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Search results

  1. Henry

    Burial customs (need some help)(my players GO AWAY)

    I was hoping for some creative ideas from this artesian idea well of a community ;) much thanks in advance. Situation: the PCs are all affiliated with (tightly or loosely) the Local Zhentarim faction in the Waterdeep campaign i’m running for them. One of the PCs died in their first mission. Due...
  2. Henry

    I hit a milestone the other day

    I'm 'leet, y'all! ;)
  3. Henry

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Traffic Issues

    Is it just me, or is Paizo having some latency problems this weekend? Ever since Friday, page loads have been spotty, timing out a few times. Or maybe it's due to increased Starfinder interest since Paizocon?
  4. Henry

    Pathfinder: Kingmaker Computer RPG Announced!

    Just announced today (5/17) and headed by Chris Avellone, of Fallout fame and a host of other games over the decades. Press Release: https://owlcatgames.com/ I wasn't sure if this belonged in the Pathfinder forum, or here, so if the Mods decide it belongs someplace better, or this needs to be...
  5. Henry

    D&D 5E Advice Sought - Beneficial Curse Mechanic

    Inspired by Pathfinder's Horror Adventures Curse mechanic, I find myself taunting one of my Wizard Players who has willingly delved too deeply into dark Netherese Necromancy secrets, and is progressively becoming more Lichlike as he both seeks to break the curse, and yet keeps willingly...
  6. Henry

    Random Venomous Invective in 3...2...1...

    i have determined, after consuming random media for the past year, that I am SICK TO DEATH of the increasingly popular term, "the feels." To the random faceless creators of youtube, internet, and TV content, I humbly ask... GODS IN THEIR HEAVENS, HAVE NONE OF YOU EVER HEARD OF THE TERM...
  7. Henry

    D&D 5E (CR ratings) Could 6 level 6 characters survive and beat a Young Blue Dragon?

    Looking at the Encounter rules, and using the calculator at http://dhmholley.co.uk/encounter-calculator-5th/ It says a Young Blue Dragon (or even a Young Red Dragon!) Is an "Easy" Encounter, when facing six level 6 characters by itself. I can understand, by the numbers, how they would get this...
  8. Henry

    Rodney Thompson Leaves Wizards of the Coast

    On one side -well, damn. I've always loved his work, especially back in the Star Wars saga days. On the other side, i can't wait to see where he lands - I just hope he lands well.
  9. Henry

    Charleston SC D&D 5th edition Gamers Meet & Greet

    I thought I would post this here in case any gamers in the Charleston, SC area were interested in some D&D 5e gaming -there is a local area Meetup group staging a Meet & Greet on Tuesday, May 19th just to see how much interest there is in starting one or more new 5e groups. If you are a...
  10. Henry

    D&D 5E [EN5ider] $1500.00 - Who will put them over the top?

    the project is only $15.00 away from $1500! Awesome! Who will put them over the top? Let's go, let's go! :) Speaking for myself, I've seen some fantastic content this month, including two great articles about flavor-laden book titles, and new options for Druids! I cant wait to see what's in store!
  11. Henry

    NUMENERA - The Wandering Walk (SUN 9a - 1p) FULL

    This is an introductory adventure for Tier 1 PCs. A few pre-generated characters will be provided, but you are welcome to make your own if you have access to the player guide and wish to send it to me beforehand. As an introductory adventure, it has a focus on teaching the system, including the...
  12. Henry

    D&D 5E - When a Star Falls Pt. 2 (SAT 2p - 6p) FULL

    This is the second round of this two-part adaptation of the classic UK module. You are certainly welcom to play in both, but it is not necessary to have played in the first part to enjoy the second. Rulebooks helpful, but not required; pre-gens covering both Basic and full rules will be...
  13. Henry

    D&D 5E - When a Star Falls Pt. 1 (FRI 9a - 1p) FULL

    This adventure is an adaptation of the classic UK module. Rulebooks helpful, but not required; pre-gens covering both Basic and full rules will be available, in case any players do not have access to full rules. Contains a mix of roleplay, exploration, and combat to showcase elements of the...
  14. Henry

    D&D 5E Gems and Art Objects GP Value - For the Horde! Er, Hoard!

    Looking for something, hoping I'm just missing it or it's been called out online: When finding a treasure hoard containing gems or art, is the gold piece value the sale price, or is the sale price half that? Is there a RAW in the books for this? If not, has there been a RAI by Crawford or...
  15. Henry

    It's About Time... Travel Agency

    Hi, All! I just wanted to drop a line to make anyone interested aware in a new time-travel-themed comedy podcast a couple of friends of mine are producing... http://itsabouttimetravelagency.com/ Basic Concept: What happens when a hippie and a hick get the job of a lifetime... and bumble their...
  16. Henry

    D&D 5E Raw ability checks - proficiency or not?

    Having trouble understanding one rule - if someone is called upon to make a simple ability check, do they add proficiency to this or not? I understand skill checks and saving throws (which ones have proficiency and which don't), but if someone needs a raw strength check to bend an iron bar, for...
  17. Henry

    Pathfinder 1E Dressin' my Dragon! (CryptoBiologist Needed)

    Our party has just slain an ancient white dragon! Woo-hoo! Callooh Callay! My barbarian wants the head pretty badly, as it will cement his reputation for sure so that he can found his own tribe as the studly badass he knows himself to be. The head, however is far too big to drag back to...
  18. Henry

    Pathfinder Review: Pirates of the Inner Sea

    Once again, thank you for the awesome and insightful reviews, Steel. They do not go unappreciated.
  19. Henry

    Emulating exploration without the hexcrawl

    Having a bit of a thought exercise here, looking for ways that other GMs have solved this problem before. I'm planning an adventure path right now, and parts of it involve some exploration over rather large areas. Problem is this: Our group doesn't meet very often, and we meet for a limited...
  20. Henry

    My Chihuahua is the cutest in the World!

    Or, at least I like to think so. My wife and I have entered our dog Ginger in a Pet Costume Contest at a local TV affiliate. First prize is a photo shoot for the winning pet, which my wife is giddy over. So, if you have a Facebook account, or aren't averse to registering on the site, if you...