• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. ForceUser

    Player/GM looking for monthly/weekend game in San Diego, CA

    Hi folks, 51 y/o, been playing RPGs since '87. I'm looking for a chill group of 3-6 to join for biweekly/monthly/weekend games in Southern California. I'm East County SD, but willing to drive anywhere in SD County. I'm happy to play or GM. Games I'm comfortable GMing: D&D (Various OSR...
  2. ForceUser

    Level Up (A5E) Reflections on Exploration rules in play

    Hello, Before I begin, here is the TL;DR: We have played 9 sessions with the A5E exploration rules (regions, journeys, challenges) fully implemented. Regions add shape & character to exploration, inspire meaningful player choices. A+. Journey rules have proven awkward to implement thus far and...
  3. ForceUser

    Level Up (A5E) Question re: potential printing delays

    Hi Morrus et al: Question. I read an article recently that there is a global paper shortage and Europe particularly has been hit hard. Has your publisher given any indication of a potential delay in printing or rise in costs as a result? Thanks! Source: Shortage of paper pushes up costs for...
  4. ForceUser

    [Sensitive question] Is there cultural appropriation in gaming?

    Hi all, The goal of the following question is to clarify, in the context of tabletop roleplaying, what may or may not be cultural appropriation. I am particularly interested in the point of view of nonwhite gamers. Over the past few years, people of color have made it known via social media...
  5. ForceUser

    San Diego, CA - 5E DM LFG - play 1/mo. weekends

    Hi all. I'm a DM who is jonesing to run more 5th edition D&D. I am 43 years old and I have DMed since 1987. I have played all editions except first, and so far the fifth edition is my favorite. I teach at an area college and have a family, and I play in other games. I prefer running homebrew...
  6. ForceUser

    Eriador: Dominion

    The Setting The game is set in a reboot of our 3rd edition campaign world. Enough has changed that we have simply agreed that the 4E version of things is an alternate reality or something. Whatever. Not important. What follows is information for the players to differentiate the old setting from...
  7. ForceUser

    US Court rules that D&D is gang activity

    manwhat :confused: kare11.com | Twin Cities, MN | Wis. inmate loses battle to play Dungeons and Dragons in jail
  8. ForceUser

    Help! I need a rules-lite super hero RPG

    I've been perusing Mutants & Masterminds, but I think there's too much going on there for me to bother with. I just left 3E for 4E D&D and I'm not thrilled about going back to the standard d20 system and all of its crunchy numbers for a supers game. But the system can't be Marvel Super Heroes...
  9. ForceUser

    Warlord: Your experiences

    I am thinking of playing one of these guys soon, so I wanted to hear from people who have played them or seen them in play. Are they fun? Boring? Sufficiently tactical or just gimmicky? What's your favorite build and why?
  10. ForceUser

    [D&D 4E] Looking for players and/or DM in San Diego, CA

    -- Adult gaming group (ages range from 25 to 40) looking for more adults to play a new 4E game once or twice per month on weekends. Times/dates/campaign setting/DM/number of players all up in the air at the moment, and thus flexible. -- Typically we enjoy heavy to moderate role-playing with an...
  11. ForceUser

    Love DMing, hate doing loot

    I've been DMing since 1987, and I have enjoyed all the incarnations of D&D I've played since then. I'm running 4E now and I like the smooth modularity of the skill, magic and combat systems. But over the 8 years I DMed 3E, it completely killed my desire to track XP awards, encounter levels...
  12. ForceUser

    Describe your campaign in 10 words or less

    I'll start. Post-apocalyptic fantasy: Reign of Fire-meets-The Road.
  13. ForceUser

    [WoW] New TV commericals

    Anyone see these? High-larious. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/downloads/movies.html In other news, ret paladin pwnage in Arathi Basin post-patch 2.3. ^ ^
  14. ForceUser

    D&D 4E The 4E warlock -- love at first glimpse

    There's a new Design & Development article up by Heinsoo, on the warlock. I was reading through it with some interest until I read this: "send enemy directly to hell for a round" 4E design team, will you marry me?
  15. ForceUser

    Felon v. ForceUser: The Warlock, more boring than the Fighter?

    No. Rebuttal? :p
  16. ForceUser

    From Scratch: Designing a Psionic Setting

    If you were going to design from scratch a homebrew setting with a heavy emphasis on psionics, what would you include from a world design perspective (classes, races, monsters, magic systems, religions, geography, variant rules)? What would you omit? Would it be a D&D/d20 game, or something...
  17. ForceUser

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Conversion: Land Beyond the Magic Mirror

    I statted the monsters that aren't already updated to 3.5. Use the others as written. For the unicorn in Area Q, use the celestial charger. The only conversion I didn't make is the eblis. Enjoy.
  18. ForceUser

    I don't understand beguilers

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's a neat idea for a class. But as far as I can tell, while a beguiler is adept at incapacitating enemies, he is absolutely incapable of killing them. Verses undead, he seems nearly as useless as a rogue, unless, like a rogue, he keeps maximum ranks in Use magic...
  19. ForceUser

    Looking for a room for GenCon

    Forgive me if there's a thread on this somewhere. How would I go about finding a roommate or five for GenCon?
  20. ForceUser

    Detect evil as a spell-like ability--no visual indications?

    This is one I go back and forth about. Per RAW, if detect evil is used as a spell-like ability, there is no indication that a character is using it other than a focused concentration on a particular area. Correct? If so, how does one rationalize allowing a Spellcraft check to discern whether a...