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  1. Wolf72

    Multi-class options

    Anyone remember how excited they were when the UA came out? ... It was awesome. Made a drow ranger, before Drizz't (sp). I do remember thinking, 'god, how do you figure out what you can and can't multiclass?'. As my memories blur together and I find myself perusing my 1e library, I'm still...
  2. Wolf72

    False Dragon: Fire Lizard with Half Dragon Template

    [edit: There is a Santa Claus!] http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/fire-lizard Wasn't sure what to change, since it was pointed out there is an official version. When I make monster stat block I like to add in PA after the attacks, put any modifiers in the feats...
  3. Wolf72

    Pathfinder 1E Advanced Race Guide and amount of Racial point spent

    this topic was probably covered long ago (actually have a little bit of time to putz around atm), but currently I'm attempting to update some older races from various sources (3rd party and homebrew). I think I have the basics down on what I need to do create a race, but how strong a...
  4. Wolf72

    Pathfinder 1E Deities & Demigods in PF

    are there any rules or guidelines for gods granting certain levels of spells in PF? I'm thinking back to the 1e (and 2e?) where depending on the gods power level (demi, lesser, intermediate, greater) there were some spell levels that were unavailable (demi powers could grant up to 5th lvl...
  5. Wolf72

    Pathfinder 1E Looking for Undead Template or PrC for WoW Death Knight conversion

    Since I don't have time to actually plan either D&D or WoW anymore I've been just geeking and creating some N/PC's from WoW. So far so good ... except when I get to my Tauren Death Knight. Is there a PrC that mimics the Death Knight? (perhaps 3x Blackguard, dropping the Alignment restriction...
  6. Wolf72

    Green Men of Mars/Barsoom (version 1.8)

    sooo I finally got around to watching John Carter ... it was ok, well worth the netflix. I liked the books more, but that's a whole 'nother thread and forum. Where they fit in? 1.) nomadic desert dwellers on any world; 2.) raiders from another prime material plane (or world ... stargate/portal...
  7. Wolf72

    Pathfinder 1E O.A. 3x to Pathdinder

    I'm getting my geek off by updating some monsters and ideas to Pathfinder. Right now I'm flipping through part of Oriental Adventures. While I would have preferred 3x to totally update the original OA, Rokugan is pretty cool, too. What I'm looking for suggestions on is the Shadowlands Taint...
  8. Wolf72

    Pathfinder 1E Elf Subraces

    Ok, first off I'm not trying to start a "OMG, no! we've had enough!" ... But I grew up on AD&D (1e) and still have a fondness for the Elven subraces (Greyhawk standard) I would like some non-over-the-top ideas for different subraces. I think PF did a good job of congealing the different types...
  9. Wolf72

    to smite or not to smite

    This is directed towards pathfinder rules, but would probably be appropriate in any 3x rule set. If a creature has the smite ability it has + to attack (it's cha mod if positive) and a + to damage (based on HD) do levels count as hit dice for smite? a 4th level resolute (axiomatic) human...
  10. Wolf72

    Holy Big Birds, Batman!

    Battletech inspired names (and some homebrew musings of BT clans in a fantasy setting ...w/o battlemechs/golems) Blood Kite • Neutral or Lawful Neutral Large Magical Beast Initiative/Senses: +3, Low-light vision. Perception +11 Armor Class: 14 (+3 dex, -1 size, +2 Natural) HD/HP: 3d10+3...
  11. Wolf72

    Another Flying Construct/Golem (PF rules)

    Clockwork Dragonfly • Neutral Gargantuan Construct Initiative/Senses: +2, Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision Armor Class: 12 (-4 size, +2 dex, +4 Natural) HD/HP: 7d10+60 (90 hp) Saves: Fort +2, Refl +4, Will +2 Spec Qualities: Construct Speed: 10 ft, Fly 120 ft...
  12. Wolf72

    Flying Golems/Construct for your use!

    [unlurk] Well, since not working full time kinda bites the big one, I get some down time (currently substitute teaching) during the day. I've been on a flying mount kick and finding ways to make them available earlier for PC's and NPC's. This is what I have so far [still un-lurking] Iron...
  13. Wolf72

    July what are you reading branch off

    has anyone read Kate Elliot's Crossroad trilogy? Enjoyed the first two books, but the third one totally took me by surprise!!! awesome twists at the end (Was very shocked what Anji did to Joss). Part of my total love of the book is probably the contrast with the WoT series (currently starting...
  14. Wolf72

    Can't remember Animation movie title

    ok, I've seen this trailer for a (what seems to be) really cool anime movie. The action is based on funky WWII era air craft ala Crimson Skies. I can't for the life of me remember the title ... any help?
  15. Wolf72

    Advanced Template added Horses

    I've the got the easy part ... for a light warhorse, make it combat trained. for a heavy warhorse, make it combat trained and add 4 to each ability?? so a light horse has: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7 a heavy horse has: Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11 I'd keep...
  16. Wolf72

    Wild Cohort update?

    Has there been anyone who updated this feat? Given that the Ranger and Paladin use the same chart, do the same for Wild Cohort? ... use 1/2 Character Lvl for advancement?
  17. Wolf72

    D&D 1E 1e->3x->Pathfinder Bard Prestige Class

    I know this is probably a dinosaur from 3x days and probably hasn't been brought up to Pathfinder yet ... but does anyone have a link or ideas about making the 1e Bard class to a PrC for 3x/PF? ... Maybe stick with many current bard abilities but have a lightened druidic spell list?
  18. Wolf72

    How George Lucas has warped my Sci Fi movie experience ...

    this all comes about from watching Serenity again last night, the first thing I did was watch the deleted scenes and some of the other bonus material and when Joss said anytime he thinks of Sci Fi he thinks of the Millennium Falcon ... and I said out loud to myself (and to my daughter, she's...
  19. Wolf72

    D&D 3E/3.5 4e Dragonborn to 3.5

    has anyone done a version of this? Or is anyone willing to do a version of this? Two abilities that probably need to be feats are the draconic breath weapon (I'd think to use the dragonlance version) and some sort of ability to grow wings (from gliding to useful, mabye needed as a first lvl...
  20. Wolf72

    Battlestar Galactica 22/01/07

    No pre-posts on this yet???? right then! ... anyone else slightly annoyed at the time slot? 10pm on Sunday?! I teach and staying up Sunday nights isn't really that fun vis a vis the rest of the work week. oh well, my VCR works well enough. any thoughts? Does the chief make it out? ... do...