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Search results

  1. Eben

    D&D links

    When I'm logged in and I want to go the D&D links section, I get: Eben, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access...
  2. Eben

    printing woes

    I'm trying to print out your spell card demo, but I can't get both sides of the page to overlap nicely. Which is a major bummer as you can understand. I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that the paper size we use in Europe (A4) differs from the size you've optimized your product...
  3. Eben

    castle ravenloft ... again?

    Simple question: if you have played the original module (and years of Ravenlof after that), how enjoyable will this new edition be? Peter
  4. Eben

    playing without divine magic

    A few days ago I placed a rough plot idea in this forum to find out if folks over here thought it would work. http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=3107168#post3107168 Some of the feedback started me thinking about the consequenses for divine magic. Would D&D work without it? Healing would...
  5. Eben

    please poke holes in my idea

    I'm working on a meta-plot idea and I want to check if it can stand up to scrutiny. Here goes: Magic only works in a geograhical limited area of the world. The reason is that certain structures tap into the otherworldly magical energies and emmit them over limited radius. It is possible that...
  6. Eben

    iron heroes vs. book of iron might

    How do these two products compare. Is IH an expanden book of iron might? Will boim give me the combat focus that IH has in "ordinary" D&D"? Or are they just two completely different animals? Peter
  7. Eben

    using the planes

    I want to set up a campaign with a strong focus on the planes. Mainly because it's something we've never done before and because I'm a bit of a Moorcock fan. So most likely, I'll be going for an extraplanar threath to the world (excuse me: prime material plane). I have a few ideas floating...
  8. Eben

    looking for: suitable dungeon

    There's this (supposedly uninhabited) smallish islands that the PC's are asked to explore with the intent of colonisation. There will be some wilderness encounters and an opposing party of adventurers/explorers (who are part of the overarching plot) to play with on the island. And I also want a...
  9. Eben

    non-interventionist gods (in a D&D world)

    Could a D&D world have non-interventionist gods? Or does the whole divine magic system presuppose hands-on types of gods? Is the granting of spells and powers something a god chooses to do or could you say that it's something he or she has no control over? If the gods of a D&D setting chose...
  10. Eben

    looking for: intrigue at court

    Hi all. Been away from these boards for quite some time. I'm working on a campaign that will be kicking off with a diplomatic conference. The setting is an isolated federation of states, in a personal union under a king. The players will be junior representatives (a sort of "promising youth"...
  11. Eben

    reading on a pda

    Can you comfortably read documents on a pda? In other words: if I download an e-book, put it on pda, will I be able to sit back and read it in the train, bed (better not take it in the bathtub), ... just like I usally read an ordinary book? If not, are there other solutions other than printing...
  12. Eben

    How do you use pdf's

    With all the buzz on drivethru and DRM (still not sure what this exactly is), I wondered how people use their pdf's. I think it's great pdf is a means of getting oop products. But how do you use them around the gaming table? Without having to print them out obviously. Do you use them on a...
  13. Eben

    duration: concentration

    Hi, What actions can a spellcaster take while concentrating to maintain a spell? Do I understand it correct that you can only take move or move-equivalent actions? (i.e.: no attacks or other spells?) Or am I overlooking something? Thanks, Peter
  14. Eben


    Hi all, When an attacker tries to disarm you, he draws an AoO. I guess only the defender can make an AoO? If he fails, the defender may attempt to disarm him. Does this again draw an AoO and if so, who can make an AoO against the defender. My guess would be no because it's not really an action...
  15. Eben

    archer vs. melee, 3.5 and all that

    I don't consider myself experienced or anything (10 years rpg and wargaming, DM'ed and played4 or 5 different systems), so forgive me if I talk rubbish. Why does this need a fix? We've been playing D&D for about 2 years now and while I can understand some of the problems WotC wants to fix with...
  16. Eben

    D&D review: 1974

    A review of the dungeons and dragons from 1974. You really should read this. :) http://www-personal.umich.edu/%7Ebeattie/timeline/1972-1979/dd.gif
  17. Eben

    Creating an archer PC

    Hi, Has anyone ever created an archer? What were you're experiences with such a character in D&D? Did you manage to make him as powerfull as his "ordinary" fighter with a longsword?
  18. Eben

    Dragon in Europe?

    Hi, Are there fellow Europeans that subscribe to Dragon? Or do you all just buy them in game stores. A decent game store seems hard to come by in these parts of the Old World, so I was thinking about a subscription, but the postage cost seems rather steep(its more than the subscription itself!)...
  19. Eben

    (Slaine) The Invulnerable King?

    Hi, being a bit of a fan an looking for something different, yet still fantasy and after having read ther roaring reviews, I've just bought the main rulebook. But I was wondering about the scenario/campaign. Has anyone seen and read through it yet? Thanks.
  20. Eben

    How does Web work?

    Hi, last friday's session we came up with a question as to how the web spell works. Whe you succeed your initial save, you have to make strenght checks to move through the web. The spell says you can move 5 ft for every full 5 points by which the check exceeds 10. As I understand it you have to...