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Search results

  1. M

    What does vorpal mean?

    Looking back at the original poem, it's not even clear that the vorpal blade beheaded the jabberwocky -- until it was already dead, that is: 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. "Beware the Jabberwock...
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    How Girls and Boys Play

    I'm sure many folks here are at least casual fans of Lego and may know that Lego has come up with a line of products aimed at girls. They didn't just make everything pink; they sent out cultural anthropologists to research how girls and boys around the world play, and some of their findings may...
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    The Genius of D&D

    In Monte Cook's old Line of Sight column, he has an article called "D&Disms" that he almost called "The Genius of D&D". In it, Monte goes against conventional wisdom to claim that some of D&D's great strengths have always been: levels, classes, hit points, and dungeons. Newer games have...
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    High-Tech Forces vs. High-Magic Forces

    Some of us were discussing guns in a fantasy setting, and then I came across The Veil War, which imagines a magically armed and armored force of "goblins" invading our world and facing confused US forces. I don't know if the author has D&D-style hit points in mind, but he has the US troops...
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    D&D's Origins in Gothic Fiction

    I haven't read much Gothic fiction -- just Dracula, really -- and the genre has gone profoundly out of fashion, but in its day it was extremely popular, and, as Michael Moorcock and James Cawthorne declared in Fantasy: The 100 Best Books, the first Gothic novel, Otranto, influenced modern...
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    Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album

    Does anyone else remember the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album?
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    Old School Gaming vs. New School

    Modern RPGers probably think that the debate between rules-heavy new-school games and rules-light old-school games is a new debate, but it goes back centuries -- to the evolution of early wargames (or Kriegsspiel) used to train German military officers: Early recreational wargames were rather...
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    Magic as Plot Device -- With Rules

    A standard complaint about D&D magic (and much RPG magic in general) is that it doesn't feel magical; it's too tactical, too well-defined, too scientific. Of course, if it's not well-defined, it's hard to adjudicate within a game -- and at least part of D&D's allure is that it's a game with...
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    Whence the displacer beast?

    The displacer beast always struck me as an odd monster. I suppose I should have realized it had a sci-fi origin: The displacer beast was inspired by the coeurl, a feline-like creature from the 1939 science fiction story "Black Destroyer" by A. E. van Vogt[1], later incorporated into the novel...
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    D&D's Influences

    John Rateliff gives A Brief History of Tolkien roleplaying games, which includes a brief history of D&D and its influences -- many of which are obscure to newer players: The original D&D was clearly based in equal parts on JRRT & on Rbt E. Howard's Conan stories,[1] with a magic system inspired...
  11. M

    So, what gaming gifts are you giving (or asking for)?

    I took a brief look at Amazon's list of best-selling gaming books, and it looks like most people are, of course, buying D&D books: 1. Manual of the Planes 2. Martial Power 3. D&D Core Rulebook Gift Set The next item on the list isn't D&D; it gently mocks it: 4. Munchkin So, what gaming...
  12. M

    How did I not see a beholder?

    While discussing 4E and "Old School Gaming" (and why they aren't mutually exclusive), Korgoth mentioned how happy he was that perception no longer involved a die roll in 4E: Here's why we "roll to see things": Please watch this video and try to count the total number of times that the people...
  13. M

    Could we lose the extra "forum" sub-directory?

    I've noticed that all the URLs for the forums follow the same pattern as before, but with an additional "forum" sub-directory. Can we lose the extra sub-directory, so that the new URLs match the old?
  14. M

    Is This How Elves Live?

    Is this how elves live -- like the proto-Japanese Jomon hunter-gatherers? Archeologists studying Jomon hunter-gatherers have found not only hard-to-carry pottery (including pieces up to three feet tall) but also heavy stone tools, remains of substantial houses that show signs of repair, big...
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    Realism, Heroism, and Abstract Hit Points

    The issue of realistic combat in games comes up regularly, and I thought I'd share some examples of what that might mean, because it's an important element of game design, which should play some part in 4E, and I don't think it means what many people seem to think it means. One-Shot Drops...
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    Dire T-Shirt

    I just stumbled across this paleontology t-shirt, and I realized it would be inadvertently perfect for D&Ders. (In case you did not already know, dire wolves were real -- unlike many of the other dire beasties in D&D.)
  17. M

    What Cool Things Should the Rules Let You Do?

    I was reading an essay by Gerry Klug on how he created the classic James Bond RPG back in the day, and this tidbit explained why it was so good: The methodology used to design the James Bond game was a variant of the way I used when I was a Lighting Designer in theatre and rock 'n' roll. I first...
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    How would you divvy up the material in the core books?

    Another thread recently looked at games that fit into one book versus D&D with its tradition of three core books. I'd like to ask a related question: How would you divvy up the material in the core books? Is three the magic number? Is all that core material in the right books, or would you...
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    Fun Facts About Monsters

    The recent thread on Pathfinder's Goblins pointed to Paizo's Reinventing The Wheel article, which included Ten Fun Facts About Goblins: Horse HateDog HateGoblins Raid Junkyards... This reminded me of an older thread where I asked for Three Characteristic Behaviors Per Monster. I thought we...
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    What Should the Market for Magic Look Like?

    Magic items require a tremendous amount of human capital (expertise) and financial capital (gold) to create, and they generally appeal to a very narrow customer base (extremely wealthy individuals who choose to put themselves in danger) with very specific needs (i.e. the right magic item is...