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Search results

  1. Arkhandus

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Jade Regent Adventure Path (online, OpenRPG, Sundays)

    Jade Regent "When a decades-old secret is exposed, an unassuming local tavern-owner and a close friend of the PCs discovers her birthright is to rule one of the ancient Dragon Empires of Tian Xia: the empire of Minkai. Yet the current ruler of this empire, the mysterious and increasingly cruel...
  2. Arkhandus

    3E D&D campaign: Rhunaria: Defenders of Delacroix (online, OpenRPG, Fridays/Saturdsys)

    Hello folks, this will be the new recruiting and notification thread for my current 3.0 D&D campaign, Defenders of Delacroix, using my custom setting of Rhunaria. It's technically the third campaign I've run in that setting, and I continue to (sporadically) add new information and material for...
  3. Arkhandus

    Star Wars Saga Edition: Light and Shadows (online, OpenRPG, Sundays)

    Hello folks, this'll be the information, discussion, notes, and recruiting thread for my Sunday evening Star Wars Saga Edition campaign, Light and Shadows. It runs on the OpenRPG virtual tabletop program each week from roughly 6 to 10 pm Pacific time, generally using the Unshaped server. If...
  4. Arkhandus

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Weird Frontiers (online, OpenRPG, Wednesdays)

    Hey folks. This'll be the new recruiting, information, discussion, and notice-posting thread for my online Pathfinder campaign, Weird Frontiers. Currently running on Wednesdays from 5 to 9 or 10 pm Pacific, on the Unshaped server. Our group is mostly full, but a few people have come and gone...
  5. Arkhandus

    X-Men Destiny disappointment

    Ugh, what a ripoff. I pre-ordered the game and can't believe I paid 60 bucks for this thing. I finished my first play-through in about 8-10 hours, over the course of Tuesday night and Wednesday night (was busy during the day). Sure I could replay it on the other two difficulty settings, but...
  6. Arkhandus


    What are these "Achievement" doohickeys appearing just above our XP ranks? How are they acquired? I get that Posting Professional, Master Poster, and Posting God seem to be based on post-count, but......? Just curious. And still wondering how long Imma be a Cutpurse. Still can't seem to...
  7. Arkhandus

    Pathfinder 1E RECRUITING, Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed., Thurs., or Fri., OpenRPG)

    (Edit: Recruiting is closed, found enough players on the OpenRPG forums and such. Information in this thread is out of date, but I may re-open recruitment later if anyone drops out.) Hey there, folks! I'm considering starting up a Pathfinder campaign on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays over...
  8. Arkhandus

    D&D 3.5 on OpenRPG, Sundays, need more players!

    Hey folks, I'm looking to recruit a few more players for my ongoing Sunday campaigns of 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons! I run two of these games: Ark's Oerth Adventures runs from 10 am Pacific/6 pm GMT until 2 or 3 pm Pacific/10 or 11 pm GMT (I started it initially for players in Europe and...
  9. Arkhandus

    OpenRPG 3.5 D&D - Recruiting for Sunday campaign

    I'm opening recruitment for 1 or 2 new players in my weekly Sunday campaign of 3.5 D&D, run over OpenRPG (free virtual tabletop software). We play each Sunday from around 6 pm Pacific Time until around 10 pm Pacific. Game runs on the OpenRPG Dev II public server, in the room T13K Fall of the...
  10. Arkhandus

    Mittlerer Geist (Chameleon PrC for T13K)

    Kaiser Brandeis Holfdem of Mittendein founded the Mittlerer Geists in 20 AK to investigate any connections between his late father's treacherous advisor and other countries or other possible spies. The Mittlerer Geists are a small, scattered network of loyal spies, spyhunters, and secret...
  11. Arkhandus

    NOTICE: Ark's temporary absence

    Hey folks. Apologies to those whose games I'm in right now or whom I'm running games for at the moment, but I unexpectedly lost my internet connection on Tuesday morning and this is my first chance since then to give notice, using a relative's computer. I'm still having problems getting my...
  12. Arkhandus

    The First (IC) (d20/3.x D&D)

    You are the First Generation to walk the new world. It is the dawn of time for this plane, the dawn of the 8th day of your lives, and mere weeks or months since simple plants and animals were first placed on this world. The gods of the new world have placed you here, though many of you aren't...
  13. Arkhandus

    (3.X D&D/d20) Recruiting: The First (Now OOC)

    (Edit: Recruiting is now more or less closed, but I may accept one more player. The IC thread has opened and this is now the OOC thread.) Okay, so, in between all the massive preparations I've had to do for my planned and not yet ready play-by-post campaigns, I got this idea that I wanna run...
  14. Arkhandus

    A Hard Time in Harrowdale: The Cavernous Cellar Caper

    (Continuing from IC: A Hard Time in Harrowdale.) The Story So Far, In Brief: Evanar, Storn, Abrielle, Selua, Abde'ragman, and Fayne have been in Harrowdale Town, port and capitol of rural Harrowdale in the Dalelands of central-northern Faerûn, for a little over a week now. They first met...
  15. Arkhandus

    Need 2-3 more players, D&D 3.5, Sundays, OpenRPG

    I'm recruiting some new players for my T13K (The 13 Kingdoms, a 3.x D&D setting available online) campaign that runs on OpenRPG (the freeware virtual tabletop program), each Sunday from 6 or 6:30 pm Pacific until 9 or 10 pm Pacific (we occasionally end early or go on an hour longer, but only...
  16. Arkhandus

    A Hard Time in Harrowdale - Rogues' Gallery

    Alright, here's the Rogues' Gallery for PCs and NPCs in my FR 3.5 PbP "A Hard Time in Harrowdale." Re-post your characters here if you like for easier finding/updating later. I'll post Storn here myself since Walking Dad dropped out so late that I need to NPC him through the rest of the adventure.
  17. Arkhandus

    Do Animal Companion Bonus HD Increase Size? Should They?

    It just came up in one of my games, but, does anyone know what the official word is on this? Stuff from the Sage or the FAQ or something? And I haven't tried comparing low-level animal companions to higher-level ones with the low-level ones increased in size, but......has anyone done that to...
  18. Arkhandus

    Recruiting for a 3.5 D&D campaign on OpenRPG

    Hello folks. I'm currently the DM of For More Than Glory, a long-running D&D campaign set in The 13 Kingdoms (a Living Greyhawk-style setting hosted on EN World). I'm looking for 2 or 3 new players to join the campaign, which runs each Monday night on the OpenRPG freeware virtual tabletop...
  19. Arkhandus

    (IC) A Hard Time in Harrowdale

    Harrowdale Town is a large town in the Dalelands of mid-northern Faerûn, lying along an arm of the Sea of Fallen Stars. While the Sea flanks Harrowdale Town to the east, a small plain flanks it to the west, the supposedly-haunted Cold Fields lie to its southwest, and the somewhat...
  20. Arkhandus

    Looking to join or start a game of/with...

    ......either Shadowrun 3e, Chronicles of Ramlar, Star Wars Saga, Arcana Unearthed/Evolved, Player's Handbook II or Book of Nine Swords, ENP's Wild Spellcraft or Secrets of Theurgy, GR's Advanced Player's Manual, Oriental Adventures or Rokugan d20, EverQuest d20, Mutants & Masterminds 2e, DSP's...