, as a break from our D&D campaign. I was going to round up all the comments after September, but one player has made a character so far and given some feedback. I did an audit to check up on his build. Some of this might be of interest to...
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    D&D 4E Help with 4E Demon Battle

    Hi there, My players have made a bargain with primordial demon but intend to shaft it. They will open a portal to the demon's realm (as per the bargain) but intend to meet it with allies, armies as much firepower as their little 16 level selves can muster. Any suggestion for running a...
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    Thoughts about the Magic System and a Few Other Things

    I read through the magic system in OLD. I first I thought it was a freeform magic system, a bit like Mage or Ars Magica, but it's really more a spell construction system. I did find some parts a bit unclear and would suggest some more examples in future drafts. Here are some thoughts I had...
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    Optional XP system? No tiers?

    Is it possible to have an optional XP system that doesn't have the tiers and the increasing die types? For example, I am interested in a more skills-based game, where characters just get points to get more skills/careers. And I enjoyed the earlier draft because everything used d6. I like the...
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    OLD/NEW Kickstarter Concerns

    Hi Morrus, I have looked at the OLD and NEW drafts and find them promising, as I have been after a simple, skill-based RPG with good tactical combat, so well done. (As an aside, is it worth crunching the stat scale down from 1 to 5, reflecting the actual dice pool rather than having a rank...
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    Please delete duplicate post...

    Could you please delete this duplicate post over here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/gamers-seeking-gamers/273466-convention-eye-con-sydney-australia-easter-long-weekend.html#post5120866 (plus it lacks hyperlinks to the convention, which makes it a bit useless... :) (I couldn't seem to delete it...
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    [Convention] Eye-Con, Sydney Australia - Easter Long Weekend

    Eye-Con 2010 is open for registration, taking place on the Easter Long Weekend (April 2nd-5th 2010) at St Scholastica's College, Glebe (Sydney, Australia). See the website for more information. There are a variety of roleplaying games and freeforms on offer, including Hunter: The Vigil, Trail...
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    [Convention] Eye-Con, Sydney Australia - Easter Long Weekend

    [Ooops - it did a duplicate post while i was putting in the links. See the other one for now and I'll get the mods to delete this one!]
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    [Australia/Sydney] Sydcon 2008!

    Sydcon is running this weekend in Glebe, from Saturday 4th to Monday 6h October 2008, with a great mix of tabletop RPGs, freeforms and RPGA games. For more information, check out SydCon2008 - Home Pre-register to avoid missing out!
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    Front page article with a bad link...

    I can't seem to get to the C&C Society Relaunch article by clicking on the link on the front page; I get taken to a page not found error message instead. (It's at http://www.enworld.org/articles/Castles_%26_Crusades_Society_Relaunch/6859)
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    Exalted in Sydney, Australia

    I'm looking for expressions of interest in an Exalted game starting up soon in Sydney, Australia. Contact me if you're interested or have any further questions.
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    Eyecon - Easter 2008, Sydney, Australia

    The group that brought you SydCon 2006, SydCon 2007 and soon SydCon 2008 is proud to announce a new RPG convention to be held in Sydney. Eyecon will run over the Easter Long Weekend. It will be located at St Scholastica's College. A variety of game genres are available, including regular...
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    [C&C/Wilderlands] Got my copy of Adventure Games Journal #1

    Last year I took a punt on subscribing to the 'Adventure Games Journal', a small press magazine about the Wilderlands, using C&C as the core system. My pack was about three months late, but hopefully I get a regular run from here on. I wasn't sure what the overall standard of the stuff would be...