• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    Battlemap Altitude Columns

    I remember seeing a product offered a few years ago that I'm trying to find again. Someone had produced some clear plastic towers of some kind that had little marks at regular intervals and a plastic ring around the outside that could be moved to these marks to measure altitude. The idea was...
  2. M

    Looking for Counters

    I'm looking for counters -- for terrain. I've seen plenty of counters you can print for characters and monsters, but I'm wondering if anyone has produced counters for terrain. I'd like to be able to plop down counters for things like tents, chests, tables, wagons, etc. Is there anything like...
  3. M

    Arabian Themed Art and Maps

    I'm putting together an adventure that's set in a vaguely Arabian/middle eastern setting and I'd like to have some NPC portraits and some city maps to go with it. Can anyone point me to some good resources for this? Free is great, but I'm willing to buy something if its really useful. I...
  4. M

    Shipwreck/Island adventures

    I'm looking for an adventures that involve a shipwreck, preferably on an island or in some other remote location. I'd like something written for low level characters (1st-3rd) and preferably for 3e or earlier (never converted to 4e). I found one in the Savage Tide adventure path that I liked...
  5. M

    How does sending work?

    This came up during our game today. Specifically, is the communication mental or verbal? If you are the target of a sending, do you "hear" the message in your head? Do you actually hear it? Does it appear in big flaming letters in front of you? Do you get to see an image of the sender...
  6. M

    Looking for Miniatures

    It's been a long time since I bought any miniatures. Who are the major miniature manufacturers these days (besides Reaper and Games Workshop, that is)? Is anyone making pre-painted minis that you don't have to buy in randomized packs? Thanks!
  7. M

    Horse Miniatures

    I was just looking through the Reaper site and I couldn't find any minis for horses. I found various familiars, but no mounts (though I may be missing something). Is there anyone making such figures anymore? Thanks!
  8. M

    Miniature Sets

    I remember seeing some miniatures sets a long time ago (10+ years). What made these sets different is that the set was a standing "PC" figure, a mount and a version of the standing figure that was sculpted to sit in the saddle of the mount. Basically, this let you have a set for your PC that...
  9. M

    Describing a Culture

    I've been working on and off on a new homebrew setting and I'm trying to compile a standard set of headings to use to describe the different cultures. I'm not going for an in-depth description (which is my usual problem) but rather a reasonably short overview. An example of such a list might...
  10. M

    Looking for Lower Level Modules

    I suppose the title says it all. I'm looking for some good lower level modules. The situation is this. I'm playing in a group that has just finished Sunless Citadel. We didn't care for it. The DM was great, but the module seemed to leave a lot to be desired. The mission seemed to be...
  11. M

    New Thread Marking

    I'm curious if there are any settings I can use to change how this site determines what threads are new and which ones aren't? I know that after a certain period of inactivity the site marks everything I didn't read as read and the next time I visit only threads with messages newer than that...
  12. M

    Ok, that was wierd...

    I was just sitting here browsing this forum when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered it anyway. An obviously prerecorded voice announced "All <meaningless acronym> team members report to building <meaningless number> at 10 hundred hours local." It repeated this a...
  13. M

    Adjusted Half-Giant

    I've got a player who wants to play a half-giant in an upcoming campaign. We're not using psionics in this game, so he'd like to adjust the race as follows: Change the favored class from 'Psychic Warrior" to "Fighter" Remove the "Stomp" ability. Remove the Bonus Power Points Remove the Fire...
  14. M

    Druidic Bard and Prestige Druids?

    The celts had three "grades" of druids: Bards, Ovates and Druids. You didn't start out as a druid, you had to go through years of training and work your way up through the grades to become a druid. I'd like to emulate this sort of progression in my new campaign setting. This presents certain...
  15. M

    Non Server Based CMS?

    Does anyone know of a CMS for websites that isn't based on the server? I know you can get some that run on the server and generate pages from a database but those require that your hosting service have the ability to run databases and other software. I get more than enough webspace for my...
  16. M

    Dark Ages era Fiction?

    I'm looking for fiction set during the Dark Ages, Early Medieval or whatever the period between the fall of Rome and the 2nd millenium is called these days. I've read a number of adaptations of the Arthurian Legend (Mary Stewart, Bernard Cornwell, Jack Whyte, etc) and I'm a bit burned out on...
  17. M

    Request: Knight/King (Arthur?) Image

    I'm looking for a very specific picture. We've probably all seen the old US Army recruiting poster with Uncle Sam pointing at the viewer and the caption "I want YOU for the US Army!" below it. For my next campaign, I'd like to recruit players using a similar poster but featuring a...
  18. M

    Art Requests?

    Didn't there used to be a thread where one could post requests for artwork to see if someone was interested in doing it? If so, where would I find it? Thanks.
  19. M

    R&R: Excalibur, Olympus and ???

    So, there are two Relics and Rituals "genre" books now, one for Arthurian games and one for Ancient Greece. Is there any information what other books they might have planned in this line and when they might be released? Thanks.
  20. M

    Alternate Magic Rules

    I'm looking for alternate magic rules for an upcoming campaign. I'd like to set up a setting where magic simply isn't as strong as normal. The problem is that most of the alternate systems I've seen, such as those in Unearthed Arcana, seem to boost the power of casters rather than reducing it...