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  1. P

    Kingmaker / Riverlands Question

    Is anyone here familiar with the kingdom management rules present in the Kingmaker adventure path, and expanded upon in the Book of the River Nations from Brazer Enterprises? If so, I have a question about how city districts work. Is there a limit of 1 city district per hex? If not, what is...
  2. P

    Magus (Playtest Revision 3)

    Howdy, all! So, I'll be playing in a Pathfinder campaign soon, and the GM has allowed us to use the Magus character class (playtest revision 3 is available from the Paizo website). Since I am a long-time fan of spellblades, gishes, bladesingers, and their relatives, I've decided to take him up...
  3. P

    The FAQ on Sunder ...

    ... and why it is wrong. First, the FAQ's position. It was first elucidated in this Q&A, and has since moved into other questions ("Can an AoO provoke an AoO?" etc.). The FAQ states that Sunder, like Grapple, Tripe, etc., may be performed once in an attack action, multiple times during a...
  4. P


    There's a thread on the General RPG forum (here) where the OP wanted to discuss different names to apply to the classic sword-and-spell combo character other than Gish. I am concerned because the OP, in his post, mentioned that he, personally, would consider typing the word Gish to be...
  5. P

    WotC Forums - Anyone Else Having Issues?

    Hey, all! I know Plane Sailing started - and locked - a thread about something similar not too long ago in this forum, so I hope this is alright here. Has anyone else had difficulty accessing the WotC forums since they upgraded? I've got no issues visiting them from my work computer, but...
  6. P

    Heroes of Horror Caption "Contest"

    Someone posted this picture in the main Heroes of Horror thread. Immediately, several entertaining captions sprang to mind. In honor of our own Mouseferatu's involvement with this really good looking book, what captions - witty, humorous, macabre, you name it - come to your mind?
  7. P

    Silly Question: Cleric Domain Abilities

    Take, for example, the Chaos Domain's granted power: Take a multiclass Cleric / Wizard. Does the Caster Level increase apply only to [Chaos] cleric spells, or to [Chaos] wizard spells as well?
  8. P

    Accidental Crosspost

    Hey, all! I accidentally started a thread in Rules that I meant to start in General. Is it possible for a mod to close the one in Rules (and / or merge it with the one in General)? The thread in Rules (moved or merged): http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=147155 The thread in General...
  9. P

    "Earned" Characters

    This is in response to some thoughts I've seen in other threads. As a DM, you're starting a new, 10th-level campaign. Perhaps the players will be taking on the roles of an experienced adventuring company, or an elite assassin squad, or the heads of various guilds, etc. The exact reason likely...
  10. P

    New FAQ Out

    I didn't see an announcement anywhere, but there's an updated copy of the FAQ out. Highlights include: Speed of Thought applies to all movement modes A whole new section on psionic powers Immunity to Powers = Immunity to Magic (so long as you're playing with Psi-Magic transparency turned on)...
  11. P

    StarWars d20 Starship Control Sheets

    This is largely a repost from the General Discussion forum, but I thought I might get more comments here. My D&D group recently started a Revised Core Rules StarWars d20 game. Since I'm one of the resident rules-lawyers in my group, I figured I'd so some homework before we started the game to...
  12. P

    d20 StarWars Ship Control Sheets (Updated!)

    A little while ago, my normally D&D 3.XE group started playing some d20 StarWars. Since I'm one of the resident rules-lawyers of the group, I decided to put together and download some cheat sheets to make starting out the new game somewhat easier for all involved. One of the things I needed to...
  13. P

    SW d20 Miniatures

    So, my group is starting up a new d20 SW campaign, and we're looking at buying, as a group, a case or so of d20 StarWars miniatures. So, I turn to the collective wisdom of ENWorld, and I ask: Where's the best place on the web to buy them? We know a couple sites, but I know that I've seen at...
  14. P

    D&D (& RPGs) at Work

    No, this isn't about people who work at Wizards, Malhavoc, or any other publisher. :) It's about the rest of us, who work "normal" jobs, and how we integrate D&D into our working lives. Take me, for instance. I spent most of this week putting together a "document of initial understanding" -...
  15. P

    Non-standard Combat Surface

    So, everybody who plays in my every-other-week group probably shouldn't read this one. It's part of the adventure I'm writing up for a one-shot. So .... ------------------------------------------- So here's the situation. I'm writing up an Eberron adventure which, in the...
  16. P

    MM3 - Drowned

    So ... I noticed in the MM3 Errata that the Drowned (a particularly nasty undead beasty) had had its CR upped to 9 (from .. 6? where it was before). I thought I'd also seen something, somewhere, about how its drowning aura had been errataed as well. Am I out to lunch? For reference, its aura...
  17. P

    I need an iron-clad argument re: True Seeing

    So, there's this rules argument I've been having with a whole bunch of people over the course of the past couple years. It hinges on the - to my mind - inappropriately worded phrase: I contend, and have crafted many, many examples to support, that this particular line does not apply to anyone...
  18. P

    Suggested Wealth by Level

    I know these tend to pop up once every other day, or so, so is there an actual online listing of the suggested wealth by level guidelines? Specifically, I need the guidelines for 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-level characters, and while an answer here would be very appreciated, I'd also like to avoid...
  19. P

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.0 to 3.5: Weapon Finesse and Power Attack

    I seem to recall, in 3.0, text to the effect that one could not use Power Attack when one was wielding a weapon and benefitting from Weapon Finesse. I can't find anything to that effect in the 3.5 rules. Instead, the rules mention being unable to Power Attack with a light weapon. My questions...
  20. P

    Magebred Template

    I've got a question regarding magebred animals. One of the "bonus feats" available to magebred animals is Improved Natural Attack. According to the MM, Improved Natural Attack requires a BAB of +4, as well as, naturally, a natural attack. I know that, in most circumstances, you are required...