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Search results

  1. wedgeski

    "Invalid Thread" -- I am informing an administrator!

    I am receiving XP on a thread that seems to have disappeared! http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?491430-Deceptive-Spellcasting When I click the links under my profile, I get: "Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator Read more...
  2. wedgeski

    I want to give 5E-compatible adventures away for free...

    Hi all, I'd like to start releasing free 5E adventure content on my web site, and without a license to fall back on I'm struggling to know what I should be concerned about. Is "fair use" simply a guessing game, based on precedent and crossing your fingers? Is it in fact better to rely on the...
  3. wedgeski

    D&D 5E Scorching hot dice

    Sunday's 5E game: my paladin, surprised and swarmed by stirges, drained into unconsciousness almost immediately. Rolls a death save. Nat 20. On your feet soldier. Moves to assist his bardic ally. Nat 20. Explodes a stirge. (Yeah, they only have a couple of hit points, what of it?) Attacked...
  4. wedgeski

    D&D 5E Are the 5E playtest adventures worth buying?

    Hi all. I'm looking for standalone 5E adventures for one of my groups, and I'm wondering if the PDF playtest adventures (Dead in Thay) etc. are worth purchasing? Quick feedback on how out-of-date the rules and stat blocks might be, and some opinions on whether they are well-made adventures...
  5. wedgeski

    D&D 5E Shameless WotC appreciation post

    I feel the need to do this, because I think mearls and the people at Wizards are just doing everything right with this roll-out. We've had the Basic PDF, now updated to v2 following the PHB's release. The PHB itself is extremely good; I'm reading every word cover to cover and I can't remember...
  6. wedgeski

    Canvassing interest: Judge Dredd!

    Control to any Judge in the vicinity...futsies running amok, sector 23! Mutie rights demo sector 106! Fatty stampede sector 9! Anyone interested in laying down the law in the Big Meg? This would be a straightforward game of justice and perp-smacking, set in the current continuity (post Day of...
  7. wedgeski

    Pathfinder 1E WotC's playtest and Paizo's playtest -- how do they compare?

    I have a passing academic interest in the differences between the two playtests for DDN and Pathfinder. To anyone who participated in both, what would you say were the highs and lows for each one? What lessons can the next company to hold a high-profile RPG playtest learn from them? I'm not...
  8. wedgeski

    Pathfinder 1E Are the exploration rules in Kingmaker system-neutral?

    Hey all, I'm drawing up plans for my next D&D campaign, in which I want the PC's to be tasked with taming a wild and dangerous corner of the land in the name of the King. So, the campaign will have two modes: first, the kicking in of the doors and the slaying of the monsters, and second, a kind...
  9. wedgeski

    D&D 4E 4E DM's - what have you learned?

    To all of my fellow 4E DM's out there: what have you learned about making a good game of D&D in the years you've been running your campaign, if anything? What has 4E, specifically, added to your repertoire? What lessons has its design taught you, if any?
  10. wedgeski

    What do the D&D classes mean to you?

    Amongst all the discussions about roles, power sources, classes, etc., several contradictory versions of the different D&D classes often emerge. For example, all of the following have been said on this board over the years: "I want a non-healing cleric" "I want a Paladin without a deity" "I...
  11. wedgeski

    Conditions when all damage is negated

    Hi all, I had a situation over the weekend where my PC resisted all of the damage from an attack which also had a Poison effect. My claim that I shouldn't be poisoned because I resisted all the damage was summarily and reasonably dismissed, and I couldn't find any appropriate reference in the...
  12. wedgeski

    Morrus, an impertinent question...

    Morrus, it's been quite a while since you posted on ENW that you intended to make the site pay its own way and become profitable enough to be your day-job. This is certainly none of my business but I'm curious whether you've been able to make that transition? There's obviously been a lot of...
  13. wedgeski

    Feature Request: Clear Notifications On Visit

    Hi all. While I like in principle the idea of being informed when I've been quoted, got a PM, etc. in the "Your Notifications" link, it would be nice to be able to clear those automatically without having to actually visit my activities page, which can take a while to load during a busy period...
  14. wedgeski

    Looking for a summary of monster evolution

    Can anyone either point me towards, or otherwise fill me in on, the changes in monster design that have occured from MM1 through MV? I've seen various scraps of info float past over the years but it would be really helpful to find it in one place.
  15. wedgeski

    Tiles and floorplans... how to decorate?

    This is a question to DM's out there who use products such as WotC's Dungeon Tiles or similar things from other vendors. These accessories are absolutely great for stacking together a generic corridor, room, or outside scene, but how do you decorate these floor-plans with the things that make...
  16. wedgeski

    +1 site XP for in-message comments

    I just wanted to post to say that, now the feature has been in place for a couple of months, I find the in-message XP/comment feature to be a solid gold addition to ENW. I love the ability to poke a little joke or gesture of approval at random posts without bloating the thread with my nonsense...
  17. wedgeski

    How will Essentials integrate with the CB?

    How ill Essentials integrate with the CB? I haven't listened to the latest podcast yet, but has it been revealed how these new classes will work in the CB? Will "Essentials Fighter" appear as a new class option? That's the only practical solution I can think of save for completely replacing...
  18. wedgeski

    Evoking terrain

    Hi all. To help me evoke the proper surroundings during a game, can anyone point me at good sites which illustrate the various types of terrain one might find in different climates and locations? Those with images would, of course, be ideal.
  19. wedgeski

    Using status and/or sig as a "statement"

    Morrus/mods, can we consider politely asking users who don't agree with some of the changes happening to ENW to *not* use status or signatures to make that point? I'm thinking in particular of things like "<user> doesn't like this social networking crap" and "<user> would rather be able to edit...
  20. wedgeski

    Distant Advantage

    A quick search didn't yield anything obvious for this... so how does everyone rule this feat? Can a distant attacker actually be one of the two or more allies that are causing the target to be flanked, or must he be firing onto a target that is already considered flanked by two or more *other*...