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Search results

  1. Oni

    Best Initiative System?

    What do you think is the best initiative system for Dungeons & Dragons? The classic AD&D and older style where everyone declares and then you figure out how it all shakes out, or the cyclical initiative that's was used in 3e, 4e, and now in the 5e playtest material? Or perhaps something else...
  2. Oni

    Goblins! A Playtest Report.

    Fair warning, this is going to be long and rambling, if you want to just see my overall impressions, skip to the end. I got a few of my players together yesterday and we finally got to try out the playtest rules. I ran the game and I had three players that ran the five pre-gens between them...
  3. Oni

    Thread Rating System

    I really dislike the new thread rating system. I feel like it's just a tool for micro-aggression in the Edition War, that has the potential to dampen conversation.
  4. Oni

    Should mods to hit be dropped from ability scores?

    I was just thinking about this, that one of the biggest incentives to min/max is the accuracy bonus/saving throw DC mods that comes from having high ability scores. I'm really happy that they are flattening the math in the upcoming 5e, but I'm concerned that in doing so each plus to hit is...
  5. Oni

    D&D 5E 5E and the OGL

    Does 5E need the OGL? I often wonder how much it impacted the success of 3E, and now I wonder if it would make the difference with 5E. It seems that it was a move that generated an immense amount of good will during 3E, and, thanks to the genie being out of the bottle, an immense amount of...
  6. Oni

    Who will be the new lead designer?

    So, who will be the new lead designer? Monte Cook is gone, that door is close, that ship has sailed, we'll never see that particular vision. So dwelling on that is pretty much a useless endeavor. A much more important question is, who will be the new lead designer? Who will be the guiding...
  7. Oni

    How much should HP scale?

    How many more HP should a 10th level character have than a first level character of the same class? How important are bigger numbers? How steep should the power curve be? What the advantages or disadvantages to doing it a certain way? Should damage be scaling such that characters become...
  8. Oni

    How many hits should a 1st level Fighter be able to take?

    This blog post inspired this thread with its incredibly bad poll question. How durable should a first level fighter be? How many hits, on average, should they be able to withstand from a run of the mill first level foe, such as an orc or skeleton, before going down? Bonus question: How...
  9. Oni

    D&D 5E appendix Next

    Here is your task, should you choose to accept it. You are to create a new appendix N for the next edition of D&D, what do yo do with it? Do you expand it to include other media? Do you use it to reinforce the flavor of the original appendix N with new works that have been created since its...
  10. Oni

    How should rules modules be organized?

    There are likely to be a fair number of optional rules in the book(s), how would you like to see them organized? Would you like them to be in the same sections of the book as the base rules or as near as possible. I.E. Saving Throws options should be near the saving throw section, tactical...
  11. Oni

    Should Organized Play Influence The Rules?

    A post in a another thread spurred me to post this question. How much, if at all, should organized play influence the next iteration of D&D? By way of example take retraining rules, they're much more important in an organized play environment where characters move from group to group, but...
  12. Oni

    How Weird Should D&D Be?

    How weird should the default presentation of D&D be? Should it entice players to traditional fantasy or beyond it? It seems like something the game originally embraced at its inception with OD&D's robots, Temple of the Frog, and the suggestion that players could play pretty much anything...
  13. Oni

    SoD, how can we accommodate everyone?

    Save or die! Some people love them, some people hate them, but for the purposes of this thread that doesn't matter. This thread is not for discussing if they are good or bad, or whether they should be included or not! WotC wants to accommodate fans of all the editions. Your challenge is this...
  14. Oni

    Adventures and Modularity

    Something that I've sort of been wondering about since I heard that the next edition was going to take a modular approach is how that might influence published Adventures. How much modularity can you allow in a game and still make adventures that don't require a lot of fine tuning on the part...
  15. Oni

    D&D 5E 5E, The Edition Wars, and Shooting Ourselves in the Foot.

    A new edition is coming and I think it's fair to say that most of us want two things, we want it to accommodate our preferences and we want it to be it to be as popular with as many gamers as possible so we have lots and lots of people to play with. I do not think either of those are...
  16. Oni

    Combat Rounds: How Long Should They Be?

    Something that has bothered me about the more recent iterations of D&D is the length of combat rounds. The six second combat round has a couple of ramifications that I would not mind seeing vanish. 1) 6 seconds is very small amount of time to move about and perform interesting and useful...
  17. Oni

    D&D 5E Should 5E have Healing Surges?

    So I don't think we've heard anything as of yet to indicate one way or the other whether healing surges will make an appearance in the next edition, but what do you all think about them? Would you like to see Healing Surges in the next edition of D&D? Personally they are one of my favorite...
  18. Oni

    Ability Scores

    Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Ability scores, every edition of D&D has them, and it's highly unlikely they're going anywhere. So what should we do with them? Should we roll them, point buy them, or just have everyone start with the same array...
  19. Oni

    The Truth About 4th Edition.

    The Escapist : The Truth About 4th Edition: Part One of Our Exclusive Interview with Wizards of the Coast Interview over at the Escapist with Andy Collins and Liz Schuh. Nothing earthshattering, but it might interest some of you all.
  20. Oni

    Proposal: Alter Expertise Related House Rule

    In light of the recent errata to the Expertise feats and other feats that grant a bonus in accuracy I feel that L4W needs to adapt slightly to prevent future headaches. I propose that we remove the +1/+2/+3 bonus to hit that was instituted in place of the Expertise feats and instead adopt an...