• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    Snap-together, desktop trebuchets!

    Wow, it's been a long time since I was active on this forum; I'm glad to see that it's still lively! Anyway, a friend and I have been working on a side project for a few months now to perfect a design for laser-cut, snap-together (no glue required!) desktop trebuchets. After a lot of long hours...
  2. M

    Last day to preorder Ptolus - should I?

    I've been following Ptolus and the web updates on and off for a while now, but I never quite hit that 'preorder' button. Now it's the last day left, and I still haven't made up my mind. So, Enworld, what should I do? Is Ptolus really worth the price tag? I want to say that it is, but I guess...
  3. M

    College Dating Scene?

    (This is a repost of a reply I made in the giant, recently dug up "Are gamers really that pathetic" thread that I felt was different enough to be it's own thread) I'm in a fairly unique situation, and this thread [Are gamers really that pathetic?] brings up some questions in my mind. First a...
  4. M

    A Fae secret worth killing over?

    I'm working on a batch of plots for a game I'm planning on running in a few months, and amidst brainstorming I came upon an idea based on the Prometheus myth: some powerful Fae has decided that now is the time to reveal a secret/impart a gift upon the humanoid races of the world. Unfortunately...
  5. M

    Recording game sessions?

    I've been away from ENWorld and gaming in general for a long time, but a new friend of mine heard that I used to run games and has been bugging me incessantly to do another. A few days ago, I finally decided I'd give it a shot, and I've been working a bit on a setting and background while I'm...
  6. M

    An undead invasion topples civilization, then what?

    So I'm starting a new campaign, with a party of 9th level characters. It's a homebrew world, and on the major continent a great empire has ruled for thousands of years, united ages ago by Lord Martill Havendash at the battle of the Bloody River. But, Lord Havendash made a deal with Death. Lord...
  7. M

    [Poll] DMs- How much do you stick to the rules?

    I've recently found myself DMing what I hope to be a long-term campaign (a first for me), and I've noticed that I tend to wing things more and more (i.e.- going more by what I feel would be right, rather than strictly following each rule in the book). What about all the rest of you? How do you...
  8. M

    Mr. Draco's D20 Modern Storyhour- Heroes of the Last Light

    This is for a recently-started D20 Modern campaign I'm running. Over the next two or three days, I'll be posting information about the campaign world, and the storyhour for the first two sessions. For now, here are the characters. Alexander Anderson- Fast 3/Gunslinger 3/Infiltrator 1...
  9. M

    Dry Ice, where to find it?

    I'm hoping to get a hold of some dry ice for a session i'm dming in two weeks. Aiming for the foggy-mist effect (it's a horror session). In any case, I haven't been able to find any place around that sells dry ice, let me know if you guys have any ideas!
  10. M

    Info on the USSR needed for my setting...

    Well, I'm preparing for a game I'll be running in about a month. And... I need help with the setting. It's DnD with houserules to allow it to fit a modern setting. The setting is Earth, at the year 2010, except on this Earth, the Soviet Union never dissolved, and the Cold War is still going...
  11. M

    Manifester Level for Psionic template creatures..

    what is the manifester level for creatures with the psionic template? i am unable to find it in the book, or the errata on the website. Thanks in advance!
  12. M

    Question on El's Effulgent Eporation...

    Rules question, how does Antimagic Field and Mordenkainen's Disjunction interact with Elminster's Effulgent Epuration
  13. M

    Is this possible?

    Can you permancy an empowered bull's strength/fox's cunning/eagle's splendor/etc... ?
  14. M

    need half-orc/half-elf racial stats quickly...

    i need racial stats for a half-orc/half-elf race by tomorrow (for a game). any help appreciated!
  15. M

    [really OT]-What would you bet...?

    If you had to bet three of something, what would you bet three of? What you're betting on doesn't matter, and the odds are 50%-50%.
  16. M

    SR for creatures (urgent)...

    Does anybody know how the SR for creatures is calculated? Celestials especially? And how is it affected by increasing HD? I tried the normal 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod, and it doesn't even begin to come close. Any help would be really great as I need an answer in the next 12 hours.
  17. M

    Leadership score question...

    When calculating the leadership score for a PC monster with class levels, do the ECL of the race count as levels? i.e.- if the character has a Cha bonus of +2, and an ECL race of +5, and 10 levels, is their Leaderrship score 17 or 12?
  18. M

    Yuan-ti PCs, what ECL?

    What stat bonuses would a yuan-ti PC have? (bonuses to their unmodified rolls)
  19. M

    (IR) Atlas of the 3rd Industrial Revolution

    Ok, this thread is for the purpose of the creation of an Atlas of the IR. What I'd like everybody to do is post everything they know about their country. This means government, prominent people, military organization, goals, laws, etc... Also, include all of your secret projects. Basically...
  20. M

    [OT]- ROBO-RAT is upon us!
