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Search results

  1. shilsen

    Sexism in D&D and on ENWorld (now with SOLUTIONS!)

    My girlfriend and I have recently been discussing the issue of sexism in D&D. I’ve been playing D&D since 1999, coming in at the end of 2e and playing through 3e (and 3.5e) into 4e now. Almost all my groups have included women in them, ranging from a single woman in an otherwise all-male group...
  2. shilsen

    The Play's The Thing (aka The play my PCs are putting on)

    Amber, Ed, John, Mike, Scott, Steve ... STAY OUT OF THIS THREAD! That said, here's a situation in our 4e Port campaign (that I'm co-DMing with Rolzup and Mallus from ENWorld; see sig), which I'd like to pick the creative minds here for some help with: The PCs have recently shanghaied a dire...
  3. shilsen

    My party is more evil than your party

    I just started DMing in a co-DMed 4e game and the PCs were ambushed by wererats leading a horde of rats. After defeating the enemy and taking one wererat (unconscious) prisoner, the PCs decided to "send a message" to the wererat thug who they knew had sent the attackers. So they cut off her arms...
  4. shilsen

    Using Class Templates

    I've been thinking of trying out some of the class templates (DMG 182-183) and was wondering what low-level monsters (say, levels 1-7) have the best synergies with them. Some of the classes (Fighter, Ranger and Rogue, for example) would do well with a wide variety of creatures, I think, whereas...
  5. shilsen

    What have been your best/worst 4e combat encounters?

    After years of DMing 3e/3.5e, I'm going to be running my first 4e session soon. To that end, as the title says, I'm interested in hearing about the best or worst combat encounters that you've experienced in 4e thus far, whether as DM or player. What was particularly memorable about it? What made...
  6. shilsen

    Dragon hoard/ lair in Argonnessen (Eberron)

    MY PLAYERS STAY OUT! In our next session, the PCs in my Eberron game (see sig) are going to be going after a dragon for truth, justice and general looting. Assuming that they win, they'll be entering the dragon's lair, which is likely underground and perhaps underwater (it is close to a large...
  7. shilsen

    Cloak of Minor Displacement & friendly spellcasting

    I had a situation come up in my game recently when the PCs were in the middle of a fight and someone tried to cast a Heal spell on the paladin. He was wearing a Cloak of Minor Displacement and I had the caster roll against the 20% miss chance. Which he failed, much to the amusement of everyone...
  8. shilsen

    Messing with the basic assumptions of the system

    I’ve seen and sometimes participated in some interesting discussions on ENWorld over the years regarding the sort of gameplay 3e tends towards, the underlying assumptions in the game, and the system’s affinity (or not) for being tweaked. Personally, while I think 3e is far from as adaptive as...
  9. shilsen

    D&D 4E 4e previews due in December

    According to the WotC previews article here, the following topics were to be covered in Dragon in December: Races: Tieflings Classes: Warlock Pacts D&D World: History of the Core World Monsters: Dragons and Dragon Families Adventure Design: Traps Magic Items: Weapons Subsystem: Critical Hits...
  10. shilsen

    Roleplaying your character in combat

    In the thread Why I hate puzzles, a couple of people made the following comments, asserting that roleplaying your character goes out the window when it comes to combat: In both cases I disagreed and argued that while that could be the case, it isn't necessarily so, and certainly not the case...
  11. shilsen

    Gaming in a high-trust environment

    Something that I've noticed ever since I joined these boards, way back before 3e arrived, is how many of the problems people seem to have in the game stem from interpersonal issues rather than system issues. While that is to be expected with play style issues, they seem to be a factor not only...
  12. shilsen

    Do items that aid Str checks aid a grapple?

    The MIC has a few items which provide a bonus to Str checks. Does grapple count as a Str check and would it benefit from such items? Thanks in advance.
  13. shilsen

    Blocking scrying and teleport without magic

    IIRC, the older editions of the game had certain ways to foil teleportation and/or scrying without the use of magic. For example, I remember reading something about gorgon blood preventing teleportation (I think) into a room. Are there any more such examples that you remember? I'm specifically...
  14. shilsen

    I made my PCs into action figures!

    The PCs in my Eberron game recently turned 14th level, which means they are by far the most powerful adventurers on the continent. In the last three weeks of campaign time, they escorted a princess on an airship to Karrnath and fought off necromantic terrorists riding wyvern zombies and led by a...
  15. shilsen

    Why are hit points generated randomly?

    In an online game (at playbyweb.com) I'm in, the party warblade has been rolling horribly for hit pts and is currently 1 hp ahead of the completely non-combat incarnate. We were discussing this and I started wondering if the die rolling method of hit point generation is a sacred cow that could...
  16. shilsen

    DM Tricks to Challenge Tough PCs with Weaker Enemies

    In this thread I’d started polling ENWorld members to see how the PCs in my Eberron campaign (see sig) compared power-wise with those being played in theirs, Doug McCrae asked for examples of the tactics I’ve used as a DM to challenge them. I thought it would be worthwhile to start a thread for...
  17. shilsen

    Airship Antics (plot help requested)

    MY PLAYERS STAY OUT! * * * * * * * Since many posters were incredibly helpful on the The Fleshweaver & my PCs thread I started for ideas for my campaign, I thought I'd get a little more help from the marvellously inventive/fiendish brains here. After having returned from their...
  18. shilsen

    How powerful are my PCs?

    The five PCs in my Eberron campaign (see sig) just hit 13th level and I was just wondering how they fall on the power level continuum in comparison to PCs run by other people on ENWorld. Here’s a not-so-short list of some of the rules we have in existence which affect power level: Character...
  19. shilsen

    The Fleshweaver & my PCs (ideas requested)

    MY PLAYERS STAY OUT! And for anyone reading my Story Hour, this post will contain spoilers covering the next 3 updates. * * * * * * * During the last session of my Eberron campaign (see sig), the PCs visited Mordain the Fleshweaver, an ancient elven spellcaster (possibly the most...
  20. shilsen

    Natural Weapons in a Grapple (new RotG article)

    In the newly modified RotG article posted by WotC here, the section on the Attack Your Opponent option says: "If you have multiple natural weapons, however, you can use all of them while grappling." Is this a new addition or was this always part of the RotG article?