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Search results

  1. Mark Hope

    Pathfinder 1E [Frog God Games] Sword of Air Kickstarter live :)

    Frog God Games have launched their Kickstarter for their new adventure campaign setting thing, Sword of Air. Really cool to see this finally available. There are Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry version on offer, with the usual goodies. Rappan Athuk and Slumbering Tsar were awesome - can't wait...
  2. Mark Hope

    Forsaken Studios Kickstarter Needs You!

    I recently joined Forsaken Studios, an indie games studio. We're making a sandbox MMO called Embers of Caerus and we just launched our Kickstarter to raise funds for our prototype, which we'll be showing to investors to secure serious funding. Please swing by our Kickstarter page or our website...
  3. Mark Hope

    Advice Needed: Buying New Laptop

    My laptop has begun to die. Hard drive failures reported, and thus the end is nigh. While I consider repair, I am also considering a replacement. My laptop is an Acer Aspire 5472z (P6100, 6gb ram, 640gb hd) and I have been very happy with it indeed. Well, up until today. I am looking at the...
  4. Mark Hope

    Slumbering Tsar: The Desolation, Part I - The Edge of Oblivion

    Slumbering Tsar: The Desolation, Part I - The Edge of Oblivion is the opening part of the Slumbering Tsar mega-adventure and the debut release from Frog God Games. It details a forlorn and forsaken outpost at the edge of a terrifying wilderness and acts as the jumping-off point for adventures...
  5. Mark Hope

    Interview with Monte Cook on Darker Days Radio

    I'm cross-posting this here because I figure there's a few folks might be interested in checking out the interview :) Darker Days Presents: The Darkling Podcast Episode #7 Darkling Podcast The Darkling Podcast is Darker Days' 15 to 20 minute podcast focusing on material created by our...
  6. Mark Hope

    [Podcast] Darker Days - A World of Darkness Podcast

    Darker Days is a podcast for the World of Darkness. Time: The show is broadcast bi-weekly. We record on a Wednesday night and post the show shortly afterwards. Hosts: Your hosts are Mark and Vince. Topics: We'll be covering both old and new versions of the setting. We'll also be giving...
  7. Mark Hope

    Recommend me some games for the Xbox 360...

    My son received an Xbox 360 from his uncle for Xmas this year. So while he and his sister are happy playing Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones, my gf and I are looking for some ideas for games more to our taste to play when the kids are in bed. (Yes, OK, ha ha, very funny. Can we get our...
  8. Mark Hope

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Soulknife - Does it need a power point reserve?

    Apologies if this has been covered - couldn't see a thread on the topic. The 3.0 prestige class version of the soulknife needed to maintain a power point reserve in order to manifest its mind blade. There does not seem to be any such requirement for the 3.5 base class version - the text that...
  9. Mark Hope

    Gargoyle - your experiences?

    Sixteenth thread of a series on the younger classic Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules. It is interesting to see how everyone's experiences compared and differed. Gargoyle Synopsis: A pair of gargoyles wake up on morning to find their wings missing, and contact the players to help recover...
  10. Mark Hope

    Vecna Lives! - your experiences?

    Fifteenth thread of a series on the younger classic Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules. It is interesting to see how everyone's experiences compared and differed. Vecna Lives! Synopsis: Featuring one of D&D's most iconic bad guys and several famous artifacts, Vecna Lives! is a high level...
  11. Mark Hope

    Tale of the Comet - your experiences?

    Fourteenth thread of a series on the younger classic Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules. It is interesting to see how everyone's experiences compared and differed. Tale of the Comet Synopsis: A sci-fi/fantasy crossover that sees the PCs dealing with invaders from a hi-tech reality. The...
  12. Mark Hope

    Forgotten Realms Avatar Trilogy - your experiences?

    Thirteenth thread of a series on the younger classic Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules. It is interesting to see how everyone's experiences compared and differed. Shadowdale and the Avatar Trilogy Synopsis: The Gods of the Forgotten Realms have been cast out from their heavenly domain and...
  13. Mark Hope

    Return to White Plume Mountain - your experiences?

    Twelfth thread of a series on the younger classic Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules. It is interesting to see how everyone's experiences compared and differed. Return to White Plume Mountain Synopsis: Twenty years after adventurers reclaimed a trio of stolen weapons from the depths of...
  14. Mark Hope

    Jet Pack!

    http://uk.news.yahoo.com/itn/20080515/twl-birdman-takes-to-the-skies-41f21e0.html How completely, totally awesome!!! Next, flying cars!
  15. Mark Hope

    Sky One to remake Blake's 7

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/apr/24/bskyb.television Wahoo!!! :D
  16. Mark Hope

    Torchwood, Series 2, Episode 2: "Sleeper"

    Belatedly... Episode 2 sees the team struggling against a sleeper cell of aliens. A fun episode. Good to see the team working well together and good to see recurring themes from earlier episodes (the cryo tanks, Gwen's old colleague in the police). Once again there were some hilarious lines...
  17. Mark Hope

    Torchwood, Series 2, Episode 1: "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang"

    The new Torchwood series started up on BBC last night. Didn't see a thread on it, so... (This post is spoiler-free for the moment...) The story featured a rogue Time Agent played by James Marsters (Spike from Buffy) as well as the return of Captain Jack (who had hitched a ride aboard the...
  18. Mark Hope

    Star Wars Saga - Gaining More Skills

    I was looking over SW Saga Edition and the skill rules. Other than taking the feat Skill Training (I think that's what it was called), is there any other way to get more skills besides those that you start with at first level? (Apologies if this is in the wrong forum - mods please move if...
  19. Mark Hope

    [For Scott Rouse] Is there going to be a Feat Compendium for 3.5?

    What it says on the tin :) Are we going to see a compendium of feats for D&D 3.5 before that edition goes the way of the cifal? Thanks!
  20. Mark Hope

    Doctor Who to get extra companion.

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6260374.stm Well, that answers the question of how soon Martha will be returning to the TARDIS. I wonder what the new companion will be like? Another woman? Or will we get an Adric, Turlough, Jamie or the like? Or some weird alien? I'd reckon a...