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  1. diaglo

    What happened to ENW?

    you got politics and sexual content on my peanut butter. i don't post much here anymore would someone please explain or link me to an explanation of what happened.
  2. diaglo

    D&D 5E N00b

    i've yet to play, see, or even look at 5ed other than read threads in this forum at ENW. how do i convert it to other editions? aka what do i need from this edition that is new and different and will be great to add to my current campaign?
  3. diaglo

    D&D 5E So now 5ed has been released who will be fired this 4th quarter?

    anyone want to speculate on who gets the ax now that their job is done. i'm gonna guess they will keep a few here and there but most of the r&d staff i would guess will be looking for work for Xmas.
  4. diaglo

    Is using an alt to get around a ban and questioning a mod call still a permaban offense?

    Is using an alt to get around a ban and questioning a mod call still a permaban offense? i know i ain't been here a lot over the last 8 years so i am just curious. i reported it. but still it shocked me to see.
  5. diaglo

    Can I get a thread bumped or reopened?

    it has been years and i am sure tempers have simmered. would a wonderful mod please bump this thread for me: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?158933-I-hate-Christmas/ please with sugar on top.
  6. diaglo

    I need to visit more often

    every time i visit ENWurld i see thread mentions. and every single one of those is closed by the time i get around to checking them out. i need to visit more often also see me at Gen Con this year. i won't close the conversation hopefully.:angel:
  7. diaglo


    as always when i attend Gen Con i will have my dice and come to play. i have a few games i am scheduled to play in over at Circvs Maximvs. and time to eat, drink, sing, dance, and be merry. but i will certainly talk, discuss, argue, referee or play OD&D(1974) with those willing. one of my name...
  8. diaglo

    Order of the Dune Schtick

    Giant In the Playground Games someone is gonna have Belkar's water.
  9. diaglo

    Community Supporter Account

    dear ENWurld, i'm experiencing technical difficulties. a while back i let Henry know i had two paid subscriptions. one expired in 07. the other was good until may 09. i now can't access my community supporter account.
  10. diaglo

    D&D 4E Reported post: Does anyone agree with me about 4E?(3830458)

    Original post: in Thread Does anyone agree with me about 4E? Reason: wtf? i thot we weren't having any more of this :):):):). meta threads my ass. Assigned Moderators: (mods who got the Email) April O'Neil, Creideiki, d6, Darkness, Dinkeldog, Dinkeldog2, el-remmen, Eridanis, Henry...
  11. diaglo

    OD&D(1974) Assault on the Temple of Elemental Evil

    so i'm gonna try and ref 4 different pickup sessions of this. anybody interested? over the next little while, i'll post the rules for play and the pregens and such here. also the scenarios and maps and what not if i can get my scanner/fax to work.
  12. diaglo

    Is an Edition Warz moritorium possible?

    simple request in the thread title. pweeze.
  13. diaglo

    Gaming in the Occident

    Ok, this is something I'm curious about after it popped into my today. Does Roleplaying exist outside of Asia? On ENWorld and other gaming forums I've seen posters from the Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan and even India, but I have never (that I remember) seen a post from someone in Uruguay...
  14. diaglo

    Anti-Paladin thread... the Blackguard

    so my last character got stoned... DC 25+ prismatic spray and i'm getting up an idea for a 13th lvl PC. i've decided to go ruthless and make a straight human Paladin with greatsword. improved sunder, improved crit, weapon focus(greatsword), power attack, cleave, 5 crossclass ranks in hide. so...
  15. diaglo

    what plus is this in your campaign?

    Armor: +1 Mithral Shirt: Ease, Negative energy protection, Shadow, Silent Moves, Nimbleness and what would you price it at accordingly?
  16. diaglo

    OotS 258 posted

    so who is this Rich character. i don't think i've seen him mentioned before. :confused:
  17. diaglo

    What to do, what to do?

    gaming again this Sunday. after many long and deadly months we have reached a semi climactic point in the campaign. but we will be a couple players down for the session. so the question then is do we go forward or bag out and try and find a side quest? party present: fiddle skipstone: rogue...
  18. diaglo

    Terps win another Collegiate Title

    that's right. 1 to nil and the terps claim a new title. they won the real football title defeating New Mexico.
  19. diaglo

    Write a review for Heroes of Horror

    so i told Ari i would write a review for Heroes of Horror once i'd finished pouring over the book. i'm basically done. just need to get my notes into an organized mess now. i know this has been reviewed already. so do i just add my review below the title? do i need to make a new account to do...
  20. diaglo

    Friend's mother terminally ill

    hey gang, a player and friend in my OD&D campaign is about to lose his mother. please send him some well wishes. she is in the hospital and is being given about 2 or so days to live. he posts here very infrequently. David "diaglo" Temporado