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  1. tsadkiel

    D&D 5E Additive versus subtractive modularity

    I have a theory. (I have many theories, but this is my theory about the new edition of D&D.) I think a part of the disconnect we're seeing this month is that some people are hoping for subtractive modularity ("I don't like X - how do I remove it?") whereas WotC seems to be focusing on additive...
  2. tsadkiel

    Dragon 371 Table of Contents

    Here. As widely speculated, the Dhampyr article is a new PC race. And I predict the Warforged & Genasi article will annoy many setting purists.
  3. tsadkiel

    Dragon 370 Table of Contents

    Is here. Looks like the Mercykillers are indeed the Planescape faction. (They're referred to as "returning to D&D", at least.) The Mercykiller article is also not marked as a playtest.
  4. tsadkiel

    Advanced Player's Guide questions

    I couldn't wait for my preorder, so I snagged the PDF. It's marvelous, but of course there will be questions. Here's mine - Any way for a Martial Artist to gain an enhancement bonus on their Chi powers? I don't see any reference to any sort of implement. Troubadors have a similar problem...
  5. tsadkiel

    Yet another unofficial playtest report - solo pbem

    My gaming group was never very large, and we have dwindled considerably over the years, thanks to new jobs and divorces and other intrusions from the real world, so most of my gaming these days is one on one and conducted via email, so while much of what I've heard about 4E sounds interesting, I...
  6. tsadkiel

    Races & Classes details from the WotC boards

    Another Hungarian player spotted Races & Classes, and actually bought the book! Here.
  7. tsadkiel

    Talent trees - any actual confirmation?

    I've seen a lot of people refer to talent trees as something that will definitely be in 4E, but none of the developer comments I've read so far have even mentioned the word "talent." Have I missed something?
  8. tsadkiel

    D&D 4E Reported post: Let me sum up 4e anger for you.(3710460)

    Original post: in Thread Let me sum up 4e anger for you. Reason: A post comparing WotC staff to war criminals. Assigned Moderators: (mods who got the Email) April O'Neil, Creideiki, d6, Darkness, Dinkeldog, Dinkeldog2, el-remmen, Eridanis, Henry, Hypersmurf, Pielorinho, Plane Sailing, Rel...
  9. tsadkiel

    [Osric] Monsters of Myth on Lulu.com

  10. tsadkiel

    C&C Planescape?

    A while ago, I found a very good conversion of Planescape for Castles & Crusades online, but I lost it. Anyone know where such a thing could be found?
  11. tsadkiel

    My M&M 2E Setting Experiment

    The Theme- Legacy heroes. The PCs are all either younger heroes taking on the mantle of their heroic predecessors, or they're older heroes called out of retirement by extraordinary circumstances. The Setting- Emerald, Washington, the Opal City to Freedom's Metropolis. The Gimmick-...
  12. tsadkiel

    Cheesy campaign idea - the Union Sentinels

    That's right - the Union Sentinels. The prestige class for Epic warriors to . . . become city guards, rather than doing anything even remotely epic. Still, it may be interesting for a short-term game to take the premise at face value. Start with epic level heroes - real ones, the kind who...
  13. tsadkiel

    Advanced GM's Guide Simplified NPC Design rules - how are they?

    Psion's review of the Advanced Gamemaster's Guide by Green Ronin mentioned a set of rules for "faking" NPCs. Since the length of NPC character creation is my biggest pet peeve about D&D (I'm fine with lengthy PC design, but not NPCs) I'm suddenly very intrigued by the book. So, for those who...
  14. tsadkiel


    I just picked it up about two hours ago and I like it much more than I expected I would. I had some quibbles with the classes based on the previews (they seemed more teenager-oriented than kid-oriented) but looking at the full six levels, I'm pleased, especially after reminding myself that...
  15. tsadkiel

    You know what I want? Bollywood d20.

    Lately I've been watching all the Indian movies I can get my hands on, and there's got to be a gaming book in there somewhere. Occupations, Advanced Classes and Feats based on Bollywood cliche, GMing advice on capturing the feel of the source material (including advice on running big...
  16. tsadkiel

    Preview Adventure for FFG's Grimm

    So the free preview adventure for FFG's Grimm is finally up on the Game Trade Magazine website. I've been looking forward to the book for a while now, so here's what I think about the preview: Judging from ther preview, the classes seem to be Jock, Nerd, Popular Kid, Dreamer, Bully, and...
  17. tsadkiel

    Thoughts on a theoretical rules-light d20.

    The "Castles and Crusades" thread on the general discussion board got me thinking about what I'd like to see from a rules-light d20 variant, but rather than hijack that thread, I've started a new thread here. Anyway, my thoughts: Feats. Feats are good, and I'd hate to see them go away...
  18. tsadkiel

    Taladas Unearthed

    This is a thread for me to keep my notes about using Taladas (the "other" continent of Krynn) as a setting for Arcana Unearthed. Or, more accurately, for using Arcana Unearthed as a ruleset for Taladas. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
  19. tsadkiel

    Ducks - could someone apply a template for me?

    For dark reasons of my own I find myslef in need of stats for anthropomorphic ducks. Which is fine and dandy, except that I recently sold off several rpg books, including Savage Species (with the anthropomorphic template) and the monster book for Swashbuckling Adventures (which had duck stats.)...