• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E What does Midgard do that Forgotten Realms and Wildemount don't?

    I decided to start a conversation here Inspired by this thread. I've got the Creature Codex, the Tome of Beasts, and the Midgard Heroes Handbook, but I've mostly mined those books for new crunch. Recently, though, I started considering the possibility of also picking up the Midgard Worldbook...
  2. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D General Is character class an in-world concept in your campaigns?

    At some point during our last game session, I turned to our warlock and said "I expected you to help us with that, sorcerer", and his answer was "I'm not a sorcerer, I'm a warlock". My reply was "warlock, sorcerer, wizard, conjurer, or mage, I don't care, it's all the same", to which he...
  3. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E State of the mystic

    In one of the threads about the latest version of the artificer, I complained about the lack of a newer iteration of the psionic class. After taking some time to read the 2017 version again, though, it feels right to me; not perfect, but right. I like the mechanics and I believe they are...
  4. Giltonio_Santos

    Refreshing sorcery with a short rest. How would you do it?

    I'm thinking about allowing our sorcerer to renew his pool of sorcery points at every short rest. The idea here is to trade the potential of "going nova" for reliability through the adventuring day. How many do you think he should get? Is half his sorcerer level (rounded down) too many?
  5. Giltonio_Santos

    What do you want to see in Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica?

    This is a thread for those ranging from really excited to at least cautiously optimistic about the Ravnica sourcebook. What do you think should make the cut? What do you want from it? Since I'm starting the thread, this is some stuff I'd like to see: - An alternate magic system inspired by the...
  6. Giltonio_Santos

    Any good sources for time travel adventures?

    I'm playing Chrono Trigger again. It's been a long time since my last replay, and this time it got me thinking about having time travel as the main theme for my next homebrew campaign. I decided to start this thread, so I could share some thoughts about what I want to do and ask for some advice...
  7. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Setting stuff you'd like to see in the Dungeon Masters Guild

    I'm thinking about specific setting stuff here, not a generic adventure that the author says is a Forgotten Realms adventure, but that could actually happen anywhere. I'm thinking about material on the Witches of Rashemen or Chessenta, for example, or a 5e update of the Grand Conjunction modules...
  8. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E How would you handle a player-controlled mine?

    Does anyone knows of rules for mining as a permanent activity for the profit of player characters? One of my PCs will probably get some land in the near future, including a silver operation, and I'd like it to be more than "ok, its production pays for the maintenance costs of your keep"; it...
  9. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Feast of Goblyns (5e or anything else)

    Happy new year everyone! I'm running my group through the Great Conjunction; we finished Touch of Death last week, and I intend to start Feast of Goblyns soon. What I want to know is: did anyone run this adventure (5e or otherwise)? Do you have any good advice about it to share? To be honest...
  10. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Greg Leeds talks about D&D

    It's an interview for ICv2, you can read it here: http://icv2.com/articles/news/view/33104/icv2-interview-wizards-coast-ceo-greg-leeds-part-1 I was glad to finally see an insider confirm that a slower release schedule has increased their net revenue. I've been guessing for a long time, but it...
  11. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Bringing Broken Spire Keep to Life

    I'm running Night Below (still my favorite D&D adventure) for some friends. Last week they started their assault on Broken Spire Keep, and I wanted to share my thoughts on setting up the whole thing in a short essay on medium: Bringing Broken Spire Keep to Life We're using 5E rules, but I'm...
  12. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Did anyone try beastmaster with no action for beast attack?

    Greetings, folks! I'm not interested in discussing the ranger in Unearthed Arcana, because I believe the hunter in the PHB is fine and only the beastmaster needs some help. What I want to know is: did anyone try to just let the beast keep attacking the same target every round without the...
  13. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Any cool adventure mashups?

    Has anyone tried to create new adventures as mashups of published ones? I'm thinking something like, for example, picking the Tyranny of Dragons adventures and Princes of the Apocalypse and creating an adventure where Tiamat plots an invasion of the material plane with the help of elemental...
  14. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E About Rolling for Ability Scores

    The preferred method for generating ability scores has been a topic of discussion in my group lately. Since we started playing 5e, I've mostly opted to use point-buy and allowed players to opt out and roll for their ability scores. In my next campaign, beginning this week, I've finally made the...
  15. Giltonio_Santos

    Covers Preview for Elemental Evil Adventurer's Handbook and Princes of the Apocalypse!

    So, it's official now. The Elder Elemental Eye has been somehow released from The World of Greyhawk to unleash havoc in the Realms. No fantasy world was described in more detail than the Forgotten Realms, and they still manage to produce not one, but two storylines in a row with themes and...
  16. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Primeval Awareness and other hidden gems

    So, upon first reading the ranger class, I looked at Primeval Awareness and thought "No, thanks. I guess I'll keep the slot for hunter's mark". Turns out my wife, who is playing a ranger in my Night Below campaign, first learned about the ability when her character achieved 3rd level, and she...
  17. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E What's the origin of the Nightmare?

    Pretty much what's on the thread title. Is there any inspiration in real world mythology for the D&D nightmare? I think it's a pretty cool concept for a monster, but I'd like to know where it originated. Funny enough, I managed to find real world equivalents to weirder beasts, but my Google-fu...
  18. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Divine Smite + Critical Hit

    How are they supposed to interact? There's now a paladin in my Saturday campaign, and I don't know how divine smite (declared after you roll) will interact with critical hits. I'm inclined to allow him to declare a divine smite on a critical hit for 4d8 damage, but I'd like to know if there's...
  19. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Agility-based katana wielder: is it possible?

    I have a player who wants to play exactly that archetype for his next character: he wants to wield a katana two-handed and fight lightly-armored focusing on dexterity instead of strength. I know I can easily houserule something myself, but first I'd like to know if it can be done within the...
  20. Giltonio_Santos

    D&D 5E Legendary and Lair as tools for every level.

    What do you think about it? As I see this, legendary traits and lair actions are a mechanical way to create memorable boss fights, but memorable boss fights can happen at any level. If I give the CR 2 orcish warchief a lair and some legendary actions instead of a bunch of sidekicks, am I...