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Search results

  1. D

    Burned Man?

    Hey guys. Does Burned Man still post his amazing Art finds on this board? A quick scan uncovered nothing. Thanks.
  2. D

    What's Good in Books?

    I've been away from Enworld for a long time and I'm kind of out of touch with what new fantasy/Sci-Fi books are popular. Some of the ones that I have liked over the past few years have been: A Song of Ice And Fire series Only Forward The Straw Men Spares One Of Us The Videssos Cycle. The...
  3. D

    Geek Dating site.

    A year or two ago I saw a link to a Geek dating service. They gave the persons IQ and interests. After listening to my depressed friend who is always saying how there are no interesting girls around, I thought I'd give him the site if it was still around. Anyone know it? Thanks.
  4. D

    [OT, Humor] The world should be made aware of this conversation.

    My friend posed a question to me out of nowhere and this was the ensuing conversation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of Anime Jinsureiku buffer: Mon May 05 12:23:23 2003 Anime Jinsureiku: If, sometime in your life, the currency of...
  5. D

    [OT] Anything to do in Newburgh NY?

    Well after teetering back and fourth for some time now, it looks like I'll be moving to Newburgh NY for college. I'm wondering if anyone lives there/has visited there. Anything to do? Any game stores? Any gaming groups? Thanks.
  6. D

    Black Company conversion?

    There was a big thread a month of so ago and I was wondering if any progress had been made.I'm curious to see how the gritty/low magic aspects are being handled. Anyone know?
  7. D

    Anyone have a complete list of GAMA award nominees?

    Title says it all. SJG lists theirs on the website but I can't find ones for other companies.
  8. D

    Looking for info on GURPS. Unbalanced?

    I have several of the splat books which I use for information, but I don't own the rules. I was thinking about picking them up, but I've heard about how the rules are somewhat unbalanced. Can anyone tell me what they think of the rules and why they think they are unbalanced/unfair etc? Also, how...
  9. D

    Ghost ship....

    Someone posted a news link to a ghost ship that had shown up floating somewhere...it was fairly recent but everything I found with searching MSNBC/google was a few years old...anyone have the link by any chance?
  10. D

    Firefly On DVD?

    Have they said yes or no to this?
  11. D

    Best D20 product art wise?

    Don't own it, but I saw the add for This product. and the art looks really good. Is this a full color product? Who is the artist? *wishes he could frivolously spend $15 on one of those posters*
  12. D

    I've been out of it. Martin in Dragon?

    I heard awhile back that Dragon would be putting out a George R.R Martin issue with a short story and D20 rules for his setting. I never renewed my subscription due to it's recent poor quality and I was wondering if the issue had been released yet. Anyone know? Thanks for your time.
  13. D

    Does anyone have Jim Butler's email addy?

    I'm trying to contact him and I dont' see it on the wizards site. Anyone? Thanks.
  14. D

    What stores print PDFs?

    For quite some time I've been hearing people talk about printing PDFs at high quality printing stores and having them bound. I was wondering what stores handle this sort of thing and how much it costs. Thanks.
  15. D

    Question for the Burned Man.

    On the old boards, you posted a link to an artists with some sci-fi pictures. They took place on a desert type planet and the men were wearing white insecty looking armor/mechs etc. I saved the pictures but not the site they came from and I was wondering if you could recall who did them. Any...
  16. D

    Help with Cthulhu?

    I've been told that I'm a good DM but I just don't know if I can do COC justice. I bought the D20 version when it came out and I liked it but I just don't know how to go about running it. I've never played in a game before so I'd kinda in a jam.... My players are willing to take our games...
  17. D

    Light rules systems.

    I generally don't like them but I'm planning to run a new game for some friends/family and 3/6 have never RPed before. I don't want them to get bogged down by really hard rules and I'd just like to try a few creative/freeform settings. Does anyone know any cheap/free over the internet really...
  18. D

    [OT] Wish pop had told me about this one.,..

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2903427652&category=1467 Think of all the date money I could have saved!
  19. D

    Did Gurps ever come out with Mass combat rules?

    Can't seem to find any reference to them.
  20. D

    [OT] Imac Humor: Where are these?

    1. That comic about the guy who liked french cofee and also Imacs... 2. The movie from the Imac gamer in the style of the TV ads. Can't seem to find them when I need them. Anyone have the links? Thanks.