• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. I

    Huntsville Group seeks a DM

    Hey all I and the rest of my group of 4 players are looking for a good DM to rum our games. We are all willing to start from level 1 in nearly any campaign setting. We are all well versed in the D20 system. We have played Frogotten Realms extensivly, D20 modern a little and D20 Call of...
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    Magic item use with wildshape

    My wife told me about a feat that she read about but can not remember the source. that basically let you use some/all of your items even while wildshaped. Does anyone remember what source this was in or have the info handy... gotta see if the char has the pre-reqs. Thanks
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    Need an Epic Solar< Arravis STAY OUT!>

    in an up coming game I'm going to have my party face an Epic Solar. they are sopose to get a bow string from it. Basically I'm going to have it chalange the party to a duel or sorts. I need it to be a chalange but winnable. The party is made up of the folowing. ranger 12 druid 10 devine...
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    New Meta Magic feat

    I'm thinking of trying to make a feat that will alow the caster to beter over come SR. I was thinnking that it would add something like 2 or 3 levels to the spell. This would add something like 5 caster levels only for overcoming SR. Do you think this is balanced? How would you set the ranges.
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    AoO's With a bow

    Ok one of my players wants to make the peerless arecher class ability of threatning 10' with a bow. We are epic so I don't really have a problem with this but ... I set the requirements of BaB of +12, Combat reflexes, and precice shot. he thinks that the requirements don't make sence and...
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    DR per round or per Hit?

    This question came up in a recent game and we have assumed that like elemental restance that is is per round but I was unable to find that paticular rule.
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    [FR] Githzari info needed(Arravis don't read)

    can some one point me to another sourse of info on the Githzari/Githyanki other than the MotP? I need this info for a game I'm running this weekend. It's gonna be a plains hopping game for low epic level PC's and any ideas that you could give me would be helpful. The game is going to center...
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    permanent SR

    Ok using the Epic Spell Greater Spell Restance on page 80 of the ELH as a base I'm trying to figure out how to make this permanent. please let me know if my math is correct. Base spell DC is 45 Make permanent =45*5=225 1caster giving up 1 ninth level spell slot = (DC 17) 225-17=208 1caster...
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    Please Rate D20 CoC

    My group is intrested in maybe starting a modern game for a change of pace. We all like the CoC setting and I think it would be fun. But as I haven't seen the book I'm kinda loath to drop $40 on a book that isn't for our primary game unless it's good. We love the D20 system but I'm kinda...
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    Enervation on a wep. Enchantment level?

    I'm thinking about making a wepon with the enervation spell on it as per the spell in the PHB. Now my question is what level of enchantment is this? I would think it would be something like +4 at least but more likely +6. Thoughts?
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    counterspelling devine spells with dispell/greater dispell

    what do you think is this posiable? and is it handled the same was as with arcane spells?
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    [FR] Dispater info needed please

    My char is a half fiend and I work for Dispater. I'm a level 19 sorceror. I wanted to move down a new path so I'm picking up levels in Thaumaturge. What I'm looking for is info on Dispater that will give me more info on what I need to do to stay in his good graces. Also with my level in mind...
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    Gate vs. Monster Summon IX

    As I read these 2 spells I can't see a differance other than, with Gate you can summon higher level and a more diversified array of creatures. Why would a caster ever take MS IX over gate. Oh and did I mention that with gate you can also travel. Seems like a no brainer to me, so I must be...
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    New Epic spell : BALEFIRE

    a friend of mine and I are working on this spell. This is what I have come up with so far. please show me where I have made mistakes. Balefire Spellcraft DC:112 Components:V,S Casting time:1 Action Range: Long Target: 1 living creature Duration Instantaneous Saving throw: Fort partial Spell...
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    Spell seeds to make new spells

    I have read through the ELHB and I'm not really getting how you combine spell seeds to make new spells. It seems to me that the seeds listed don't really combine that easily. Can someone give me an example of how to make a spell. I had a few ideas that I would like to make but I don't...
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    ways to increase BAB other other than leveling

    one of my party members is level 20 and is one point away from having 4 normal attacks. He asked me if I knew of any way to get one more point... because once you get to epic levels your BAB never goes up. He sugested using a wish to change one of his wiz levels for a ranger level. BTW he is...
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    Epic level incantrix ideas

    My party is currently level 20. We just got the ELHB and my class isn't one of the PRCs that's listed for levels past 10. I have a few ideas but would like some feedback or even sugestions to better set this class up and to make sure that it's fairly balanced. Now I'm a sorcerer and this...
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    Wishing for racial abilities

    Can you wish for racial abilities... such as wishing for the Tifeling ability to change self of a trolls regeneration?