• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Devon

    Tillaminar (intelligent dirt ooze)

    Here's an intelligent ooze creature I made up n-- I ended up having quite a bit of fun with its flavor text. Any thoughts on its level adjustment? I don't have my books available for consultation. - Devon Tillaminar (Mudling, Dirtling) Small Aberration Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (hp 5) Initiative: +1...
  2. Devon

    Chorpinotu - nightmarish eel creature

    Hi, folks, I played with some templates and came up with this monstrosity -- I took the poetic license of removing its original behir heritage and replacing it with an electric eel. I kept the scales, though... does it work? - Devon Chorpinotu (Nightmarish Legendary Thessal-Behir) Gargantuan...
  3. Devon

    Tindalorian (enhanced caterwaul)

    I've been on a caterwaul kick for awhile, and I made some modified examples of the species. Heightened and Quickened are from the "Book of Templates," and Corrupted is from the "Book of Vile Darkness." - Devon Tindalorian (Heightened Quickened Corrupted Caterwaul) Medium-Size Aberration...
  4. Devon

    Medinal (Medusa-kin)

    I wanted to come up with something related to medusas without using the half-medusa template. I managed to accidentally come up with a race with some inherent dramatic tension (See Society entry below). I'm wondering if I should scale back their hit dice so they're more like a traditional...
  5. Devon

    Converting the Upright Cargo Loader from "Aliens"

    Hi, folks, I've been toying with making a steam-powered analogue of the upright cargo loader with which Ripley defeated the Alien Queen in the "Aliens" movie. The device in question functions as a mechanical exo-suit, but could also be interpreted as a vehicle. The options, as I see them...
  6. Devon

    Destructive uses for Craft skills

    Has anyone come up with a mechanism for using one's constructive Craft or Profession skills for destructive purposes? For example: a dwarven stonesmith (expert in Craft-Stoneworking) comes upon a set of iron bars set into a stonework wall. She decides to remove the bars, armed only with her...
  7. Devon

    Phytomari - starfish people

    What wharf would be complete without small, knobby, blood-sucking, star-shaped orange things selling dried fish rations and seashell necklaces? None, that's what. Now that need has been filled -- the Phytomari. - Devon Phytomari (Starfish Folk) Tiny Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) Hit Dice...
  8. Devon

    Vagabond template (redux)

    There had been a discussion awhile back re: creating a template for the Vagabond from the old AD&D Psi Handbook. I forget where we left off, but someone asked for some ideas so I figured I'd post the two template options we had created. These are not my templates per se, merely my notes from...
  9. Devon

    template - Steel Lich

    Hi, folks, I had an idea for a new approach to the lich, and came up with the template below. I still need to finetune the creation of the "Mechanical Body," but how does it look so far? - Devon Steel Lich While some spellcasters seek refuge from mortality within the shadowy folds of...
  10. Devon

    Shadowbugs (Luporapt)

    Here's another planar insectoid I riveted together using the Insectile template. - Devon LUPORAPT Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp) Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 40 ft., Climb 40 ft. AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 natural) Attacks: Bite +6 melee, 2 claws...
  11. Devon

    Greminar - mischievous grasshopper folk

    I crossed a gremlin with a grasshopper using the Insectile template from Savage Species, and look what I got! - Devon GREMINAR (Insectile Gremlin) Tiny Aberration Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp) Initiative: +10 (+ 6 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 15 ft, climb 15 ft., fly 50 ft (good) AC: 26 (+2...
  12. Devon

    poll: Star Trek race conversion

    Hi, folks, I'm trying to work out some sort of d20 Star Trek supplement. I've been perusing "Blood & Space" as well as "Traveller d20" to get a basic system, and I found a skill-and-feat d20 psionics system which would probably work better for the Trek universe. One obstacle upon which I...
  13. Devon

    Star Trek poll - allowed?

    Hi, folks, I want to poll our glorious band of monster experts, to guide my efforts to create some d20 Star Trek supplement for my own use, specifically, how to fairly handle players who want to play the super-races like Klingons and Vulcans. There are a couple of Yahoo!Groups on the web which...
  14. Devon

    new creature for review - Kylonoderm

    Hi, folks, Here's a new creature I just fabricated. I would love your feedback, when you have a moment. - Devon Kylonoderm Gargantuan Magical Beast Hit Dice: 20d10+140 (250 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 60 ft. AC: 25 (-8 size, +23 natural) Attacks: 2 stings +24, 1 claw +19 melee; or slam +24...
  15. Devon

    new undead - the porthaunt

    Hi, folks, Been feeling drowned in mundanity these days, so I projected my stresses into something which could be killed. Let me know what you think, - Devon Porthaunt Medium-sized undead (incorporeal) Hit Dice: 8d12 (52 hp) Initiative: +6 (+4 Impr Init, +2 Dex) Speed: fly 30 ft. (good) AC...
  16. Devon

    question re: Stench and other personal area-effect attacks

    I haven't discovered a Sage entry pertinent to this question, and my apologies if it has already been brought up in this forum. Some creatures have an area-effect ability, centered on themselves -- for example, the troglodyte's Stench ability. From the SRD: Should this ability be treated...
  17. Devon

    new template - soulless

    I wrote a new template -- any comments? I imagine this territory has been covered before, but I don't recall seeing it anywhere on the boards (probably covered in the BoVD). - Devon Soulless (template) This template can be applied to any corporeal creature (hereinafter referred to as the...
  18. Devon

    gone too long - have a new creature - Sloon (slugfolk)

    Hi, folks, My apologies for a prolonged absence from this forum -- many things have been afoot lately (I just got engaged). I was able to pull this critter out of my imagination, though, so while I check out everyone else's recent creations, I'd love your input on this new creature. Thank...
  19. Devon

    MMII has a chain golem!

    I found art for a Chain Golem in the artwork section of Wizards' page devoted to the Monster Manual II. I wonder how close it will be to the chain golem I created. In fact, I feel a little violated... - Devon
  20. Devon

    template: quasielement creature

    Hi, folks, I haven't statted the example critters for each of these, but I wanted to put the template out there for comment. I will add the examples as I am able. - Devon QUASIELEMENT CREATURES The different quasielemental Planes are home to creatures that are made entirely of the...