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Search results

  1. CRGreathouse

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.x books free to a good home in Cleveland OH

    If anyone is interested (on a short timeline) in some 3.0 and 3.5 books, both WotC and 3rd party, I have 60+ that aren’t going with me to my new, smaller house in New York. Complete Warrior, Lords of Madness, OA, various adventures, etc. I’d just hate to see it go to waste. I’m keeping about as...
  2. CRGreathouse

    How does a god guide his followers?

    If your DM has a name resembling my handle and your character worships Zerad, get out! . . . I'm running a campaign (D&D 3.5 + house rules, but that shouldn't matter much) in which all the PCs come from the same town, which is a cult town of the goddess Zerad (she of the north wind, basically...
  3. CRGreathouse

    Making the chaos planes more... chaotic

    First, if you're playing in the Band of Dwarven Brothers campaign, get out lest your DM smite you. :) . . . Hi EN World, long time no post. Anyone from the olden days remember me? I have a high-level group which just found themselves dumped on a plane of chaos following a failed plane shift...
  4. CRGreathouse

    Origins of D&D monsters

    I'm looking for feedback on my D&D Monster Origins page: D&D Monster Origins I wrote this a while back, and I've recently updated it slightly -- but I imagine most people here haven't seen it yet. It attempts to cover the original or early sources for D&D monsters, both the origin of the...
  5. CRGreathouse

    Unbalanced pantheons

    How does everyone here handle pantheons (or whatever you call your groupings of gods, whether social, political, or other) that are unbalanced in some way? For example, my pantheon has two greater gods who wish to destroy the undead and no greater or intermediate gods who champion them. What...
  6. CRGreathouse

    Pantheon design

    How do you design your (sub-sidereal) pantheons? I'm interested in general principles: how many gods, what power levels, what aspects. Do you use racial gods? If so,how powerful are they -- greater gods, like in GH and FR? If you allow mortals to ascend, what percentage of your gods are...
  7. CRGreathouse

    "Bug Trooper"

    Does anyone know what 3E MM creature this is? http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mm_gallery/BugTrooper.jpg It's a concept sketch from the Monster Manual Concept Art page, which says "Just to make it tricky for you, some of the monster names may have changed from the sketch stage to the final...
  8. CRGreathouse

    Monsters new to 3E?

    I'm curious about the origins of various D&D monsters, and I thought this was the best place to get information of this sort. Is there a list somewhere of monsters that originated in 3E -- that have no basis in earlier editions? The yeth hound yrthak, for example, I don't remember from 2E...
  9. CRGreathouse

    Strength, virtual size categories, and house rules

    I've been thinking about changing the Str -> encumbrance chart for my game, and I wanted to know what changes, if any, I should make to the virtual size categories and so forth as a result. I'm especially interested in U_K's thoughts, but everyone is welcome to post. In the current system...
  10. CRGreathouse

    Skill ranks?

    I'm trying to work out the skill ranks for various creatures in the 3.5 MM, and I wanted to see if I'm missing something here. Most errors are pretty obvious -- neglecting a synergy or speed bonus, for example. Here's one I don't understand: The avoral (3.5 MM p. 141) has Ride +8. Since it...
  11. CRGreathouse

    1999/2000 Eric's D&D News question

    Does anyone else remember the example from one of the designers about domains, from way back on Eric's site? It was just showing the way clerics picked their domain spells, and it had amusing examples for the spells. As I recall, they were War: 1--thump; 2--great thump and Fire: 1--burn your...
  12. CRGreathouse

    Questionable Reviewer Reviews

    Last August I posted a review of the Book of the Righteous that lead to something of a firestorm. In that light, and with the realization that (in my opinion) full disclosure is the best solution to such conflicts, I thought I would post my most recent review here and take questions regarding...
  13. CRGreathouse

    T&B Spellsword

    Would someone please explain the School Specialization requirements of the Tome and Blood Spellsword prestige class? I'm away from the book at the moment. Thanks. :)
  14. CRGreathouse

    149 EN World feats

    Here's a partial list of the feats posted here on EN World in the last few months, with links to the original threads. If I've missed any in that timeframe, or if you'd like to go back a little further, feel free to expand on my work. Note: I've changed [General] feats into [Fighter] feats if...
  15. CRGreathouse

    Giving the monk more choices: the Mystic, version 1.6 -- post #41

    This is my attempt at an alternate monk. (There'a a PDF version attached to post #41, if the board's formatting makes it hard to read.) First, the monk's unarmed abilities are changed into feats thus (note that these feats surpass and replace Improved Unarmed Strike): Guarded Unarmed Strike...
  16. CRGreathouse

    Rebuilding the Monk -- Mystic class posted!

    I've decided that I want to rebuild the monk for my campaign. Too many of my players have problems with the class, and likewise I see the same sorts of problems. My players' main complaint is that the class lacks versatility, even in its 3.5 incarnation. Now I'm searching for ideas on how...
  17. CRGreathouse

    Can you believe I had more posts than Darkness once?

    I've finally hit 5,000 posts. Does this mean I get a celebration? In the time it took me to go from 3500 posts to 500 posts, Darkness gained 3000+ posts... he's posting much faster than I am these days! :D
  18. CRGreathouse

    Best April Fool's thread?

    I have to admit, reading the first post of Torm's "Why Paladins Suck" thread I was quite the April Fool. Great thread, Torm! When I figured it out I thought it was great.... What was your favorite April Fool's Day thread?
  19. CRGreathouse

    [Sandstorm] What the heck are these new weapons?

    I've been trying to figure these out... especially the one in the lower-right. Any help? http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/sand_gallery/87602.jpg
  20. CRGreathouse

    I've finally succumbed...

    After all the years of holding out against using an avatar, I finally broke down and set one for myself. How's it look?