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Search results

  1. JimAde

    [Dog Soul] Bitemedia Wants to Make You Pretty!

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v69/litlbeast/bitemedialogo.gif GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR THE GAMING INDUSTRY A combined total of 16 years experience in graphics, illustration and layout. Respected clients such as ENWorld, Highmoon Media, Dark Quest Games, Tabletop Adventures and Emerald Press...
  2. JimAde

    War weaver exceeds spells per day?

    So in a fit of madness I just shelled out retail price for Heroes of Battle. It looks good, but I have a question about the war weaver. This class has an ability called Quiescent Weave that basically lets you pre-cast spells on yourself and several allies. The spells are held in the "weave"...
  3. JimAde

    Proof that not everything should get the half-dragon template

    See. This is what happens when you go completel template crazy: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7374733658 (Perfectly safe for work link).
  4. JimAde

    Obligatory 3k posts post

    Yada yada...3000 posts for me...yada yada. Discuss. :D
  5. JimAde

    Hobby skills

    I've got two things I want to accomplish with skills and I think I have a decent way to do them: 1) Allow characters to have skills in highly specialized areas that aren't really useful elsewhere 2) Allow low-level NPCs to compete with higher-level PCs at things the NPCs should be good at...
  6. JimAde

    Anyone dealt with A1 Books?

    So there's a certain book I have on order at Amazon, but delivery keeps slipping. I'm annoyed, but Amazon has a great price. I have looked on the web and found this place: http://www.a1books.com/cgi-bin/mktFront They claim to have the book in stock, but I've never heard of them before...
  7. JimAde

    Weird e-mail received

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes. I received the following e-mail from "c.johanson@centurytel.net" I am certainly not a publisher. And the one PDF product that I've had a hand in (as editor) is not this one. Can anybody verify that this is a legit e-mail...
  8. JimAde

    Cave of Spiders - Characters

    Here will be the characters for The Cave of Spiders.
  9. JimAde

    Cave of the spiders - Newbie PbP GM

    Here be the in-game thread. I hope everyone has fun. OOC Thread: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=146180 RG Thread: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=146978 ============================================================== It was a long strange road that led you to the mountain...
  10. JimAde

    Cave of the Spiders OOC

    EDIT: We're full for now. Players: Ferrix - Sirius (Dwarf Fighter) D20Dazza - Erethinol Shadowswyft (Elf Rogue) Ranger Rick - Donnybrook Narion (Dwarf Ranger) Jdvn1 - Girble (Halfling Cleric) Lord_Raven88 - Lucas (Human Wizard) Alternates: Frukathka Tailspinner Ok, I've played in several...
  11. JimAde

    Which of these supplements do you use?

    Poll to follow... So Elements of Magic is cool. Hot Pursuit is cool. My question is: Which of these supplements do you use? I'm thinking about putting together some EoM spells that have a direct effect on chases (giving you bonuses to Maneuver rolls or reduce damage to your vehicle from a...
  12. JimAde

    Variable Power Pools in M&M?

    So I've been sporadically running a Champions campaign for a while now. For a variety of reasons I am considering converting it to M&M (which I don't own at this time). But one of the PCs has a Variable Power Pool (Magic). For those who don't do Champions, a VPP basically allows you to have...
  13. JimAde

    Anybody remember c.a.b.a.l. ?

    So the threads about "worst system" and "most surprisingly good system" got me thinking about various games I've played over the years. I suddenly remembered something I played only once or twice, many years ago. I believe the game was called Cabal. I seem to remember that it was actually a...
  14. JimAde

    Revenge of the high-level commoner

    This is what happens when the local potato farmer hits 10th level: Here's a link, but I put the whole text in the post: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyid=2005-06-22T154236Z_01_L22691697_RTRIDST_0_ODD-KENYA-LEOPARD-DC.XML
  15. JimAde

    Animus Con in MA

    So I spotted this convention in Marlborough, MA on the web. Anybody heard of it or planning to attend? Here's the link: http://www.gameconventions.net/listing/details.php?conid=582 Convention Name: Animus Fest 05 Start Date: 5/13/2005 End Date: 5/15/2005 City: Marlborough State &...
  16. JimAde

    New FAQ contradicts itself?

    So WotC has a new version of the main 3.5 FAQ out. One of the new entries is: Am I hallucinating or does this answer contradict itself completely?
  17. JimAde

    Rules of the game: Mounts part 1

    So this article was quite useful to me, as I have a couple of mounted fighters in my game and I was unclear on some things. Skip explained them for me and I feel better. :) One thing bothered me, though: Emphasis added, of course. If the jump makes you fall, why would the mount NOT keep...
  18. JimAde

    Cooperative Casting Idea

    So I was thinking about allowing casters to combine their efforts to overcome a target's resistance. Here's the idea: If two or more casters cast the same spell at the same time, they can declare that they are doing so cooperatively. In this case, only one caster (the primary caster) actually...
  19. JimAde

    Sathar now official

    Well the Sathar are official. The d20 Modern site has a Web Enhancement that includes them. Quite different from most of the speculation we had and their mental abilities are weaker than I expected. However, they look like they're now balanced to be a playable race. Here's the link...
  20. JimAde

    Lesser Kolyarut

    EDIT: This has been modified based on suggestions in the thread. Changes so far: Fixed HP bonus from +10 to +20 Removed Invisibility SLA Fixed CR from 4 to 6 So one of my players is about to get access to the Lesser Planar Ally spell. For reasons that don't matter here, he could REALLY use a...