• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Eridanis

    Just lost my RPG collection to fire.

    We've been packing to move house at the end of this month, and I've been storing some of my books and things at my parent's storage room. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by fire this afternoon...
  2. Eridanis

    Since I can't go to GenCon, I will be...

    ... running a Pathfinder game this weekend for my wife and my 9-year-old daughter. First time playing an RPG for my daughter; it should be a lot of fun. I'm also sorting my Magic cards sets into appropriate binders. I've let 9 years of sets go by without sorting them into my main binders (one...
  3. Eridanis

    Road Construction This Summer in Downtown Indy

    Something to keep in mind if you'll be driving in to the Convention Center from a hotel outside of downtown, as I will be: Smith: There's a method to the madness of Downtown street repairs | The Indianapolis Star | indystar.com Article estimates that it will not be so bad by "early August,"...
  4. Eridanis

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Intro Box: How would you do it?

    Rumors have circulated for a while about Paizo working on a new boxed set (a la the Red Box of the early 80's) to serve as an intro to the game. What would you include and exclude? What would be the format? Here's my stab on what I'd do if I were tasked with this. Physical Format: sturdy...
  5. Eridanis

    D&D 4E No more reprints of the 4E core books?

    It will be interesting to see if this is corroborated at GenCon. Magic the Gathering post: Exclusive: Wizards Not Reprinting Core Dungeons & Dragons Books | ManaNation.com
  6. Eridanis

    PFRPG GameMastery Guide

    It's in my Paizo subscriber Downloads... pulling it down now. Yee-haw!!! Looking forward to giving it a good read tomorrow.
  7. Eridanis

    Core Rulebook & Bestiary Errata released

    Errata documents for the 1st and 2nd printings of the PFRPG core book, and the 1st printing of the Bestiary, are now available from paizo.com. If you're a subscriber, be sure to download the revised pdfs so you're working from the latest version! Core Rulebook page w/link to errata Bestiary...
  8. Eridanis

    PRPG Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Alchemist, Inquisitor, and Tactical Feats

    Must be Monday: http://paizo.com/store/downloads/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy8bt0 Both classes are spellcasters. Looking forward to reading more later.
  9. Eridanis

    PRPG Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Summoner and Witch

    This week's playtest classes are up: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog All I can say is, I wanna roll up a summoner right now. I love the idea and execution of the eidolon.
  10. Eridanis

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder RPG GM Screen

    I popped over to Paizo to check to see if my copy of the new OotS book had shipped yet, and was pleasantly surprised to find the pdf of the GM screen ready for download! Now, to keep an eye on the mailbox... The content is pretty straightforward. Two of the four panels enumerate skill...
  11. Eridanis

    Kobold Quarterly #11

    Thanks to a reminder email from Open Design, I renewed my KQ subscription, and was rewarded with the new issue. Didn't see a thread on it yet, so here's a quick rundown of what's in it. Articles on: - sanity and PCs - Uvandir dwarves - werebeasts as PCs - Ecology of the Vampire, by Tim and...
  12. Eridanis

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Bestiary - Discussion

    OK - I'm glancing through my hot-off-the-intarwebs subscriber PDF for a few minutes before I turn in for the night. A few notes before I turn into a pumpkin (and apologies if any of this is old news): - Aasimar gain +2 CHA, +2 WIS. No ability penalty. - "Eladrin" are no more; they are called...
  13. Eridanis

    Zendikar Lands; Planechase

    This week at the WotC Magic site, it looks like they're previewing lands from the new Expert set (are they still calling them that?) for this fall. I thought Alara's art was the best yet in a Magic set, but it just keep getting better. And if, like me, you're a fan of the Unglued/Unhinged land...
  14. Eridanis

    Love fantasy landscapes? Check out PLANECHASE.

    WotC's Magic site revealed the rules for the new Magic: the Gathering product coming out in September, PLANECHASE. Even if you don't play MtG, check out this page. Magic's art has never been better, I think, and the art on this page is stellar. Planechase Rules Revealed : Daily MTG : Magic: The...
  15. Eridanis

    Is this the Golden Age of Roleplaying?

    D&D 4E came out a little over a year ago, and has a large following. D&D 3E reatains a large following, and is about to get a substantial refresh with the release of Pathfinder this week. The OGL birthed Mutant & Masterminds, which is a fun system that's showing how versatile it can be, with...
  16. Eridanis

    Please recommend threads to Archive

    (This should properly be in Meta, and I will move it there in a few days after people have had a chance to post.) This evening, I archived a great thread started by Sepulcrave about D&D demographics. Afterward, I noticed that we haven't archived any threads in quite a while. And I figured, why...
  17. Eridanis

    Today's XKCD...

    ... is D&D themed!
  18. Eridanis

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder RPG Core Book - Cover Posted

    In case you've not seen it - the final cover for the book has been posted over at Paizo. Only three and a half months to go... http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/p/paizoPublishingLLC/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy8255
  19. Eridanis

    Kobold Quarterly #7

    I stopped by my FLGS at lunch today, and saw that KQ#7 was out. Grabbed it immediately (and once again reminded myelf that I need to re-subscribe). It has a gorgeous William O'Connor cover, and on the train home I hope to dig into the content, including: - Monsters of Osirion (Pathfinder...
  20. Eridanis

    Shards of Alara

    Has anyone else been following the previews? I've been looking over my old binders recently and thinking of rebuilding an old WUG legends deck with new tech - looks like WotC was looking at my ten-year-old deck lists for inspiration! :) I think the art that's been shown so far has been some of...