• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    Level Up (A5E) Goodberry

    As I know that the o5e Goodberry spell can be a bit of a headache for DM's ( as in it was for me in my last game) I went to take a look at what they did. Wow what a nerf. The spell only gives 2d4 berries and doesn't provide sustenance. So right away its not as good, but the casting a higher...
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    D&D 5E Crowd source my game

    I've set my party up to explore an old keep to find its secrets. They are looking for an ancient weapon and they have two keys to unlock it. The weapon is actually the keep itself which is basically a giant mech built by the dwarves long ago and then kept hidden. Since then it has been used as...
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    Help! Game in 3 hours and I have no idea what the villain's ritual will do!

    quick story summary: (D&D 5e) Characters have the seed of an Elder god (Cthulhu/far realm type of being) buried in them. There are several prophecies stating this gods return to the world. The villain is a cult leader who (may or may not) want to bring this god back, but regardless he is doing...
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    13th Age New 13th Age Icons for my 5e D&D game

    I'm stealing the idea of icons from 13th Age and implementing them into a new campaign setting I made for an upcoming 5e D&D game. Take a look and tell me what you think.
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    Sundering and Disarming

    is there any word yet on how to accomplish these feats? I don't think I saw any powers that can do them and I can't seem to find any rules on them. I mean if it were up to me I would make disarming simply an :bmelee: attack roll vs :bmelee: atack roll giving out a bonus or penalty where...
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    Our 4th ed campaign setting

    I thought I would share our campaing setting that we will be starting with 4th ed. I'd like to hear your comments if you have any. IT HAS BEEN 100 YEARS since the Fall of Light, and the world has changed. It was on the Fields of Alannor that the fate of the world was decided, when the young...
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    Opportunity Attacks

    Does anyone know whether or not a character can use a power during an Opportunity Attack? I am thinking about runing the 4th ed adventure that was posted here at EN world, and was going over rules when this came to mind? I have a feeling it would just be a basic attack, but wanted to get some...
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    Templates: anyone want to take a guess?

    What other monster templates do you think are going to be in the DMG? My guess on some of the tmeplates: (Keep in mind this is my guess!!) Death Knight Vampire Lord Celestial Fiendish (or half demon) Dragonblooded or Half Dragon Shadow Touched or Fey Touched (maybe both) Bold indicates what...
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    The Vorpal blade

    Since the Pit Fiend wields a mace now, this brings up the question of whether the classic Vorpal Blade will be in or out of 4th ed. My group and I have a small place in our hearts for the magical blade of doom. The Jaborwocky 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the...
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    D&D 4E Does anyone else feel like 4ed isn't really a new edition?

    As the title says. I feel likes its more of another update. More like polished up some things and to added a bit. I don't feel as though they went and changed to a new edition. From 2nd to 3rd, that was a new edition. They practicly scrapped everything, and began a new. This 3.x to 4th ed...
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    Alignment issues

    My group has been having a lot of issues with alignment lately. You see, a while ago one of the PCs used torture to obtain information from a captured foe. I'm talking about breaking the fingers type of torture. So I ruled that his alignment would change from LN to LE. The scene itself was...
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    Ok math geeks I need help

    I suck at math, but i know you guys are geniuses. So I have a question for you. What is the better odds (or are they even different): rolling 4d10 and trying to get one die number under 4 or rolling 2d10 and trying to get one die number under 6? I would think the first one, but I don't know...
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    What, if any, publishers/designers/whatever are going to be at the San Diego Comic-Con? What can I, as a consumer, look forward to? I'd like to see more publishers coming out to this event. Selfishly, cause I can't go to anyother "gaming" events because they are all too far away and would...
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    Dusk Blade spells

    So I recently picked up the PHBII and was looking at the duskblade, thinking I might want to try it out in our next campaign coming up. The question I have is having to do with its spell list. I the text is says refer to page whatever for the duskblade spell list, but in the example characters...
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    Balance this spell: Improved Magic Missle

    So my player wants to make a new more powerful version of magic missle for his character. So I says "sure, type it up for me and I work with you to create it and balance it. Below is what he came up with. I'm still unsure if its balanced or not after looking at it and comparing it to ther...
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    Have *you* ever ruined your own plot hook?

    :heh: Question is, have you, as a DM, ever accidently ruined your plot hook for the PCs that you had planned? For instance, last game I ran I had 2 hooks in place that the PCs could do in any order they saw fit. 1) Go help dwarven miner/merchant who's miners keep disappearing in his mines...
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    Poll: How often do you buy RPG books?

    This poll has probaly been before, but since there is so many books coming out that have poepl interested, thought it would be interesting for an update. edit: i buy once a year or maybe twice, its all a college student can afford. :\
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    My group needs to feel pain

    I'm having a problem w/ my group. Nothing fazes them. I try to throw encounters that are challengeing enough equal to their lvl, but it end up only 1 person really gets hurt while the others are fine. this is usually how it goes: Samuri wins init. charges (or something like it) gets his...
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    need a new PC

    Alright I'm neen a new PC for a new campaign that is starting up, and I'm stumped as to what I should do. So far I know there will be a Cleric, a psion warrior, a fighter, and maybe mage. So for I have decided I don't want to be any of those or a drd, brd, pldn, or mnk. what I'm looking...
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    quick dmg question

    I couldn't find it in the srd, but what are the rules for the point buy system? Like how much is worht what and what do you start at? Thanks in advance.