• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Aaron2

    Wacky half-baked idea: Card Based Initiative

    I've been thinking of developing a card-based initiative system similar to the one used in the old WW2 mini game Battleground WW2 with additional ideas from Bushido. Here goes: Each character has a stat called Actions. Calculate it as 2 + ((Level + Dex Mod + Wis Mod) / 5). So each character...
  2. Aaron2

    Any adventures feature a cloud giant's cloud castle?

    Talking about the old JG module Under the Storm Giant's Castle has got me thinking. Does anyone know of any other modules that feature a floating cloud castle? Preferably one that was ruled over by a good cloud giant. It would be nice if it were 3.5 and currently for sale but OOP stuff is at...
  3. Aaron2

    [military] Low intensity combat with Danger Dice (long)

    Note: I developed these rules for my WW2 game. I thought other people might be able to use them so I’m posting them. This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a. Low Intensity Combat using Danger Dice The WW2 battlefield is...
  4. Aaron2

    What would the LA be for a large human?

    I'm currently working on a race that is nothing but a human increased to large size and, thus, given +8 str, -2 dex, +4 con and +2 natural armor. They are sort of the typical Goliath race that once ruled the surface. They would lose the bonus skill points and feat but otherwise be nothing but...
  5. Aaron2

    Quick question about Harry Potter and the PoA

    This is for those who have read the books ... In the first movie, it shows that Harry has a huge vault full of gold. Why the heck doesn't Harry use the gold to leave his uncle or, at least, give some of it to his uncle so they can see that Harry's parents weren't complete bums? Aaron
  6. Aaron2

    Making world maps

    I'm trying to make world maps that I can give my players with nations colored in and various icons representing enemy bases. Anyone know a good source of map files, particularly Europe and Africa? They have to be in some sort of common format such as Word or Power Point. Aaron
  7. Aaron2

    My problem with grenades and big explosions ...

    As it is now, grenades do 4d6 point of damage with a burst radius and a Reflex save (DC 15) for 1/2 damage. This is fine for normal games, but I’m running a military game where grenades are the smallest explosive around. Here’s my problem. Once damage reaches 6d6, it kills first level...
  8. Aaron2

    A new way to do Wizard Specialization.

    I never liked D&D's way of doing specialty wizards, they seem too bland. Their bonuses is only worth they cost of a few scrolls and their penalties can be overcome (for the most part) with a few Wondrous Items. Plus, an illusionist isn't better at illusion spells that a generalist, he's just...
  9. Aaron2

    More weapon templates

    Here are some more weapon templates to add to the primative weapon templates I posted earlier. Ornate Ornate weapons are inlaid with jewels and use the most expensive materials, such as ivory, for their hilts. Exposed metal surfaces often have detailed etchings or inlays. This is all done...
  10. Aaron2

    Weapon made of primative materials (long)

    I don't like the rules in A&EG for bronze and stone weapons. It's silly that a bronze sword is less effective than a club. So, based on my extensive knowledge of history [this is your cue to laugh] I wrote my own. This is phase one of my bigger list of more general weapon templates. Let me know...
  11. Aaron2

    Does resizing bows affect range?

    When you change the size of a bow (or any other range weapon), does the range increment change? I can't find any rules about it. Aaron
  12. Aaron2

    [RL History] Why is the longbow better than the shortbow?

    In D&D (and every other game I've seen), longbows do more damage than shortbows. Yet, I'm wondering if this is accurate and, if so, why. For example, does a longbow with an 80 lb. pull impart more energy to the arrow than a composite shortbow with the same 80 lb. pull? They are firing the same...
  13. Aaron2

    Bastard Sword, Mighty Bows et al.

    In each case I will state the premise behind by suggested rules changes. Bastard Swords – I want to create a new category of weapons these bastards. 1-As with Weapon Finesse, granting one exotic hand-and-a-half weapon isn’t much different, from a balance perspective, than granting them all...
  14. Aaron2

    Making Spells more flexible (was Spell Variables)

    Monte’s Heightened and Diminished spell effects from AU were a good idea, but I wish he had taken the idea to its logical conclusion. Why limit the effect to only +/- 1 level? So, I decided to see if a wide open system would work. The purpose of these rules is two-fold. First, I want to increase...
  15. Aaron2

    [3.5] Focus on Minis. How so?

    Monte says: "The game has an even stronger focus on miniatures." I see this alot and hear people complain alot but I'm not sure exactly what has changed. Is all that's being discussed the occasional use of "squares" instead of feet? That's the only actual fact I've heard. Plus I know that the...
  16. Aaron2

    Spiritwalker - Skill, power, or spell

    I'm working on a class called Spiritwalker that resembles the Shamen from Runequest. The schtick of this class is that he is able to go into a meditative trance and project his soul out of his body to roam around and do things (as an ethereal creature). While he can travel around scout like, he...
  17. Aaron2

    Flying Silently

    If there a bonus to move silently if you are flying (such as through an Alter Self)? I noticed that natural flyers (such as Beholders) don't have a Move Silently skill listed. Aaron
  18. Aaron2

    Is Ghostwalk any good?

    Well, my piggy bank is full. I was saving up for the 3.5 books which, I though, were coming out this week (tomorrow in fact). Seems I was wrong about that. Anyway, I've got some money to spend and was looking at Ghostwalk. I haven't read any reviews nor have I heard much buzz about it. Is this...
  19. Aaron2

    Any Hackmaster's Honor system conversions?

    I know Hackmaster has a fairly gamey Honor system. I was wondering if anyone has seen a d20 conversion of it? Or any other, similar system? Aaron
  20. Aaron2

    Easier Counterspelling

    I like counterspelling; two wizards locked in a battle of wills. Just like in Big Trouble in Little China! However, in D&D counterspelling is not very usefull. First you need either the exact same spell or Dispell Magic and then you need to make a Spellcraft check or else you've wasted your...