• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    Interest check - Blood & Lightning (intro adventure) [GM needed]

    I've got the escalation edition, but I never did get a chance do any playtesting with it even though I think it's really interesting. I was wondering if anyone else was in the same boat? Or pre-ordered the print book (I think there's a program out there that will let you get the PDF now if you...
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    Textbox problems

    I'm not getting new lines when I hit enter in the new thread form, quick reply form, or when I hit 'go advanced' on a reply (and this happens in FireFox and IE10). Any idea what's up? It's recent; it wasn't happening a few days ago.
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    San Diego, CA group (mostly D&D) looking for a few new players (closed)

    Due to various real-life events my tabletop group is looking for new players again. We play weekly, on weeknights (currently Wednesdays, but we've done Tuesdays and Thursdays in the past). Currently playing 3.5, but I'd really like to try 13th Age and I've got a few half-formed ideas for a Star...
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    Edit post doesn't seem to work in IE9

    Just an FYI. /testing in a different style...
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    RG - drothgery's Clash of Steel

    PCs for my arcane-themed 4e game should go here. Out of character thread In-character thread
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    Seeing ads as a subscriber

    I have all the 'disable ads' options checked, but I seem to be getting a top and right-hand column ad. What's up?
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    image upload bug

    When I try to upload a PNG image, it's not showing in the thumbnails correctly. And if I try and point an [IMG] at the file, it's not showing up. See http://www.enworld.org/forum/6035063-post277.html for an example.
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    Oscarl Drakeclaw

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    Mentions seem to be broken

    At least, if I put @ [person name] in a post, I'm getting a databse error
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    [4e] drothgery's arcane game - Clash of Steel

    Kelistin had a lot to recommend it as the place for adventurers between quests to stay. A large city where nearly anything for sale could be bought and sold, an extensive presence by House Cannith's artificers who could custom craft most that was not easily at hand, a central point for all of...
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    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs Hyellic Empire Marloes Valleau, an official in the Imperial Surveillance Corps (eladrin female); known to Silas. Barrinsgate Circle of Peers Stella Daybringer, countess of Barrinsgate
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    Hyellic Empire

    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs The free city of Kelistin's rise to empire began when Marcia Hyell was First of the council, and the city-states of the continent to the west had banded together to break the city and take the profits of the trade among the planes for themselves. What...
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    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs No one knows who was truly the first to settle the island that holds the city of portals today. Humans from each of the neighboring continents claim to, as do Eladrin from through the feywild and other creatures from the portals to the Elemental Chaos...
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    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs Silas, Agent of Empire Look at this before you answer. This is the staff of the Empire's Auditors. Now, what were you going to tell me?Male Gnome Scholar Bard (Wizard) Cunning Prevaricator 13 (39000 XP) Initiative +10; Senses Passive Insight 18...
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    D&D in San Diego, CA (Seeking 1-2 players)

    The group I play tabletop games with has been knocked down to three people and assorted temporary fill-ins. So I'm trying to find some replacements. We mostly play some edition of D&D or something very close; with one player who can't stand 4e and another who can't stand retro-clones (that's...
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    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs Vanri, level 13 Genasi, Swordmage, Elemental Tempest TRAINED SKILLS Arcana +16, Diplomacy +16, Endurance +17, Insight +10 UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Bluff +9, Dungeoneering +5, Heal +5, History +11, Intimidate +9, Nature +7...
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    Teclis Stormborn

    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs Teclis origin remains a mystery. While he physically looks like a half-elf, he was found in some kind of metallic shell at the edges of the Elemental Chaos. Nearly still a baby, his first words were in the Primoridal language and when he was...
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    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs In their native Feywild, pixies are commonplace. In the Material World, they are often associated with forest groves or flowering meadows, in much the same way nymphs are bound to lakes and streams, or dryads to trees. Tatterdemalion is an example of...
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    Soril Asyaxalyn

    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs Name: Soril Asyaxalyn Race: Dragonborn Class: Hexblade Alignment: Good Theme: Elemental Initiate Background: Arcane Mercenary Character Sheet. "You don't seem to fully appreciate your situation. Let me explain. You all are mangy bandits with shoddy...
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    Althaea Ripace

    Campagin Overview World Overview PCs NPCs The eldest of a family of 4 noble children, Althaea was given special treatment. At birth, her family called in a favor from the House Jorasco to give their firstborn child their blessings, to ensure her success. The Ripace family has a long history...