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Search results

  1. twofalls

    D&D 5E What is up with the popularity of watching other D&D groups play the game?

    D&D voyeurism has gone through the roof, and it's a complete mystery to me. Now for perspective I'm 51 years old and have played D&D for over 40 years, almost exclusively as a DM, so it may be a generational or even an issue of my role in games, but I'm just not sure. I've tried to watch some of...
  2. twofalls

    Planescape Planescape to languish in purgatory?

    If there is another thread that discusses this which anyone knows of, I'd be grateful for a link. There are a lot of treasured past tense D&D campaign worlds that are being (as far as I am able to see) ignored by WotC. They have come out with several other settings, Ravnica, Wildermont, Theros...
  3. twofalls

    D&D 5E Another Thread on Skills, fishing for sites

    In the past (two years ago) I read a couple of really good threads here on how to utilize skills in 5e, and some folks gave me some really good advice, and with total lack of foresight I failed to save the information. I have 6 editions of D&D in my head all fighting for prominence when I'm...
  4. twofalls

    D&D 5E Forgotten realms recent history

    Hey folks, I'm wondering if anyone has at the tip of their fingers a website (or consolidated sourcebook) that gives a detailed current history of the realms from about DR 1370 to present. I have a very solid grasp on the history before then, but I am quite murky on how the current situation in...
  5. twofalls

    D&D 5E Post Apoc 5e settings?

    I'm just curious if any well detailed and designed published settings for the 5e system currently exist in this genre, and if so where to find them? 5e has been out for a while now, and I did buy into the Modern 5e Redux kickstarter so I have the rules I would need to run such a game, but would...
  6. twofalls

    D&D 5E Does any product give a detailed description of the city Silverymoon?

    My players will be passing through this city, and while I will be writing up most of the material for it, I would find it helpful to have something already written that details the city to build upon in order to save time. Looking at a couple of Wikis, the reference sources are all one or two...
  7. twofalls

    D&D 5E SKT - Yakfolk Village makes no sense.

    So I try to have things make enough sense in my fantasy games that the sense of suspension of believe isn't strained too much. We are still a ways from it, but my party will eventually be pursuing the Vodindod and Duke Zalto, and the Yakfolk village just makes no sense. I may have to just cut it...
  8. twofalls

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder - Nonan's Hold (need DM advice)

    I have a great group of players who are all excellent roleplayers and are led by my best friend who is a great DM (better than me), and though I've run games for over 40 years, I'm starting to slow down. The party is 6 players at level six and we are in chapter 3 of SKT. I like to write my own...
  9. twofalls

    D&D 5E Alternative Hill Giant Chief for Storm King

    I want to use the hill giants in the SKT game I'm running, but I'm not into their storyline, or rpging them like overgrown children. I think of them more like the Trolls in Tolkien's The Hobbit. Still a little comedic, but deadly and frightening, not silly. Anyhow, I don't like Guh. The plotline...
  10. twofalls

    Need a Battletech Lore Master

    After three decades I'm getting back into the game. I quit before the clan stuff and am perusing the enormous quantity of material that was produced in the years since I lat played. I'm noticing the Experimental Technical Readouts and am curious what era they were made for? Where do they fit in...
  11. twofalls

    D&D 5E Need quick Wight life drain help please?

    My players will encounter two wights tonight in different fights. Does a wight drain life with each of its attacks, or is this a special ability that it may use only once per round? My google fu has failed. Thanks!
  12. twofalls

    D&D 5E Did you back Rise of the Drow 5e?

    I ask because I did, and I have very little information on how they are coming along. They were anticipating a very fast release date of this Dec, does anyone have any inside information about if that is likely? My typical experience with Kickstarters is that you always ignore the initial...
  13. twofalls

    5e Slave Lords Musings

    So I see there was a thread on this before, but I do not want to be accused of Trolling by resurrecting it. I've decided that I will be running the Slave Lords campaign for my next game. This is a complete reversal of what I was planning before, which was running B2 in the Wilderlands setting. I...
  14. twofalls

    D&D 5E 5e Against the Slave Lords

    I have a game group that is composed of players that are all new enough not to have experienced the classics, such as the B series, or the Giants or Slave Lords. I own the B1-2 5e conversion that was done by Goodman Games, Into the Boarderlands, and I've been searching for a 5e version of the...
  15. twofalls

    Please Help: I need a good sourcebook or two on fantasy dwarves Tolkien style

    Our next campaign, that I am starting this Summer, will be set in the Wilderlands campaign setting near the City of the Invincible Overlord. We have decided that this will be an all Dwarven campaign, where every player is a Dwarf, part of the same clan, and contracted to the Overlord as...
  16. twofalls

    Unsatisfied with the D&D 5e skill system

    I will be starting a new game in a few months, and find that I am very dissatisfied with the D&D 5e skill system, and would like something more comprehensive, but not terribly more complex. I could just import the system from 3.0 into 5e, however I can well imagine that this is a topic that has...
  17. twofalls

    New Campaign: Into the Keep on the Boarderlands to segue into Rise of the Drow

    I recently purchased Into the Boarderlands, the rewrite of B1 and B2 to use at the beginning of my next campaign to start this summer (we are currently playing Tomb of Annihilation). I plan to run them to 3rd or 4th level then transition to the recent Kickstarter I backed (praying it arrives in...
  18. twofalls

    D&D 5E Multiclassing and Saving Throw Proficencies

    I have a player who has taken one class level of Monk, and then is leveling up as a Warlock. I have a question, which saving throws is he now proficient in? Saving throws are a big deal in the game, and it doesn't seem fitting that you get to have 4 proficiencies as opposed to two for a standard...
  19. twofalls

    Painted Bones Wizard

    I painted this guy to be my wizard of light character mini in WHFRP, a game that is starting tonight. He is a Reaper Bones sculpt that I recieved with my Vampire order off thier Kickstarter. I cut off the base that came with him and mounted him on a custom base. I am quite happy with the results.
  20. twofalls

    The Bone's Storm Giant Sword (or a noodle by any other name)

    I cannot straighten this thing out. Hot water + Cold water works for about five mintues. As soon as the sword reaches room temperature it droops like a wet noodle on a fork. Love the model, but will never use it this way. Ideas?