• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. lyle.spade

    Elite Dangerous

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  2. lyle.spade

    Star Trek Adventures: Now that the full rules are out, what do you think?

    I decided to start a new thread, despite there being a few long(ish) ones, because all those already up were primarily, if not entirely, based on the playtest rules and materials and not the full, final release. I picked up the PDF the day it was released, and will certainly get the physical...
  3. lyle.spade

    Star Trek Adventures

    Star Trek Adventures RPG PDF Product information... View for more details
  4. lyle.spade

    Star Trek 2d20: Thoughts on the Playtest and Upcoming Releases

    I'm curious about what others think about the rules for the new Star Trek RPG from Modiphius, using the 2d20 system. I've read the different versions of the playtest rules and wasn't impressed; however, after playing the Conan scenario for Free RPG Day I understand the system much better and...
  5. lyle.spade

    D&D 5E Using Adventures in Middle Earth rules in 5e without using Middle Earth

    I'd like to hear about how you're using the AiME rules (from both the PG and LMG) in 5e games that are not set in Middle Earth. I've 'ported classes, cultures, virtues, journeys, the shadow, and fellowship rules into a new homebrew world, as briefly described below. Classes: I replaced the...
  6. lyle.spade

    Chill 3rd Edition

    Product information... View for more details
  7. lyle.spade

    Kickstarter Kickstarter: Chill 3e SAVE Sourcebook

    Kickstarter began on 13 OCT and will run for four weeks. Campaign is to fund production of a 150+ page sourcebook for the third edition of the horror RPG. Chill 3e SAVE Sourcebook
  8. lyle.spade

    Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Ranger

    http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/ranger New levels for the Ranger.
  9. lyle.spade

    Any idea about what's happening at the Obsidian Portal?

    Perhaps this isn't the best place to ask this very general question, but since the community forums at the OP itself are full of the same question, I figured I'd ask it here, too. Since the OP's KS-supported 'Reforging' a few years ago their responsiveness to problems and requests has slowed to...
  10. lyle.spade

    D&D 5E Common Magic Item Prices?

    Okay, probably a dumb question, but how much would scrolls and potions - from common spells - cost? I see the item creation cost for them, but I don't see anywhere a price list. Yeah, probably overlooking it but....
  11. lyle.spade

    Eberron Player's Guide

    I picked up the original Eberron CS when it first came out, after wanting to find something not Forgotten Realms, nor Greyhawk, nor some other Tolkien rip-off. I have never been dissatisfied, and have not looked back. My group switched to Eberron right away, and we've not strayed from it since...
  12. lyle.spade

    any ideas for a contagious zombie plague, like Dawn of the Dead?

    So, I like zombies. I like hordes of them, in fact. And so I love the minions in 4e. What I've always wondered about was how to incorporate a highly contagious, mostly deadly zombie plague into DnD. Now that I'm running 4e, I'm looking to find a way to do just that. Here's my initial thought...
  13. lyle.spade

    weigh in: damage effects at bloodied and below

    I've been thinking of trying out a graduated system of damage effects, in order to inject some penalty for taking damage. I recognize how abstract HP are, but I can't help but think that some sort of penalty to rolls when you're below bloodied is appropriate. Here's my idea: at bloodied, all...
  14. lyle.spade

    Scout Skirmish ability and AoO?

    This may sound stupid, but it seems to me that the Scout (in the Complete Adventurer) ability 'skirmish,' which gives a PC +1d6 damage in a combat round when he moves at least 10 feet, also results in that PC always opening himself to attacks of opportunity. Does this sound right? I have the 3.0...
  15. lyle.spade

    Tucson gaming group looking for people

    Our trio is looking for an additional person or two. We are currently running an Eberron campaign (which we all really like), but we have also played Forgotten Realms, as well as Vampire, Cyberpunk, Star Wars (d20 version), and numerous other systems over the many many years we have all games...
  16. lyle.spade

    Encounters & Experience for a 2 PC party

    Call me stupid, but does anyone have a simple, reliable way of converting the 3.0 encounter/challenge rating system for a 2-player party? I am a long-time player and recent 3E DM (no 3.5 books), and I'm having all manner of trouble reliably, consistently tailoring encounters (based on creature...