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  1. S

    Design a tapestry

    My wife found this link on somethingawful today, and since it seems to have rather spiffy game applications, I thought I'd post it here: http://www.adgame-wonderland.de/type/bayeux.php This little toy lets you create a medieval tapestry looking tableau using images taken from the Bayeux...
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    Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, & Scorpion Bombs

    After posting a bit in that thread about giant bee honey, I got to wondering -- has anyone else read this book: Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, & Scorpion Bombs: Biological and Chemical Weapons in the Ancient World by Adrienne Mayor? After reading it, I was thinking that it was a rather spiffy...
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    ECL +0 race

    I was looking to make an ECL +0 version of the gnoll race for my campaign, and this is what I came up with. My question is: Does it seem reasonable as an ECL +0 race, and if not, what should I change about it to fix that? Racial Abilities: · +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Gnolls...
  4. S

    Myth of Sarnau

    I just finished writing this document, which is combination creation myth and historical record. Ideally, the PCs will find it in a strange temple on an uncharted island, and it'll detail some information they didn't know. Maybe they won't care, either, but we'll find that out. Anyhow...
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    Path of the Sword Schools of Combat

    Hello, Does anyone have any experience with the Schools of Combat section in FFG's Path of the Sword (Chapter 3)? One of my players was potentially interested in trying one of them out, so I thought I'd see if anyone else has used them, and ask how the experience went. For those unfamiliar...
  6. S

    Item Creation Question (wizard and cleric work together?)

    Can a wizard and a cleric (or heck, any two separate people) work together to create a magic item? For example: Can a Cleric with Craft Magic Arms and Armor work with a wizard with Craft Wondrous Item work together to create a pair of Bracers of Archery? How about a more complex item.. lets...
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    (Semi-OT) - Truly vile BoVD

    My cat just sneezed all over the two pages of the Diabolist prestige class in the Book of Vile Darkness. With the addition of cat snot, my copy is now truly vile. I just had to tell someone.
  8. S

    Scrying the Dead

    Does Scrying work on dead people? My players are looking to scry on the author of a letter.. but he's dead. From reading the PH, I'd guess that it's intended only to work on the living, but hey, figured I'd ask. Thanks
  9. S

    Half-Fey Template

    I could swear I remember seeing a half-fey template somewhere.. anyone know where I can find one? Thanks
  10. S

    Am I Unreasonable?

    I don't think this is unreasonable, mind you, but hey, can't hurt to ask: One of the PCs (a wizard) has recently acquired the services of a very unpleasant demon. To be fair, he only thinks he has, since the demon is just pretending to serve him while he prepares to turn the wizard to evil and...
  11. S

    Alternate ranger options

    First, apologies if this is the wrong forum. I know there are about five million ranger variants out there, but I can't remember where they all -are-, heh. One of my players is interested in an alternate ranger, who doesn't cast spells. The only alt.ranger I can remember is the one from Monte...
  12. S

    Thunder Twin regional requirement (FRCS)

    Now, on table 1-5, on page 33, Thunder Twin is listed as having the prerequisite of "Meet regional requirement" On page 28, it clearly states that "if you choose a home region preferred by your character class, you may select regional feats appropriate to your region." On page 38, the Thunder...