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Search results

  1. Desdichado

    Paizo Spicy hot take: Golarion isn't a setting...

    ... It's multiple settings jammed together, and because the tone differs so much from region to region, any given campaign is usually best handled by treating the region you're in as if it's the whole setting. Ustalav, for instance, has a very specific tone, so if you have a campaign set there...
  2. Desdichado

    D&D General Looking for an old D&D novel

    I have no idea what it was called, or who wrote it. I don't even know what setting it was in. But I remember very clearly picking it up because it had the same Larry Elmore cover as the Companion set; the one with the big green dragon. I remember it featured a main character who was a kind of...
  3. Desdichado

    D&D General Kara-Tur vs Rokugan

    Ready! Fight! Hadouken! Seriously, though—although my own interest and exposure to chinoiserie in fantasy is somewhat limited, I'm curious what people who are familiar with both settings think about them compared and contrasted to each other. Which one would you prefer, and why? What are the...
  4. Desdichado

    Looking for the book with this art

    Years ago, I grabbed a rather tall, vertical Wayne Reynolds piece out of the Wizards art galleries. It features a few fighter types—dwarves, I think, being overwhelmed by a horde of undead. But now I can't find the file I grabbed, and I have no idea which book it was in. I'd look through my...
  5. Desdichado

    Pathfinder 1E Is Golarion an "evolving" setting, or is it static?

    Let's say for the sake of argument that there's an adventure path centered around closing the Worldwound link to the Abyss and in the final adventure of the AP, the Worldwould is closed. Ahem. Does this mean that the setting has now changed--or is this just an adventure that happens for the...
  6. Desdichado

    D&D 5E Bounded Accuracy: does it deliver as promised?

    I haven't played 5e. I may not for some time. We're still hip-deep in a Star Wars campaign with my group, and next on the docket is the Horror on the Orient Express campaign for Call of Cthulhu. It'll be better part of a year--at best--before we're back to D&D again, and frankly, with a group...
  7. Desdichado

    Pathfinder 1E Where does Pathfinder go from here?

    The other day the thought occurred to me: Pathfinder has been out for a pretty good while now. We're really digging into fairly esoteric rules supplements by now. Campaign setting supplements are now starting to repeat themselves (another Osirion book? What's wrong with the older Osirion...
  8. Desdichado

    My experience with playing/running Star Wars, and a tweaked version of Microlite20 to accomodate it...

    I've been playing Star Wars, as run by another guy in our group, for the last few months. Curiously, although we're pretty heavily invested in the d20 system, we are not using the d20 Star Wars (any of the three versions), but a bunch of house-rules that the GM came up with to the OGL himself...
  9. Desdichado

    m20 Houserule set

    I haven't really been a regular 'round here in quite some time, but since I've been poking around the last week or so, I thought I'd give a quick and dirty gaming update of what I've been up to. I used to be known, by those few who paid attention to me at all, as a guy who was always looking to...
  10. Desdichado

    Pathfinder 1E Thread-o-haunts?

    One of my favorite little innovations (after CMD and CMB) to Pathfinder is the Haunt. I love this concept. Even though I largely have abandoned games as complex as Pathfinder (or even 3.5, when I can help it) in favor of things like m20, the Haunt is still a superbly useful innovation, that's...
  11. Desdichado

    [Hobo's All Rogue Game] A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy, Part I

    As the sun sets over the rock-ringed harbor of Bara Gairo, the small fishing fleet are throwing their hawsers to the docks and starting to unload a day's worth of catch--dolphin fish, tuna from beyond the shoals, jacks, snooks, and even an occasional marlin. Dinner for tomorrow at Lima's...
  12. Desdichado

    All Rogues Game: Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy

    Thread for proposed "all rogues" Pathfinder game. Content to be added as needed. Will take 3-5 players. If interested, propose a race/class/archetype combination to start with, and we'll see how it works. I'll repeat the paramaters posted in the original thread where this idea originated...
  13. Desdichado

    Key GMing Skill: "Read the crowd"

    It seems like I've seen a lot of discussion about play style preferences and stuff like that in the last little bit, here, in the blogosphere and elsewhere. As I've been thinking about that, I realize that my answers to a lot of the questions isn't really one size fits all. For example, most...
  14. Desdichado

    Wagon Train to the Planes?

    Gene Roddenberry famously pitched Star Trek as "Wagon Train to the stars." For a long time, I've had a concept bubbling around in the back of my mind that could probably be called "Wagon Train to the Planes," a game where planar travel through different planar conjunctions was the whole point...
  15. Desdichado

    John Carter

    Well, I'll be leaving work in about an hour to go catch this. Anyone else seeing it today, or seen it already? I'm a huge fan of the original book. In fact, after Lord of the Rings, I generally tell folks it's my second favorite book. Not that I'm expecting the movie to be a faithful...
  16. Desdichado

    Forked thread; OSR and playstyles, sword & sorcery vs. high fantasy, etc.

    I was going to distill this to a new post, but since Alzrius responded anyway, I'll just cut and paste from a quote screen and go from there. Actual post I was responding to is this: http://www.enworld.org/forum/5837287-post117.html This is silly. I was referring to fantasy overall at the...
  17. Desdichado

    What in the world is left to be in core?

    So, I'm hanging around ENWorld a lot more than I normally do because I'm curious about the whole 5e thing, obviously, and find it interesting to talk about. One prevailing meme I'm seeing a lot of in this subforum is the, "Yeah, I like that element, but it shouldn't be in 'core'"--whatever...
  18. Desdichado

    GM Merit Badges

    I haven't really been around all that much lately, but I couldn't find any hint anywhere that this has been posted here. That seems odd since it's been all over the RPG blogosphere. GM Merit badges. You pick the ones that best describe your GMing style, or at least what you aspire for your...
  19. Desdichado

    Transhuman fantasy?

    A lot folks (myself included) who are more into sword & sorcery rather than high fantasy, like humanocentric campaigns. I've seen their virtues preached many times, and while I don't remember specifically getting in on that action, I dislike elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, etc. Basically all...
  20. Desdichado

    Which element could D&D stand to lose more?

    This may be a silly question, but I'm going to ask it anyway, since I've seen a couple of discussions recently that loudly advocated the evils of each of these. If you were in charge of D&D, and for some reason that I won't bother trying to explain, you were told that it had to lose either...