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  1. D

    A question about Highlander

    It's been a few decades since I saw the movie, but this morning I was listening to Queen's "Who Wants To Live Forever?" and a thought struck me. These immortals spend hundreds or thousands of years fighting each other until only one remains. That one last immortal is given a gift: mortality...
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    Off the top of my head, I count at least three Andors in speculative fiction/geekdome. Andor the Star Wars television show, and the titular character Cassian Andor. Andor the country in The Wheel of Time. Andor the country in the boardgame Legends of Andor. And according to Wikipedia, the Star...
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    D&D General A bit of zodiac fluff

    I just had an idea for a D&D zodiac system: twelve zodiac signs based on the twelve classes, in nine-year cycles named after the races. For example: "I was born under the sign of the Rogue, in the year of the Dwarf." "Well, that certainly explains why you have trouble making friends." If...
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    Ahsoka trailer

    This looks good. Never watched much of Rebels, but it looks like at least some of the crew are there.
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    Three new Star Wars movies

    https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2023/04/lucasfilm-unveils-new-star-wars-movies-at-star-wars-celebration.html Not sure I'm too interested in a New Jedi Order movie, but the others about the events of the Mandalorian and the first Jedi could be interesting.
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    D&D Movie/TV D&D on the BBC

    An item on the BBC website, tying in with the new movie: Dungeons & Dragons: Why Hollywood is keen on a 50-year-old game
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    A short story that I've written

    Lately I've found that at the end of a long day I don't really have much energy for reading. Strangely, perhaps, I've been writing a lot instead. If anyone's interested, here's an example, the first in a Sword & Sorcery series that I call The Tales of Henren the Bloody and the Cat. === The gift...
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    Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer

    A trailer has been released. Release date 25 May. I have to say, it looks eerily good!
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    [+] The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - SPOILERS ALLOWED

    Amazon has posted a teaser trailer for the new television series. Not much info, but the title gives me hope.
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    Wisdom bonus

    Today I found out that I have five wisdom teeth. I'm not sure whether that makes me a mutant, and if so what my superpower is (although it probably involves eating), but I'm pretty sure it means my max WIS bonus is +5!
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    In Soviet Russia, Ring destroys you!

    An article on the BBC about a Soviet version of The Lord of the Rings, produced in 1991. (I haven't watched it yet, hopefully tonight after work.)
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    Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

    For all the nerds here who are also language nerds: A New Way to Trace the History of Sci-Fi’s Made-Up Words
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    ENWorld's Guide to Life

    Here's the idea: everyone posts a pearl of wisdom, or more if you feel your WIS merits it. Maybe someone will learn from it, who knows? So here's mine: in a relationship, making your partner is easy. The trick is to keep your partner happy. (And on a related note: while "happy wife, happy life"...
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    Frank Zappa

    Are there any Zappa fans on these boards? Dutch music producer Co de Kloet recently released a book (Frank & Co) describing his friendship with FZ, with a load of interviews as well. Foreword by Dweezil, cover blurb by Steve Vai. It's apparently very interesting for the fans. (Full disclosure: I...
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    D&D General Small and frightened creatures

    My group recently decided to take a break from our long-term epic campaign until we can reliably all get together again, and in the meantime play short one- or two-session adventures. I volunteered to DM, and created an all-halfling party to go on a quest for a dragon's treasure. We've played...
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    OotS 1216

    New comic is up.
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    "Why the Empire Strikes Back Is Overrated"

    An article on the BBC website. I don't really agree with its premise. "If The Empire Strikes Back had been a one-off, I could have forgiven it by now. But what about all the many films that have used it as a model – all the films that have tarnished Star Wars by contradicting its mythos and...
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    Interview with NK Jemisin

    I just stumbled across an interview on The Guardian with N.K. Jemisin, where she discusses the difficulties facing a black woman writing fantasy and scifi.
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    OotS 1194

    New comic is up: Spiritual Counseling.
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    OotS 1180

    New comic is up.