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Search results

  1. Drew

    PDF Printing Website

    Ages ago (three years, maybe?) someone on ENWorld told me about a website where you could upload a PDF and, for a fee, they'd print it out comb-bound and mail it to your address. Does anyone know what the website was?
  2. Drew

    FLGS in San Antonio, TX

    The army has brought me to San Antonio for the next 1-3 years. Can anyone recommend a quality gaming store? By the way, glad to be back on ENWorld after basic training and my AIT. :)
  3. Drew

    Gaming in the Military - Your Experiences?

    Just like the topic says, how prevalent are RPGs in the military?
  4. Drew

    What Knowledge Covers Werewolves?

    Ok, werewolves (and other lycanthropes) are humanoids or giants. PCs making a Knowledge check to know how to overcome their DR would make a check using Local if the creature is a humanoid, and Nature if it is a giant. Am I correct? Does this strike anybody as kind of goofy? Lycanthropy is a...
  5. Drew

    Hide and Move Silently in Actual Play

    I've been thinking about Hide and Move Silently in actual game use, and I wanted to compare experiences and see how others actually do things. I'm looking to justify the existence of these as separate skills, rather than combining them into a Stealth skill opposed by a Notice skill. I'm looking...
  6. Drew

    What to Run

    For a number of real life reasons, my gaming has dried up lately. People have moved away, I've changed jobs...honestly, if I don't get some dice rolling soon I'm going to succumb to madness. My solution is to salvage what I can of my local players and start anew. I've always been the kind of DM...
  7. Drew

    Should Ravenloft be a Low Magic Setting?

    D&D assumes a certain amount of magical treasure, which increases with character level. Do you think the assumed wealth level is appropriate for a Ravenloft campaign? In other words, do you think that a proliferation of magic items dulls the "gothic horror" feel of Ravenloft? If so, why? And...
  8. Drew

    Homebrew Language Help (French)

    Hey there. I'm working on a modern campaign setting and I need help with a few names in French. Anyone with a knowledge of the language that can lend a hand, I'd appreciate it. First off is a mega-security prison. Something flavorful like "The House of Stone" or something. Next is a book of...
  9. Drew

    Requesting Stormreach Info

    My Eberron campaign is just about to reach Xen'Drik, and I find the information on Stormreach to be lacking. I understand the only Stormreach writeup is found in the adventure Grasp of the Emerald Claw. Would someone be so kind as to let me know the basic city statblock and perhaps a rough...
  10. Drew

    The Da Vinci Cod (And Needless Plot Complications)

    No, not The Da Vinci Code, but the parody of that book by Adam Roberts called The Da Vinci Cod. We receive a lot of strange things to be given away as prizes at the radio station where I work. We recently were shipped five copies of this book, and I've been leafing through it. I give it a mixed...
  11. Drew

    Searching For Online Workout Information

    First, a little background: I've recently decided to become more physically active. I've been studying a form of karate for about a year and three months, and now I'm looking to add a weightlifting / workout routine. The thing is, I don't really know thing one about lifting weights. I have...
  12. Drew

    I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

    I stolled into my PayPal account and found, to my surprise, I have $1 in there. What in the blue heck can I do with $1 PayPal? Granted, I could transfer it into my banking account but, a 5-8 day waiting period to put $1 in checking...meh. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions? Any great $1 products...
  13. Drew

    Change the Title of the Off Topic Forum

    August is over, kiddlets. I propose "I like all of the iconics 'cept Ember."
  14. Drew

    Dungeon Bash

    I recently reviewed the Other Game Company's Dungeon Bash rules, which are basically a well constructed set of random dungeon generation rules with some slight modifications to the D&D base rules. As you can read in my review, I really liked these rules. I made a point to play the game a few...
  15. Drew

    D&D Downloads worth burning to CD

    I'm currently working on putting all the various PDFs and useful files I've collected over the years onto a CD-ROM. 700 MB is a LOT of space, and I'd like to fill it up as best I can. Please give me your suggestions as to cool, must have stuff I should burn to my CD. Examples include favorite...
  16. Drew

    Sundering Too Easy

    Please feel free to point me to threads where this has already been dicussed. Does it seem to anyone else that sundering is far too easy? With an adamantine weapon (ignores hardness less than 20), and Improved Sunder, all I have to do is beat my opponent's attack roll once to have a very solid...
  17. Drew

    Character Class Self Hatred

    Like a lot of you, I'm constantly tinkering with the rules of D&D. I don't usually implement all of these changes, but it seems that I'm always tweaking. I try to bounce these ideas off my players, and I've noticed a strange trend: player's seem to feel that whatever class they're playing is...
  18. Drew

    Is Your Setting Pretty Much Earth?

    In other words, is it an earth-sized sphere orbiting a sol-like star? Generally speaking, do the rules of physics of the real world apply to your fantasy world? If so, why? How do you feel about flat worlds? Worlds where the sky is actually a demi-plane hung with crystaline lanterns. Worlds...
  19. Drew

    Help me name my overgod

    My homebrew world's cosmology includes a now dead creator deity. He/It passed his own lifeforce into the world, giving life to all things. I have been refering to him as "The Creator," but that's getting tiresome. I need help coming up with a name! I'd prefer the name to sound exotic: like a...
  20. Drew

    What should I buy for my birthday?

    May 1st was my birthday. (You say its your birthday...dunna dunna dunna duh da...It's my birthday too). My mom gave me $50 and told me to "spend it foolishly." I have no idea what to get? Any suggestions? I'm not going to give you a bunch of background on me...I'm a gamer with $50. I have a lot...