• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. MacMathan

    An IP lawyer just broke down the new OGL draft (v1.2)

    Interesting take from an IP lawyer on the most recent ogl draft: https://medium.com/@MyLawyerFriend/lets-take-a-minute-to-talk-about-d-d-s-updated-open-game-license-ogl-1-2-5b95fe8889b2 If I am understanding correctly it would appear: WotC can force a new license whenever they want, kick you...
  2. MacMathan

    D&D 5E What technology do you own that you are willing to bring to the table?

    Feels like a poll like this hasn't been done in a bit. Dungeonscape has made me curious. Please select any and all that apply. What technology do you own that you are willing to bring to the table?
  3. MacMathan

    How do you feel about Dex in the first playtest?

    IMO it feels like Dex has become even more of an uber stat compared to the others. It can give you ac, init, melee, and ranged attacks not to mention influence many exploration based skills. Compared to Str and Con it currently seems too heavily dominant in the combat pillar. Also I would say...
  4. MacMathan

    Casters vs Mundanes in your experience

    Related to the new L&L about Wizards I wanted to get an idea of how many here have experienced what Mearls is talking about.
  5. MacMathan

    Tech Check

    Wanted to get an idea of what sort of tech adoption rates we see here: Please check each one that applies.
  6. MacMathan

    Appendix N redux

    What would your version of appendix N look like to guide the new edition?
  7. MacMathan

    WotC getting more input

    I was happy to see WotC is paying for input from outside the company. I like a lot of Zak S. gaming analysis so it is cool he is involved. Read here Playing D&D With Porn Stars
  8. MacMathan

    Info leaks, Wedding spoilers?

    Happy Nuptials all! I will just leave this here: 5e D&D Info Leaked by Bloggers | Words in the Dark:]
  9. MacMathan

    D&D 5E Is there any hope for a evolutionary vs revolutionary Next?

    The more I read on WotC and hear about type 5 or whatever it will be called the more I feel like we are headed to an attempt at an revolutionary jump. To me 1e to 2e was evolutionary. 2e to 3e revolutionary. 3e to 3.5 evolutionary as the numbering indicated. 3.5e to 4e revolutionary. I guess...
  10. MacMathan

    D&D 4E Best adventures to introduce 4e with?

    What do you think the best AP or adventures to introduce and hook players into 4e are?
  11. MacMathan

    Ranger (Archer) interesting feat choices?

    I am building a Archer-type Ranger for a game that will not advance past heroic tier. What I am looking for is some more interesting yet still fun/cool feat choices other than the normal exotic weapon, weapon expertise/focus, chain. Basically I am looking for a build idea that uses feats for...
  12. MacMathan

    Please provide feedback on changing magic item and feat bonuses

    I have written up some ideas I am thinking about implementing in my next game and below them included what I am hoping to achieve. Please provide feedback and ideas for the following house rules: 1.) Innate bonuses to-hit not from magic items. I like magic items being able to be more...
  13. MacMathan

    What to run before Madness at Gardmore Abbey?

    What would you/have you run for levels 1-5 to connect up with Madness at Gardmore Abbey?
  14. MacMathan

    Best Tablet for use at a 4e table?

    I am looking for input on what tablet would be the best for use at my 4e game? I am thinking it would need to be able to handle the following: Wifi- obviously, with tethering as an option would be great. An app or browser compatible with the online character builder and rules compendium. The...
  15. MacMathan

    Compiled info in the default setting?

    Does anyone know of a site or published work that has compiled the different pieces of information that have been put out about the core 4e PoL world? (Nerath, Bael Turath, Arkhosia, Nentir Vale etc)
  16. MacMathan

    Help - New Blinding look?

    I have come on to ENWorld today to be confronted with a mostly white blinding layout. Is there a setting that got changed? Is there something I need to do to go back to the low energy and easy on the eyes darker look? Thanks
  17. MacMathan

    How would you represent a Warg-type PC from A Game of Thrones?

    I have been thinking about how to represent the Warg/skinchanger powers from GRRM books. I was looking at the Sentinel with perhaps a theme (? not sure what they are called I have not kept up), to make up the additonal powers. What would yawl do for a PC?
  18. MacMathan

    LCD Gamign Tables?

    LCG Gaming Tables? (Cursed poor typing) I did not want to clutter the thread on projectors but I am curious to hear from those who have gone the LCD flatscreen route for a gaming surface. What size do you use? What resolution do you play in? etc.
  19. MacMathan

    How to make an AGoT Maester?

    I am taking part in a 4e campaign heavily inspired by GRRM's A Game of Thrones series and HBO show. I have been pondering how to represent a Maester type PC. It would not have to be completely non-magical but the fluff for the effects should be low key. I am thinking either Leader or...
  20. MacMathan

    D&D 4E AGoT with 4e?

    I am looking into getting an A Game of Thrones based 4e game off the ground and I was hoping for some ideas about how to make combat grittier. Please try to refrain from "just use system x" etc. I realize 4e is not inherently very grim or gritty and AGoT may be a strange fit but I want to see...