• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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    WotC forums are back

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    WotC forums down for a week or two?

    Wizards Community website is down for a platform migration. Wizards of the Coast is pleased to announce that we're upgrading to a new community platform. We are in the process of migrating our forums to a system that includes a host of new features like friends lists, groups, an invite system...
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    Cool name for a true-breeding half-elf race

    In Eberron, half-elves are a full on, true breeding race like the half-orcs. Half-orcs of the Shadow Marches call themselves "Jhorgun'taal", which I think is a cool name. Half-elves in Eberron call themselves "Khoravar", and I'm not so enamored with that name. Sounds swashbuckle-y to me...
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    Temporarily suppress immunity?

    Heya, For plot purposes, I need to impose permanent negative levels on a character that is immune to energy drain. Anyone know of a way of doing that within the rules? I know that I can just hand-wave it, but I'd like to use an existing mechanic. Thanks, -B-
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    What Empowered value gets multiplied?

    When you empower a spell that has a variable, numeric effect, but with a constant added, is just the roll multiplied by 1.5 or is the entire (variable and numeric) amount multiplied? For example, cure serious wounds heals 3d8 + caster level hit points of damage. Is the empowered effect...
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    Whither Gencon?

    I am not going to Gencon this year. It is the first time in (can it be?) 15 years that I am missing it for any reason other than illness. I've got ample funds this year, though in the past I've been unemployed and poor and still found a way to make it. It's always been an immutable part of my...
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    Magical Auras

    (or, how a 1st level mage can remove intrigue from a game). Has anyone found any good clarification on what spells have magical auras? I believe the default answer is "all", or at least all that have lingering effects. But now let's go into the concept of using enchantments in an intrigue...
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    How much can you tell about a readied action?

    Can an observer tell if an archer has readied an action to "shoot the caster if he tries to cast a spell"? How about if a bard readies a silence spell for the same condition? Can one tell if he is readying a spell? Can one spellcraft it to try to determine what is being readied? How about...
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    Feat Prereq's & Ability Score mods

    Can anyone find me a rule that states that an ability score prereq for a feat has to be the character's natural ability score? The argument is with a player over the leadership feat. When he recruits a cohort, does he use his natural charisma bonus or may he use an enhancement bonus to...
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    Need something nasty to do to a scryer

    What is to keep someone with enough time on their hands from just trying to scry over and over again until the target misses their will save and they win the caster level check vs. the Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location? Specifically, what can the target of a scry do offensively to...
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    Some Great Lakes visuals needed

    Heya, Not having been to the Great Lakes region much...except driving to Milwaukee for GenCon a few times, I am at a loss on how to visualize the next part of my campaign. The very short version is that it is in the future, several millennia from now, and that things have transpired to explain...
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    A probability exercise for Archfiends

    So Archfiends is coming out. I have fallen for the collectability hook, and let us say for the sake of argument that I want to "collect 'em all". (Actually, I just want to collect the ones I want, which is most, but not all). I want to buy the ideal number of expansion packs, then fill in the...
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    Tactical Help

    It was the first meeting with the big bad. He is a Ghost/Sorcerer 10/Diabolist 8, and I am using the Possession rules from BoVD in lieu of the Malevolence ability. The guy is really hard to get to, being able to jump from body to body, incorporeal, and he has some pretty nasty enchantment...
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    Help me create a weapon of mass destruction

    For my Urban Arcana game, I need a cool new WMD. Something that mustn't fall into the wrong hands, but not at the melodramatic level of a supergerm or anything like that... Since I have magic at my disposal, I can create things that subtly break various physical laws, such as Boyle's law or...
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    Need a new material

    In my campaign, demons and devils are kind of interchangeable. Anything that comes from the Pit is a Demon, and the Devils are just what we call the fallen Angels and Archangels (basically Pit Fiends), and they rule the Pit. I do use things like Hellcats and Bone Devils and so forth, but I...
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    Midwestern Geography

    Fun with Terraforming! I have a desire in my game world, which is based on a far-future North America, to have a large inland sea where the Great Lakes currently are. Basically, I would like to have the majority of the lakes be internavigable with medieval tech-level ships, generating a large...
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    So disappointed...

    It's like finding the first scratch on a new car... Flipping through Urban Arcana, I come across the much ballyhooed Bicycling rules. Check this - for a top of the line, aerodynamic 10-speed bike (first cue there - when was the last time a top of the line bike was 10 speed?), the maximum...
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    Help with Arabic

    Heya, I am working on some names for an adventure I am writing, and I need some help with the Arabic translations. I tried the illustrious masters of the Web, but sadly the online English-Arabic dictionaries all seem to give the translations in Arabic script, and since I don't speak Arabic, I...
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    Creating the Ultimate Wrassler

    Is it just me, or is there a dearth of good feats for creating a Grapple specialist? As far as I can see, Improved Grab is not available as a feat. Close Quarters Fighting (from S&F) is good for avoiding grapples, but useless for starting them or doing well in them. Clever Wrestling (from...
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    Not that I am overflowing with disposable income or anything, but I was thinking of picking up a replica of a Scottish Claymore sometime in the not-too-distant future. There are a ton of companies on line that sell such things, but I hear that their quality varies considerably. For example, I...