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Search results

  1. Rapida

    D&D 4E Sons of Gruumsh (4e Conversion)

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to run my group through the 3.5 adventure Sons of Gruumsh, and I was just curious if anyone had seen a conversion already done or in progress? If I can't find one I will start converting it myself (I'd welcome any help though!), but I figure if I can find some of it...
  2. Rapida

    You guys can help me here

    I am starting up a new pnp group, and was gonna create a nice basic story arc involving standard dnd cliches and such. I basically want to include combat as the very first thing and some kind of basic dungeon with some sort of theme. I want the dungeon to seem alive to contrast with what the...
  3. Rapida

    Firkraag's Dungeon

    Hello all, I realize this forum is a little stagnant at the moment so this is an attempt to help. I've been participating in a play by post on a different board lately. The thing is this is a rather odd game, I'm the BBEG of my very own dungeon. I realize that is quite strange, but anyhoo. I'm a...
  4. Rapida

    The Arena

    I would like to try the arena ideal. Here is what I want to begin. 4 People Level 9 characters 32 Point Buy Core books and the complete series This is all just for this test run. Basically I want to try 2 trials. 1 will be an endurance type thing where the participants will be a party. Then...
  5. Rapida

    Dang this sucks

    *sigh* We lost a lot of good threads.
  6. Rapida

    The World's Largest Dungeon

    I would like to try to play through the World's Largest Dungeon on a pbp. I was just wondering if anyone would be interesting in playing it if I DM'ed it. I would need to know how to post image files onto my posts though, can anyone help me with that? Anyway I would like to try to DM it for a...
  7. Rapida

    Grendel, from beowulf

    I would like to stat out this horrible monster. If anyone here has read beowulf I invite them to join me in making him. My thoughts are: Large Size or bigger: They talk of him carrying 30 men and people talk of seeing giants in the moors. So he must be big. Claws: Very damage claws because that...
  8. Rapida

    Starting a campaign off

    Hello all, my group is gonna finish up letting one of the other players dming then it is my turn again. I have a (semi) unique ideal to start the game off. It will be about 100 years prior to the actual characters the people will be playing. The players will be playing guards escorting a...
  9. Rapida

    Creating a fourth player

    Hello I seek seom help in a small problem I have. The problem being that I only have 3 players, and I was planning on taking them through CotSQ. Since I don't want to weaken every encounter they meet I figured I needed to give them some help. Since I can't find another player in this small town...
  10. Rapida

    Creating a fourth player

    Hello I seek seom help in a small problem I have. The problem being that I only have 3 players, and I was planning on taking them through CotSQ. Since I don't want to weaken every encounter they meet I figured I needed to give them some help. Since I can't find another player in this small town...
  11. Rapida

    Where do you get your books?

    I'm looking for a good online store that sells dnd books and minis (dice would be nice) at a decent price. I don't want to use just any store preferably one that people trust. I've been using amazon but it gets its books later and all. Plus they don't sell the big cases of minis. So what do you...
  12. Rapida

    Is anyone out there?

    I've not seen much activity in the forums as of late and I was just wondering where is everyone. I don't want to see the GMF to die and the best way to keep it alive is to keep this forum active. Anyway if anyone is out there alive give me a sign or something. Is anyone out there? :uhoh:
  13. Rapida

    Trouble in Archendale

    (I'm not sure I followed cannon FR, I might of severely weakened some group or forgotten about them. If I did please forgive me, mention it, and suggest a way to put them in.) Well my PCs have done it again, taken a simple adventure and screwed up the dalelands. I need help planning my next...
  14. Rapida

    Player Problem

    I have a player problem, not that the players are bad. Its just that I don't have enough players. I've got 3 players and I can't think of anyone in this small town to be another. So I need suggestions on how to get along with just 3 characters. I want to run CotSQ module, but I'm not sure I can...
  15. Rapida

    Democratic Monster Creation or something

    I say we of the GMF actually do something. So I'm gonna steal an ideal from wizard's boards. Heres what we do, following the chapter 5 of the monster manual we vote on each step. The most popular of the choices will be used so in the end we come out with some wierd monster. Yea anyway, first is...
  16. Rapida

    I need your votes... please

    I've entered the fey contest over on the wizards character optimization boards and I would like all of my fellow GMF members to give me a vote, only if you think I deserve it of course. Any help would be appreciated :) Here is the link to the thread...