• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. G

    Availability of complete Zeitgeist campaign for 5E?

    After running WotBS for my group to great success (in an almost endeavor spanning almost ten years), I am considering running Zeitgeist 5E as my next epic. However, I am a bit confused whether the complete campaign is actually available anywhere. At DrivethruRPG, I see just Part #3.3 as the last...
  2. G

    WotBS Trial of Echoed Souls: Unclear motivation of antagonists (Spoilers!)

    Hi all, . my group is on the halfway point of Castle Korstull by now (having lots of fun, such as kiting the undead Bulette into Lord Gorquith's banquet hall ...) and I have started to look at the next segment (Trial of Echoed Souls) more closely. However, right at the beginning, I have...
  3. G

    Good non-dungeon adventure starting at L9-10?

    Hi all, with my group getting close to the end of Red Hand of Doom (which they liked very much), I'm looking for recommendations of good ready-made modules starting at levels 9 or 10 for all (A)D&D versions except 4E. I am already running War of the Burning Sky and Northern Journey in other...
  4. G

    Suggestions wanted: Lvl 15+ _non-dungeon_ scenario?

    After DMing Axe of the Dwarvish Lords followed by City of the Spider Queen, I'd be grateful for suggestions of good non-dungeon scenarios starting at level 15 or 16. Apart from the non-dungeon requirement, almost anything goes (outdoor, city, politics, murder, ...). Lack of Drow NPCs considered...