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  1. J

    Problem granting XP

    Since about a week ago, I seem unable to grant XP to other posters. Did something change? Or is it a problem with my browser? I'm using the ESR version of Firefox, and there's been an update...
  2. J

    Where's the filter function?

    After the forum redesign I cannot seem to find the filter function. Where has it gone? It's rather critical to make use of the "Pathfinder, Starfinder, Older D&D Editions (4E, 3.x, 2E, 1E, OD&D), D&D Variants, OSR" forum.
  3. J

    Where do you go to discuss 13th Age?

    As some of you may have noticed I've been necroing quite a few 13th Age threads because I've finally caught the bug (better late than never, right?). Alas, there doesn't seem to be a lot of active discussion going on here. For those who are more or less actively playing the game: Do you have...
  4. J

    Thread filters no longer working?

    As of today, when filtering the 'General D&D Discussion + Older Versions' forum for '4e' threads, I get lots of other threads, e.g. '2e' or 'all editions'. Please fix!
  5. J

    Where are the 'subforum' links for older editions of D&D?

    Previously, I was able to navigate from the forum overview directly to the subset of 4e topics in the older editions D&D forum. Now they're gone and they don't even show up after entering the forum? What gives?! This is terrible!
  6. J

    Ars Magica Video Game Kickstarter

    While browsing the Atlas Games webpages I noticed something very interesting I don't recall reading about on ENWorld so far: Ars Magica Video Game Kickstarter I haven't heard of Black Chicken Studios before but I'd definitely love to see an Ars Magica video game that properly reflects the rpg...
  7. J

    PO: Heroes of the Elemental Chaos: Elemental Translation (p.95)) in need of errata?

    "You push each target to a square adjacent to the blast. If a target can't be pushed, its space is excluded from the blast." The power can be used to create solid earth (i.e blocking terrain) in a close blast 3. IIRC, the general rule is that I get to choose whether to push the target 0...
  8. J

    Power Jewel & milestones - Compendium: Omission or Errata?

    Having recently gained a Power Jewel in our 4e Dark Sun campaign, I've been wondering about the lack of the following text in the Online Compendium: I didn't see this change mentioned in any of the Rules Updates. So, does anyone know if this just an omission or an intended change to the item?
  9. J

    Let's compile a complete list of monster templates & themes!

    I guess it's just that my google-fu is lacking but I couldn't find anything in that regard. It can't be true that no one has ever compiled one, right? I'd be particularly interested in the ones published in Dragon/Dungeon (if any). Thanks in advance for any pointers! P.S.: Here are the ones I...
  10. J

    P2 - Demon Queen's Enclave - so this is the best WotC module, really?!

    Adventure module P2 has often been praised as the best of the nine original 4e modules (H/P/E). I've still ignored it so far since I don't particularly care about drow. But since I now had an opportunity to get it at a discount, I finally bought it. My first thought after reading Adventure Book...
  11. J

    Some questions about the Executioner Assassin

    Yesterday I started reading 'Heroes of Shadow' and to my surprise found I really like the Executioner class. I understand I'm a bit late to the party since it's just a reprint of Dragon material. Does anyone know if anything about the class was changed compared to the version presented in...
  12. J

    What would be an appropriate level for this power?

    I recently acquired a bunch of 4e supplements at a reduced price and one of them includes the following Utility Power: Encounter Immediate Reaction, Personal Trigger: An attack applies an effect to you that a save can end Effect: Make a saving throw against the triggering effect. What do you...
  13. J

    Dark Sun Campaign Setting: Some clarifications required

    Since I starting reading the themes chapter I noticed a couple of powers (and other stuff) that make me wonder how they're supposed to work. Since there's no errata on any of them yet, I thought, maybe this would be a good place to collect them. 1) Insidious Poison (p.39): Hit: 2[W] + ability...
  14. J

    New Skill DC Table from Essentials DM's Kit

    I think this is something that's worth its own thread. As you may have noticed already, the (almost complete) new table was 'leaked' by WotC posting a photo of the DM's Kit contents, showing the new DM screen in the background. Here's the accompanying thread, and a direct link to the photo...
  15. J

    Reprinted/Revised Monsters in MM3

    When reading MM3 I noticed several monsters which seemed familiar, but when I checked, they were all different variants of previously released monsters (e.g. Norkers, Sons of Kyuss). All except one: Enigma of Vecna (Controller Level 6) first appeared in 'Thunderspire Labyrinth' and is reprinted...
  16. J

    July Rules Update DMG: Errata needed?

    TBH, the only piece of the rules update that currently interests me was the new 'damage by level' chart and the accompanying 'monster statistics by role'. So, I immediately dug in and analysed the changes: 1) Damage By Level: The table is now very clean and the math obvious: Single Target...
  17. J

    MM3 Damage Expression Table

    Since I couldn't resist the urge to sate my curiosity, and I've apparently got too much time on my hands, I decided to create an Excel table with all damage expressions in Monster Manual 3 :P I was particularly interested how accurate the Quick Fix suggested by Greg Bilsland was and if I would...
  18. J

    Cataboligne demons' eye rays: wtf?!

    I just finished reading 'Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk' and (apart from concluding that it's not the kind of adventure I'm interested in running) I couldn't quite believe my eyes when I read the Cataboligne monster entry: It's a CR 10 monster with an Eye Ray (Su) ability they can use once...
  19. J

    Revising the DMG monster damage progression table

    Instigated by the first few excerpts from MM3 and the forthcoming Dark Sun Creature Collection I recently decided to investigate the damage progression tables given in the monster creation guidelines in the DMG. Now, instinctually, like many others I've always felt that monster damage might...
  20. J

    Deriving skill DCs from monster ability scores

    When I recently reinvestigated the monster creation guidelines in the DMG, I noticed that there are also guidelines regarding how high the various ability scores for monsters should be. Quite a while ago I had this idea that appropriate skill check DCs should really be identical to the DCs you...