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Search results

  1. S

    [FREE][Online][CoD2e][Sundays 9pm est]LFP for new chronicle

    I've been running a game every sunday (9pm est) for a few years now, but over time my group has been reduced to just myself and two other players. I'm looking for one or two additional players that would be interested in playing in a Chronicles of Darkness 2e chronicle. I'm preparing to start a...
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    Kickstarter Mythic expansion kickstarter relaunch

    The kickstarter for the expansion to the Mythic Savage Worlds setting was modified and relaunched recently. If you'd like to help back the project, or even just spread the word, the link is: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1008812345/mythic-ennam-and-saduri-for-savage-worlds-0 Mythic...
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    Kickstarter Expansion for the Mythic setting for Savage Worlds now on kickstarter

    Mythic: Ennam & Saduri is an expansion book for the Mythic campaign setting for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game, which takes several cultures and mythologies from real world Earth and places them all together in a new and unique world. The Mythic setting book includes three cultures and...
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    Mythic setting for Savage Worlds

    I am very proud to announce that the Mythic Savage Worlds setting book from Chimera Press is now finished and available on RPGNOW, DriveThru RPG, and Studio 2. Currently on the web site you'll find family trees for each of the three pantheons of Mythic: The Olympians from Illosia, the...
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    races for a mythic setting

    I'm making up a setting based on classical mythologies, in particular the celtic, greek, and egyptian mythologies. I'm a little stumped on what player races to include. I don't want any humans, and I want a different main player race for each mythology. At first I was thinking of using...
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    legend powers

    For a Mythic rpg setting I'm making I want each character to have Legend Powers. These are things granted by the deities, the character's race, and the character's homeland. Each Legend Power is activated with Legend Points, things characters gain by doing heroic deeds and lose by doing unheroic...
  7. S

    Orc miniatures

    I'm looking for a line of orc miniatures to use as characters, villains, and minions in a fantasy European campaign I'm going to be running. I'd like to find orcs that are more civilized and organised than the usual "stupid savages" most mini companies make. Something more like the hobgoblins...
  8. S

    Medieval European creatures

    I'd like to come up with a list of creatures from medieval European mythology (11th to 15th century, norse, british, german, and french). In addition to the more commonly known creatures like wyvern and unicorns I'd also like to include some of the lesser known creatures like draugr and...
  9. S

    weapon ranges and carrying capacity

    What would be good maximum ranges for the following weapons? I'm looking for both the maximum range overall, and the maximum range at which the weapon still has a chance of hitting and injuring a single human-sized target. weak bow (about 50lb draw weight) average bow (about 100lb draw weight)...
  10. S

    crowbill, mattock, military pick

    I'm having a lot of trouble finding information on the medieval military pick, also known as a mattock or crowbill. In particular I'm looking for the weapon's average weight and size. I'm also interested in knowing when it was in use. Can anyone suggest some good web sites with information on...
  11. S

    middle age swords

    I'm trying to come up with a list of weapons that existed in Europe during the late middle ages (1300 to 1500. If anyone has a list made up already please send me a copy ;) ). I'm having a little trouble figuring out which swords I want to include in the list. I've found three main ones so...
  12. S

    Where to start?

    I've just started checking out this forum and I'm a little lost. Is there an index of adventures or something, maybe listed in chronological order so I know where to start reading?
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    expanded trade goods?

    Does anyone have, or know where I can find, an expanded list of medieval trade goods like the short one included in the D&D player's guide? I'm mostly looking for the more valuable items that PCs would be likely to find as treasure in adventures. So more of things like saffron and gold bricks...
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    medieval european creatures

    Does anyone happen to have a list, or know of a web site with a list, of creatures from medieval european mythology (around 1000 to 1600)? I'm having some difficulty figuring out which creatures are from ancient mythology only, which ones are from medieval european mythology only, and which ones...
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    bow and crossbow ranges

    Does anyone happen to know the real-world effective ranges for the following bows and crossbows: arbalest heavy/military crossbow light/hunting crossbow english longbow recurve bow short/self bow I don't need to know the true maximum ranges, just the range at which the weapon becomes so...
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    Freeform spells

    I'm interested in finding or creating a magic system where players create spells on the fly rather then have a bunch of fixed spells. I'd like to see how others have handled such a system, so, does anyone know of a rpg or D20 supplement that uses more of a freeform magic system?
  17. S

    weapon speeds

    The way I figure it is that each combat round in the D20 system is made up of multiple combat maneouvers performed by all combatants. The actual attack roll represents the character trying to create and/or take advantage of an opening in an opponent's defences. Initiative determins who can act...
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    Costs and weights for equipment

    I'm looking into expanding and modifying the weapons, armour, and equipment for a campaign set in a semi-realistic version of medieval europe. I can come up with most of the stats, but I was wondering how rpg book writers come up with costs and weights for equipment. Is there a resource out...
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    costs and weights of equipment

    I'm looking into expanding and modifying the weapons, armour, and equipment for a campaign set in a semi-realistic version of medieval europe. I can come up with most of the stats, but I was wondering how rpg book writers come up with costs and weights for equipment. Is there a resource out...
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    Organic Ships

    Does anyone know of some maps of the interiors of organic ships, ships like those used by the Tyranids in Warhammer 40K, or the ones used by the Brood from the X-Men comics? Are there any for free on a web site somewhere, or maybe in a printed map collection, or maybe even in an adventure module...