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Search results

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    Mythras/Runequest - how good at pulp heroic fantasy swords-and-sorcery?

    I recently came across Mythras – and by extension, Runequest. I’m very intrigued by the character creation, character stats/skills, and especially combat. The consensus on Mythras seems to be that’s it’s very customizable. I’ve also seen Mythras and Runequest cited as good systems for...
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    OD&D A question for players of both OSR & Modern FRPGs

    I’m an avid Pathfinder 2 game master, recently converted from PF1. It’s facilitated some of the most exciting and dynamic scenarios in my 35+ years of gaming. However, I’m almost exclusively on the GM-side of the screen and, silly as it may sound, playing the Pathfinder Kingmaker CRPG...
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    Pazio, thanks again for another great game! May I have another piece of crow pie?

    I started gaming with Star Frontiers and science fiction gaming has always been my true gaming love despite most of the time being spent – unsurprisingly – on fantasy. The fantasy genre has done much over the decades to close the gap to where the affection gap between them is pretty narrow but...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 5e: Is it really lower magic/less gonzo than 3e?

    This thread is strictly meant as an attempt to increase my knowledge of 5e. I am only seeking educational/informational content regarding 5e in actual play across the higher levels of play. After stating that PF2’s Legendary skill feat abilities were too over-the-top for my games on the Paizo...
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    D&D 5E Tell me about your Adventures in Middle-Earth experiences, please

    As per the title. My impression of 5e is that for all efforts to flatten the math and other changes, it's just as over-saturated with magic as ever. In some cases, it seems to be moreso with things like bards being 9th-level casters and a magic-infused option for almost every class. If my...
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    New GM: Dragon/Fantasy AGE or Shadow of the Demon Lord?

    I'm looking for some pros/cons based on actual play experiences. I run multiple Pathfinder campaigns for my kids and their friends and generally, I’m very content being the GM. Occasionally, however, I get the itch to be on the other side of the screen. My oldest son is interested in running...
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    My Science-Fiction RPG 2014/2015 Appreciation Thread

    This was a voyage of a RPG Gamemaster, whose imagination was ignited almost 30 years ago by the promise of exploring new worlds, of encountering strange aliens, and by the promise of adventure in the vastness of space by a collection of artifacts bearing the name “Star Frontiers”. His initial...
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    Last Parsec Kickstarter

    Hey, Savage World fans! The Kickstarter for The Last Parsec is underway and funded in an hour! If you're looking for more fast, furious, fun science fiction goodness, check it out. (I'm sure some might have missed it with the unending onslaught of 5e links on the front page...)
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    Science Fiction Companion - Colony-based Campaign

    While most of my RPG-experience has been centered around fantasy RPGs, my love of science fiction predates my love of the fantasy genre and while basic D&D was my first RPG purchase, it was Star Frontiers that forever hooked me on tabletop role-playing games. With my discovery of Savage Worlds...
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    Tell me about your Savage World Fantasy Campaign experiences

    I purchased Savage Worlds a few months ago primarily out of a desire to have a good RPG for running sci-fi games and have been very impressed with the game and its ability to balance character detail with speed-of-play. One of the things that really impressed me, however, is its “flexible, but...
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    SAVAGE WORLDS – Exactly as advertised!

    SAVAGE WORLDS – Exactly as advertised! 2013 turned out to be a banner year for me on the RPG front. In addition to gaming more frequently, my oldest son and I expanded his Pathfinder circle of friends into a second “Kids-campaign” and Paizo’s crunch broke new ground with things like Ultimate...
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    Pathfinder 1E Tell Me of Your Midgard Campaigns!

    So the Midgard Campaign Setting by Kobold Press has been catching my eye of late. For those runnings games set in that world, please tell me about your campaigns! What kind of PCs do your players run, what kind of stories have you told, & what pleasantly surprised you and what rubbed you...
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    Passing the Torch – 2012 Summary

    Passing the Torch – 2012 Summary We often see the doomsayers predicting the imminent demise of the RPG hobby, and given the gray at my temples, I can certainly say that I’m part of the aging RPG community. Graceful aging, I assure you, but aging nonetheless. However, two years ago, I...
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    Superhero/Sci-Fi Adventures vs. Fantasy

    Hi, all. The vast majority of my time as a RPG GM has been spent running various FRPGs. I’ve utilized various adventure formats over the years, from sandbox to plot-on-rails, but my most successful adventures and campaigns have followed the format of specific NPCs & monsters for setting the...
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    Passing the Torch, Part 2: Skyrim's Impact, the Shiny, and the importance of NOW

    A couple of years ago, I posted about my successful endeavors to introduce my kids (Ages 5 & 10 at the time) to table-top RPGs. That first step was a rousing success, resulting in multiple ongoing Pathfinder campaigns and a toe in the water with the beginnings of a Mutants & Masterminds 3e...
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    Corporate Stupidity: Exhibit A - DC Comics

    Note: This is not a commentary about gay characters in comic books. I have zero problem if a character is created & written as a gay character. This is a commentary about retcons, cheap publicity stunts, and corporate stupidity. So Alan Scott, the original non-Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern...
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    Why the love for the Edition Treadmill?

    So 5e is on the way. WotC is looking to avoid the mistakes of 4e. They've got a good team. They've got the brand. However, they've got a huge target to hit and 4e will have the briefest lifespan in the brand's history amongst a fractured fan base. And we already see the love for the Edition...
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    Mongoose Traveller - how is it?

    So it's been a veeery long time since I've run or played in a Traveller game. I see that Mongoose is going to be releasing a new version of the 2300 AD setting and Reign of Discordia, another fave of mine, has a Traveller version as well. If anyone cares to sing the praises or ID the blemishes...
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    Dragon Age RPG - Mechanics supporting DA themes

    I'm a fan of the video game series but don't know that much about the Dragon Age RPG. The Midgard Bestiary/AGE support write-up on the front page references a "darker role-playing experience" embraced by fans of the RPG. For those familiar with the RPG, just how does the DA RPG capture that...
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    Sci-Fi for RPGers

    Yep, I have that sci-fi itch that I'm looking to scratch yet again. I've asked before, to limited success, but it's another year, so here goes... Ever notice how there’s ton of visual media for the sci-fi genre that scratches your average RPGer’s itch? Ever notice how few novels/series do so...