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Search results

  1. Marius Delphus

    Admiral o' the High Seas Ship Record Sheet (EN Publishing)

    I have just uploaded Admiral o' the High Seas Ship Record Sheet (EN Publishing) to the downloads area. Ship Record Sheet for the Admiral o' the High Seas rules, which are designed for use with both D&D4E and d20 fantasy games. This sheet is form-fillable. You can find the file here in the...
  2. Marius Delphus

    What Means "Already pinged"?

    When posting a reply to a thread, I got the attached message. I assume this means that a post somewhere in the thread (presumably already deleted) was spam?
  3. Marius Delphus

    On the Origin of Monsters

    It hit me as I was driving to work one morning: why should we ever saddle D&D PCs with the "innocent orc" scenario in the first place? Conan doesn't have to worry about that sort of thing. The Fellowship of the Ring certainly didn't have a problem with it. So what if we suppose that most...
  4. Marius Delphus

    "Delve" Format and Page Flipping: Convenient or a Pain?

    I thought I'd plug in to the groupthink for a second here and ask this question, because it's on my mind of late. What do we think of the split, in 4E products (which was birthed in some late-3.5 products) between story text and encounter pages? Would we prefer to go "back" to a format that...
  5. Marius Delphus

    Pathfinder 1E Trailblazer PCs, Pathfinder Modules: Any Issues?

    What the title says. Are there any "gotchas" or things I should be looking for or adjusting if I want to bring Trailblazer PCs into a Pathfinder module?
  6. Marius Delphus

    PDF Version You'd Like to See

    We'd like to take a moment to ask EN Publishing customers where they stand in regards to PDF compatibility, with a view toward upgrading our releases to Acrobat 6 (PDF 1.5x) format. For some time now, we've been using an Acrobat 5-compatible (PDF 1.4x) format almost exclusively (except for a...
  7. Marius Delphus

    Orc and Zombie Pages Redesigned

    Because they disappointed me somewhat, in terms of their appearance, a while ago I undertook a redesign of the Orc preview pages, in the spirit of the fan redesign of the WOTC Web site. I've now added the Zombie preview pages to the project. The Zombie pages are a lot more crowded than the Orc...
  8. Marius Delphus

    Best Feats for Greatsword Fighter?

    Got a little bit of a project happening right now, and it involves a group of 25th level characters. Hoping for a few suggestions on the following list of feats I'm contemplating to build the Ultimate Greatsword Fighter... the focus is primarily on hitting hard and secondarily on lasting long...
  9. Marius Delphus

    Gem Dragon: How to Paint?

    Just what it says. I've used "pearlescent" paint, white washes, and on and on, and I'm at my wits' end on this one. It's the amethyst dragon from Council of Wyrms, and I just don't know how to make the darn thing look right. At the moment, it looks like what might happen if a purple dragon and a...
  10. Marius Delphus

    Co- or Double-DMing: Best Practices?

    Coming up soon in my little world will be an opportunity to run as many as 12 players through a one-shot adventure of my own design. I'm a little concerned the logistics will overwhelm me, as in one game some time past when I ran 10 players. (I think *they* had fun, but *I* was frantic and felt...
  11. Marius Delphus

    Homebrew Wild Mage

    WILD MAGE New feats, prestige class, and rules by "Marius Delphus" Based on “Wild Mage Prestige Class” by Sean K. Reynolds, “Wild Mage Prestige Class” by “Calkin” (dwolic@juno.com), and material appearing in “Tome of Magic” An epic in three posts. Never playtested (be the first)! :) Comments...
  12. Marius Delphus

    [OT?] Origins Awards Public Voting Open!

    I haven't seen this posted yet and, as I am affiliated with one of the nominees, I thought I'd mention it. :) GAMA's Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Designs, presenter of the Origins Awards, has opened public voting for the 2003 awards. http://www.aagad.org/originsawards/ Quick Plug...
  13. Marius Delphus

    [Privateer] Plans to Reprint Witchfire II?

    Desperately seeking Shadow of the Exile! :) Thanks for any info.