• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Nathan and Asrabey

    This last weekend, I completed Island at the Axis of the World. The party burst into the observatory as soon as Nathan started speaking, then agreed to the plan Asrabey suggested - after which he promptly slew the Duchess and absconded with Nathan. I have a few things I'd like some guidance on...
  2. Siberys

    Updates re: the Kickstarter

    RangerWickett Morrus It's been almost two months since we've heard anything from the Kickstarter, aside from getting the PDFs of the card. I think an update is long overdue. [On a personal level, I'm moving and need to change my address for the Kickstarter, and I'd like to know how you'd like...
  3. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST MAPS - The Biggest (and Best) Problem with Zeitgeist

    My biggest complaint with the Zeitgeist Adventure Path is not one of rules support, or of release schedule, or presentation. It is one of cartography. See, I have two BIG problems with the maps. That's one of them - they're HUGE! And the other is that they're positively beautiful. That last one...
  4. Siberys

    Font used on covers?

    I'm working on some custom character sheets, and for the Zeitgeist-themed one I wanted to use the font found on the covers (frex, that's used for the "From the Pen of " portion). I'm having a hell of a time identifying it, though, and all instances of it in the PDF are images so I can't just...
  5. Siberys

    Remove Daily Tracking; Massively Simplify Feat Selection

    GOAL: There are only three things I dislike about 4e; the glut of feats, tracking daily power usage, and tracking conditions. I've come to terms with the last, through the tools I use for tracking combat. The other two still bug me. I have two houserules, one to handle each. RULE 1: Action...
  6. Siberys

    Reworking feats?

    In my current game, I have a large document that lists every feat that any of my players qualify for. I do this because I play with people not as up on the game as myself; I don't have access to either CB; and I houserule enough that it wouldn't help to have those. For my current game, this is...
  7. Siberys

    WotBS Zeitgeist Portrait Pack, Meanwhile in the News

    Morrus RangerWickett (I didn't know which of you this would most concern, so I figured I'd tag you both.) 1) The Portrait Pack on DTRPG has a mistake in it - it's only got WotBS art! Now, I'd already gotten the Zeitgeist art and was redownloading to see if the portraits from Cauldron-Born were...
  8. Siberys

    Smuggler Encounter Question

    In the encounter "The Meet-Up", what are the allies the Silvo is running toward if it's heading to the Wharf? Unless I'm reading something wrong, wouldn't there only be a couple Bravuras back there?
  9. Siberys

    Research and Combat Group 5B

    My last Zeitgeist game fell apart - scheduling was mostly to blame, though player burnout, an intra-party fued, and the fact that only one player was /really/ into it all played a part. However, I've gotten another group together, and they're all very well engaged. Fingers crossed that this one...
  10. Siberys

    D&D 4E 4e Searchable / Sortable Index

    I've been working on this tool for the last three or four months, and I just put it live last night. It's a searchable and sortable index of pretty much everything 4e. It can be found HERE if you'd like to use it. "But wait, Siberys," You ask, "The D&D Compendium already exists! Why go through...
  11. Siberys

    Dealing With Bloat - Feat Deprecation

    I'm getting ready to start on a pretty big project - namely, go through every 4e book, most DDI articles, and a few 3PP books and create a database/index of everything, with a UI. Basically, future-proof 4e for myself by making a Compendium of my own. One of the things I plan to do is to take...
  12. Siberys

    Naval Combat - Turning?

    In the boat descriptions in the Naval Combat setion in Digging for Lies, a few boats, in particular Il Draçon de Mer and the RNS Impossible, have turning abilities that read as folows; "Il Draçon de Mer can turn in place. In tactical combat it must spend 16 squares of movement before it can...
  13. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist DM Screen (4e)

    (For use with this or any other slipsleeve GM screen) I've decided I wanted to fill out my own GM screen for my Zeitgeist campaign, primarily because I think the official 4e screen has too much information on it and I've been itching to use my customizable screen. Included are outside panels...
  14. Siberys

    Filling Out Cycles

    From my recent blog post; I'm going to start work by filling out "cycles", to use trading card game parlance. In TCGs, a cycle is a series of cards with related designs or effects. D&D has its cycles, too, and a distressing number of them (at least for someone like me) are "partial", which is...
  15. Siberys

    Trappings (to borrow a term from Savage Worlds)

    One thing that I do quite a lot in my games is reskinning - for example, a player in a 4e game I ran last year wanted a soulknife. We made an Avenger, modified some keywords and descriptions, and ran with it. What I'd like to see is what Savage Worlds already does with Trappings - make this...
  16. Siberys

    Username Color?

    I had a username color change in effect when my subscription lapsed... now my name isn't the blue I had chosen. Do those have a limit on how long thay last? If not, how can I get the color reset? Part of the reason I had gotten a sub was for the gold to get that...
  17. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST Siberys' Zeitgeist Story Hour

    Well, I'm already a fair bit of the way into the first adventure, but I now have a site up with a story hour for my Zeitgeist game. A new game is tomorrow, so I anticipate another entry here soon. The Constables Here I describe each PC, as well as provide their stat blocks and contacts. The...
  18. Siberys

    Possibility: Inherent Bonus -> No WBL?

    Okay, so here's the deal. I'm adopting Inherent Bonuses in my games, but with a caveat; items are always the highest-level version they can be without exceeding your level. Thus, if you are level 5, a Magic Weapon is a level 1 item, but if you are level 6, it is a level 6 item. Otherwise run as...
  19. Siberys

    [Harrow Deck] Adding a betting round to Towers

    [I know that this really isn't about Pathfinder as such, but it seemed the most appropriate spot. :/ ] I got a Harrow deck recently, and I really like it (except for the backs, but whatever). My favorite part about the whole thing is playing Towers. However, I think the game is missing...
  20. Siberys

    RNS Coaltongue - Tactical or Skirmish?

    I'm currently prepping for the start of Island at the Axis of the World in the next week or two, and I've decided that for more minor combats, or for scenes where the focus is not on the combat itself, that I would run the fight as a skirmish instead of the normal tactical fight. I got the idea...